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Lo-Fi Radio
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Lo-Fi Radio
Listen to your favorite lo-fi music with video backgrounds
# Music Video
Featured on : Jul 13. 2023
Featured on : Jul 13. 2023
What is Lo-Fi Radio?
Listen to your favorite lo-fi music for work, study, or relaxing. Choose between 15+ songs and 6 backgrounds, take notes, and see how many people are listening with you!
Users often have difficulty finding an ambient music solution that allows for personalization and social connection, with the lack of interactive and customizable features in existing platforms.
A web platform where users can listen to their favorite lo-fi music with customizable video backgrounds, select from 15+ songs and 6 backgrounds, take notes, and see the listeners count in real-time.
This product is ideal for students, remote workers, and anyone seeking to enhance their focus, relaxation, or study time with a personalized music experience.
Unique Features
The ability to customize listening experiences with different video backgrounds, combined with social features like seeing the live count of listeners, sets this platform apart.
User Comments
Users love the easy-to-use interface.
The selection of music and backgrounds is appreciated.
Taking notes within the platform is a unique and useful feature.
Seeing how many people are listening adds a sense of community.
Some users wish for more songs and backgrounds to choose from.
Since launch, the platform featured on Product Hunt, indicating initial interest. Specific metrics like user counts or MRR weren't provided.
Market Size
The global music streaming market was valued at $20.9 billion in 2021, with expectations for growth as more users seek personalized and ambient music solutions.