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Connect3 Listen
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Connect3 Listen
Explore, listen to and interact with your favorite NFT music
# NFTs
Featured on : Aug 20. 2023
Featured on : Aug 20. 2023
What is Connect3 Listen?
Connect3 Listen is an NFT music streaming service that merges the world of NFTs with immersive audio experiences. Discover unlimited tracks across genres, listen to your favorite music, and interact with artists through their artwork with Connect3 Listen.
Users looking for unique and immersive audio experiences often struggle with traditional music platforms due to limited interaction with artists and a lack of ownership of the content. Traditional platforms also fail to provide a tangible connection to the music, leaving fans seeking more meaningful ways to support and interact with artists. limited interaction with artists, lack of ownership of content
Connect3 Listen is an NFT music streaming service that allows users to explore, listen to, and interact with their favorite music in the NFT format. This platform merges the world of NFTs with audio experiences, enabling discovery of unlimited tracks across genres. Users can also engage with artists through their artwork. explore, listen to, and interact with NFT music, engage with artists through their artwork
NFT enthusiasts, music lovers, and collectors interested in unique audio experiences and seeking direct interaction with artists.
Unique Features
The integration of NFT technology with music streaming allows users to own unique copies of music tracks and interact directly with the artists, offering a more immersive and meaningful music experience.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global online music streaming market is projected to reach $46.9 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.8% from 2020 to 2027. NFT and blockchain integration in the music industry represent a growing sector within this market.