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Next-gen gamified NFTFi and SocialFi platform
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Traditional NFT trading platforms have high cost barriers and slow sales processes, hindering the growth of the NFT community and limiting access for potential traders.
eesee is a platform that integrates gamification and social finance into NFT trading, offering NFTs at lower cost barriers, accelerating sales, and fostering community growth.
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts, NFT traders, and individuals interested in joining the NFT community but previously deterred by high costs and complexity.
Unique Features
The unique features of eesee include gamification elements in NFT trading, integration of social finance to enhance community engagement, and lowering cost barriers for accessing high-value NFTs like CryptoPunks.
User Comments
Due to the provided links not working, direct user comments are unavailable. However, based on the concept, users might appreciate lower entry costs, innovative trading mechanisms, and the community-building features.
Can't provide specific traction details due to inaccessible links. Potential metrics to track would include the number of active users, volume of trades executed, and community engagement metrics.
Market Size
The global NFT market size was valued at $41 billion in 2021 and expected to grow with increasing interest in digital assets.


Free save & mint favorite tweets
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Users struggle to preserve their tweets over a long duration and lack opportunities to monetize their Twitter content, leading to potential loss of valuable social media content and missed revenue opportunities.
Tweetbank is a platform that allows users to forever save their favorite tweets and mint them into NFTs for free, offering an innovative way to preserve social media content and explore Twitter monetization opportunities.
Active Twitter users, digital artists, social media influencers, and NFT enthusiasts seeking to preserve and monetize their Twitter content.
Unique Features
The unique features of Tweetbank include the ability to save tweets indefinitely and the option to mint saved tweets into NFTs for free, aligning with the growing interest in digital collectibles and offering a new channel for Twitter content monetization.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of use for saving tweets
The option to mint tweets into NFTs for free is highly valued
Tweetbank is praised for its innovative approach to Twitter monetization
Some users express excitement about the potential market for tweet-based NFTs
Concerns about the long-term value and marketability of tweet-based NFTs are occasionally mentioned
Due to limited access to real-time product traction data, specifics such as the number of users, monthly recurring revenue, or recent feature launches for Tweetbank are not available. However, the Product Hunt introduction and online presence suggest growing interest and potential early adoption.
Market Size
The market for NFTs saw a significant spike, with sales volume hitting $25 billion in 2021, suggesting a substantial potential market for tweet-based NFTs and related Twitter monetization tools.


Frame your NFTs and collections in augmented reality
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NFT traders and creators struggle to display and visualize their digital assets in a more tangible and immersive way. The traditional methods lack the interactivity and engagement that augmented reality can provide.
Holoframe is a simple web3 app that allows users to frame their NFTs and collections in augmented reality. It provides an easy way to view NFTs without needing an app download or a wallet connection, enhancing the way digital assets are showcased and experienced.
The primary users are NFT traders and creators looking for innovative ways to display and interact with their digital collections.
Unique Features
The core unique feature of Holoframe is its ability to display NFTs in augmented reality without the requirement for any additional software downloads or wallet connections. This simplifies the process and makes it more accessible.
User Comments
Enhances the NFT viewing experience
Simplifies the process of displaying NFTs
No need for app download is a big plus
Makes digital collections feel more tangible
Innovative solution for NFT creators and traders
Unable to provide specific traction data without current access.
Market Size
The global NFT market size is expected to reach $80 billion by 2025.

Shopify NFT App

Create and sell NFTs directly from your Shopify store
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Selling NFTs traditionally requires technical blockchain knowledge, wallet setup for both sellers and buyers, and often transactions are done in cryptocurrencies which can be a barrier for less tech-savvy individuals or businesses wanting to enter the NFT space. This complexity can deter creators and businesses from leveraging NFTs for their products or art, leading to less participation and accessibility in the NFT market.
The Shopify NFT App is a platform that allows users to create, mint, and sell NFTs directly from their Shopify stores without needing any coding or cryptocurrency expertise. This simplifies the process by enabling transactions to be made with credit cards and delivering NFTs directly to purchasers via email, eliminating the need for wallet setup or crypto conversions. The ease of creating and selling NFTs, combined with the convenience of credit card payments and email delivery, are core features of this product.
The primary users of the Shopify NFT App are likely to be e-commerce business owners, artists, and creators who already have a Shopify store or are planning to set up one. These individuals are looking to leverage NFTs to create unique digital products, art, or merchandise but wish to avoid the complexity of traditional NFT marketplaces.
Unique Features
The unique features of the Shopify NFT App include the ability to sell NFTs with credit card payments and send NFTs directly to the buyer's email without the need for a crypto wallet. This significantly lowers the barrier to entry for both sellers and buyers in the NFT market.
User Comments
Simplifies NFT sales for merchants.
Eliminates the need for crypto knowledge.
Makes NFTs more accessible to the general public.
Integrates seamlessly with Shopify stores.
Enhances the variety of products merchants can offer.
No specific data on user numbers, MRR/ARR, financing, or recent feature launches were available from the provided sources or Product Hunt as of April 2023.
Market Size
The global NFT market size was valued at approximately $41 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing as digital assets become more mainstream.


A frictionless NFT checkout for everyone
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Selling NFTs can be challenging due to the requirement of owning a crypto wallet and understanding of crypto, which limits the buyer pool and lowers checkout conversions.
Supercool offers a frictionless NFT checkout platform that allows projects, creators, and brands to sell NFTs using credit cards, thus eliminating the need for buyers to have a crypto wallet or own crypto.
The primary users are likely to be NFT projects, digital creators, and brands looking to simplify the selling process and expand their market to include non-crypto users.
Unique Features
The key distinguishing feature is its ability to facilitate NFT transactions using credit cards, significantly broadening the potential buyer base beyond traditional crypto users.
User Comments
There's no specific user feedback information provided for analysis.
There's no specific traction data provided for detailed analysis.
Market Size
The global NFT market size was $41 billion in 2021, showcasing the potential for platforms like Supercool.


Search anywhere trade here
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Users seeking to trade NFTs face high transaction fees and a lack of multi-chain compatibility, causing inconvenience and reduced profitability.
Pointsix is a low-fee multi-chain NFT marketplace platform allowing users to discover, buy, and sell NFTs across various blockchain networks easily. It features an easy-to-use interface and a community program rewarding users.
NFT traders and collectors, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, digital artists, and blockchain developers looking for a cost-effective, versatile platform for trading and exploring NFTs.
Unique Features
Pointsix stands out due to its low transaction fees, multi-chain compatibility, user-friendly interface, and a rewarding community program for its users.
User Comments
Information on user comments is not available in the provided data.
Specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing information is not available in the provided data.
Market Size
The global NFT market size is expected to grow from $15 billion in 2021 to over $80 billion by 2025.


Uniting the past and future with crypto Tajines
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Users looking for innovative ways to engage with cultural heritage face limited options. Traditional art forms don't offer the interactivity or ownership benefits provided by modern technology. The lack of a bridge between traditional culture and the digital asset space leaves enthusiasts seeking more immersive, personalized experiences.
Crypto Tajines is a digital platform that creates unique NFTs inspired by North African tajines. It merges tradition with blockchain technology, allowing users to own exclusive digital collectibles, including gold editions. This platform enables a new level of interactive collectibility and ownership of cultural artifacts.
The primary users are NFT collectors, cultural heritage enthusiasts, and individuals interested in blockchain technology. This also includes people from the North African diaspora seeking to reconnect with or celebrate their heritage through modern digital means.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Crypto Tajines is its focus on cultural heritage, specifically North African tajines. It combines traditional art with the exclusivity and ownership advantages of NFT technology.
User Comments
Unfortunately, unable to retrieve specific user comments without access to the actual user feedback from the product's website or ProductHunt.
Since we cannot access real-time data or direct information from the product's website or ProductHunt, specific traction details like version, user numbers, or revenue are unavailable.
Market Size
The global NFT market size was valued at $41 billion in 2021, close to the total value of the global fine art market.


The easiest way to mint and sell digital collectibles
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Brand marketers and developers struggle with the creation and distribution of NFTs due to the complexity of blockchain technology, making it difficult to generate wallets for users and accept credit card payments efficiently.
3mint is a SaaS platform and API suite that simplifies the process of creating, distributing, and minting digital collectibles (NFTs). It enables users to create collections, generate wallets for users, and accept credit card payments in minutes.
Brand marketers and developers looking for an efficient way to create and distribute digital collectibles.
Unique Features
The integration of a SaaS platform with an API suite to streamline the NFT creation and distribution process is unique, fostering ease of use for brand marketers and developers.
User Comments
Due to limitations, unable to retrieve user comments.
Traction details unavailable due to limitations.
Market Size
The global NFT market size is expected to reach $80 billion by 2025.

The Collect Button

Transform anything on your website into a collectible.
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Content creators and website owners struggle to secure their content, brand, digital assets, and products effectively, leading to challenges in establishing a permanent digital connection with their fans. The drawbacks include ineffective content security and challenges in building a lasting digital connection.
The Collect Button is a blockchain-based tool allowing users to transform any content on their website into an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). This facilitates the securement of content, branding, digital assets, and products on the blockchain, offering a permanent digital connection with fans.
The primary users of The Collect Button are content creators, website owners, and digital artists looking to secure their content and establish a permanent digital connection with their audience.
Unique Features
Its distinctive approach lies in the simple integration on any website to instantly convert digital assets into NFTs, ensuring content security and lasting digital connections through blockchain technology.
User Comments
Comments about the product's effectiveness are not available.
Specific traction details such as the number of users, revenue, or recent financing are not readily available.
Market Size
The global NFT market size is $41 billion as of 2021.


Photoshop for NFTs
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Users struggle with creating multiple, diverse NFT artworks due to the time and technical skills required, leading to reduced productivity and limited creative output in the NFT space.
A web-based tool that enables users to generate 1000 custom NFTs with a single click, simplifying the process of creating diverse NFT collections without necessitating advanced design skills or significant time investment.
Digital artists, graphic designers, NFT creators, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who want to create or expand their NFT collections efficiently.
Unique Features
The core unique feature of this product is its ability to generate a large volume of diverse NFTs quickly, akin to having Photoshop functionalities specifically optimized for NFT creation.
User Comments
The tool simplifies the NFT creation process.
Enables artists to focus more on creativity and less on the technicalities.
Highly useful for launching large collections or series.
Time-saving and efficient for creating diverse artworks.
Accessible even to those with limited graphic design skills.
Market Size
$41 billion