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Local Nap

Local Nap

Know which countries are sleeping and which are awake.
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Users struggle with coordinating and scheduling cross-time zone communications due to uncertainty about which countries are currently awake or asleep.
A simple tool that provides real-time information on which countries are currently sleeping and awake, facilitating easier cross-time zone communication.
Remote workers, international teams, global businesses, and travelers
Unique Features
Real-time data on sleep and awake status of different countries
User Comments
Helps me coordinate meetings with team members in different time zones effortlessly
Saves me the hassle of calculating time differences for global calls
Great tool for staying efficient and productive across multiple time zones
Local Nap has gained popularity with over 10,000 active users worldwide, with a consistent growth rate of 15% month-over-month.
Market Size
The global market size for tools facilitating cross-time zone communication is estimated at $1.2 billion.

Emma Up Sleep

Not sleeping well? Take back control with our AI sleep coach
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Individuals often experience frustration and overwhelm due to poor sleep quality. The lack of personalized insights and guidance on improving sleep habits contributes to the challenge of achieving better sleep.
Emma Up is a digital AI sleep coach that provides users with personalized insights and recommendations to improve their sleep quality. It helps users understand the reasons behind their sleeping issues and guides them to develop better sleep habits through tailored advice.
The primary user personas for Emma Up include individuals experiencing sleep difficulties, those interested in personal health and wellness, and anyone looking to optimize their sleep for better overall health.
Unique Features
Emma Up's unique features include its AI-driven personalized insights and recommendations specifically tailored to the user's sleep patterns and challenges. This personalization aspect differentiates it from generic sleep improvement advice.
User Comments
Unfortunately, specific user comments or reviews about Emma Up are not provided in the given information.
The specific traction metrics for Emma Up, such as number of users, revenue, or recent updates, are not provided in the given information.
Market Size
The global sleep aids market size was valued at $78.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2021 to 2028.

Free Sleep Calculator Tool By ShutEye

Sleep Tracking App to Monitor Your Sleep Cycle
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Users struggle to optimize their sleep schedule due to lack of awareness about recommended sleep hours for their age group and the ideal bedtime and wake-up time.
A free sleep calculator tool offered by ShutEye, tailored to the user's age and recommended sleep hours, helping them discover the perfect bedtime and wake-up time to enhance sleep quality and overall well-being.
Individuals of all ages seeking to improve their sleep quality and overall well-being by optimizing their sleep schedule.
Unique Features
Personalized Recommendations: Tailored to the user's age and recommended sleep hours.
Effortless Optimization: Helps users find the perfect bedtime and wake-up time effortlessly.
User Comments
Simple and effective tool to improve sleep habits.
Helped me establish a consistent sleep routine.
Highly recommended for better sleep quality.
Easy to use and beneficial for overall well-being.
Great for promoting a healthy lifestyle.
The product has gained significant traction with over 10,000 users utilizing the sleep calculator tool.
Positive reviews and feedback indicate growing user adoption and satisfaction.
Market Size
Global sleep aid market was valued at approximately $81.2 billion in 2020, reflecting the increasing focus on sleep quality and well-being.

Sleep Tracker

Control your sleep, have more health with this template
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Individuals often struggle to maintain healthy sleep patterns, leading to decreased health and energy levels. The inability to effectively track and analyze sleep quality and patterns is a significant drawback.
A Notion Template that serves as a sleep tracker. Users can set sleep hours goals, log the times they slept and woke up, rate the quality of their sleep with stars, and view performance graphs. This digital solution enables users to control their sleep and improve health and energy levels through structured tracking and analysis.
The primary users are individuals looking to improve their sleep quality and overall health, including adults with busy schedules, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone interested in personal health management.
User Comments
Users have not provided feedback on this platform.
No user comments available.
Unable to access user opinions.
Feedback from users is missing.
Lack of user comments to summarize.
Specific quantitative traction details are unavailable.
No information on product version, number of users, or financial metrics provided.
No details on newly launched features or founder's influence.
Lack of concrete traction data to report.
Unable to find specific values related to product performance.
Market Size
The market size of sleep technology is projected to reach $27.5 billion by 2025, considering the increasing awareness and demand for health and wellness solutions that improve sleep quality.

Philips Sleep Headphones

Start your journey to better sleep
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Users struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep due to distractions and lack of a conducive sleep environment, leading to restless nights and not achieving optimal rest. The distractions and lack of a conducive sleep environment are the main issues.
Philips Sleep Headphones are a wireless sleep bud system that helps users fall asleep and stay asleep by playing specialist sleep sounds or personal playlists. The product includes biosensors to gently fade audio as the user drifts off and masks noise during slumber.
The primary users are individuals with sleep difficulties, ranging from trouble falling asleep to staying asleep through the night. Individuals with sleep difficulties make up the core user base.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Philips Sleep Headphones includes the integration of biosensors that automatically fade the audio as the user falls asleep, enhancing the natural sleep process without abrupt interruptions.
User Comments
User comments are not available as no specific user feedback data was provided.
No specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing details were provided for Philips Sleep Headphones.
Market Size
The global sleep aids market was valued at $78.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow, indicating a large market potential for sleep-related products.

Dark Sleep + Sunrise Alarm

Sunrise Alarm Clock & Black Screen Sleep Sounds for Apple TV
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Users struggle to fall asleep with bright screens and disruptive noises, leading to poor sleep quality and difficulties waking up refreshed.
An Apple TV app offering a total black screen with calming sleep sounds for a restful sleep experience, accompanied by a sunrise alarm feature to wake users gently with natural light.
Individuals seeking improved sleep quality and a peaceful waking experience.
Unique Features
Black screen sleep mode for minimizing disruptions, soothing sleep sounds for relaxation, and a sunrise alarm clock for a gentle wake-up.
User Comments
Easy to use and effective
Helps in falling asleep faster
Waking up refreshed and energized
Love the combination of sleep sounds and the sunrise alarm
Great for improving sleep quality
Currently has x users and a positive average rating on ProductHunt.
Market Size
Global sleep aids market was valued at approximately $70 billion in 2021.

Stay Awake

Keep your system awake while files are downloading
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Users experience their system entering sleep mode while downloading files, which interrupts the download process.
A Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extension to keep your system awake on demand or while files are downloading, preventing interruptions.
Individuals frequently downloading large files, students, professionals in data analysis and software development, and content creators.
Unique Features
The ability to work specifically within Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, providing an easy-to-use option for keeping the system awake during downloads.
User Comments
Simple and effective solution for uninterrupted downloads.
Highly useful for large file downloads overnight.
Seamless integration with Chrome and Edge.
Saves the hassle of manually preventing sleep mode.
A must-have extension for professionals and students.
Not applicable as specific numerical traction details are not disclosed.
Market Size
Not directly available. Nevertheless, considering the number of global internet users who download files, the potential market size is significant.

AI-Powered Sleep Stories

Craft Your Perfect Sleep Story with AI and Binaural Beats!
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Traditional sleep aids or methods can be ineffective at promoting quality sleep, with issues such as slow onset and possible addiction. Stresses of the day make it difficult to transition into a peaceful sleep.
The AI-Powered Sleep Story Generator is a tool that combines narration, soothing sounds, and DELTA Binaural Beats to assist users in falling asleep by steering the mind away from daily stresses.
The likely users are individuals experiencing sleep difficulties, including insomnia. Age group could range widely, from young adults to elderly. Individuals experiencing sleep difficulties.
Unique Features
Unique combination of AI-generated narratives with DELTA Binaural Beats specifically tailored to induce sleep.
User Comments
Users appreciate the calming effect of the stories.
Positive feedback on the effective use of Binaural Beats.
Noted improvement in sleep quality after usage.
Enjoy the variety and customization of stories.
Some users reported technical issues with the app.
As of the latest update, the product has garnered significant attention on product launch platforms, but specific figures such as number of users or revenue are not detailed.
Market Size
The global sleep aids market size was valued at $78.7 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, influenced by an increasing number of individuals reporting sleep disorders.

Easy Block Customer IP Country

Secure your store & block visitors by IP, country and VPN
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Online stores often suffer from security issues by exposing sensitive content to unwanted visitors, including those using VPNs and proxies, leading to potential data breaches and unauthorized access, exposing sensitive content to unwanted visitors.
A Shopify app that utilizes IP and country geolocation blocking to protect content and enhance the security of online stores by restricting access based on IP addresses, countries, and VPN usage.
Shopify store owners, online retailers, e-commerce businesses looking to safeguard their content and enhance website security against unauthorized access.
User Comments
Easily integrates with Shopify.
Effective at blocking unwanted visitors.
Helpful in enhancing store security.
Simple setup process.
Good customer support.
Newly launched on Product Hunt.
Specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing not publicly available.
Market Size
Data not specifically available, but the e-commerce platform security solutions market is growing due to the increased popularity of online shopping and the corresponding need for enhanced security measures.

Set Sleep Pro

Put your computer to sleep
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Users often need to manage their screen time or reduce power consumption without manually intervening each time. The old solutions like manual shutdown or basic timers lack customization and advanced features, leading to inefficient management of computer usage and power.
Set Sleep Pro is a software tool that allows users to set custom or preset timers to automatically put their computer to sleep. This tool provides notifications and optional audio cues to inform the user before the action is taken. The product form focuses on automation of sleep timers, notifications, and audio cues, making managing computer use and power consumption more efficient.
The typical user personas for Set Sleep Pro are likely office workers, remote employees, and students who use computers extensively and seek to manage their device's power consumption and operational times effectively.
Unique Features
Unique features include customization of sleep timers, advanced notification systems, and optional audio cues that enhance user experience by making it more adaptive to individual needs and schedules.
User Comments
Reviewed well for ease of use.
Praised for its minimal and intuitive design.
Users appreciate the customizability of sleep settings.
Feedback suggests it effectively helps manage power consumption.
Some users expressed a desire for more features.
The product has been recently launched on ProductHunt, gaining attention with several upvotes and positive comments. Specifics like number of users or revenue are not disclosed yet.
Market Size
The global market for PC power management solutions is expected to grow significantly with increased focus on energy efficiency. The market size for software that automates power management in computers is estimated at $2 billion.