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Social network for techies
# Social Media Assistant
Featured on : Jan 27. 2024
Featured on : Jan 27. 2024
What is Wonderful.Dev?
The social network for programmers, designers, and tech influencers.
Programmers, designers, and tech influencers lack a dedicated social network tailored specifically to their needs, interests, and industry discourse.
Wonderful Dev offers a social network platform specifically designed for programmers, designers, and tech influencers, facilitating community engagement, collaboration, and industry-specific discussions.
Programmers, designers, and tech influencers who seek a community-centric platform to connect, share, and learn from like-minded individuals in the tech industry.
User Comments
Users appreciate the niche-focus of the platform.
Positive feedback on the ease of finding relevant contacts and discussions.
Commended for fostering a supportive tech community.
Highly valuable for networking within the tech industry.
Some suggest further feature enhancements for better usability.