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Pinterest for knowledge
# Knowledge Management
Featured on : Aug 2. 2023
Featured on : Aug 2. 2023
What is Wiser?
We help you build your digital content archive with AI and share it with lifelong learners.
Users struggle to organize and access digital content effectively for learning purposes, leading to inefficient knowledge management and difficulty sharing information with fellow lifelong learners.
Wiser is a platform that functions as a 'Pinterest for knowledge', utilizing AI to help users build and manage their digital content archives. This enables easy organization, access, and sharing of information with other lifelong learners.
The main users are lifelong learners, educators, researchers, and content creators who regularly consume, share, and manage a vast amount of digital information for personal or professional growth.
Unique Features
The use of AI for organizing digital content and the specialized focus on building a community of lifelong learners stand out as unique features of Wiser.
User Comments
User comments are not available without accessing specific feedback platforms or the product's website directly.
Traction details are not available without specific data on user count, revenue, or updates from the product's launch platform or the product itself.
Market Size
The market size for knowledge management and digital content organization tools is substantial, evidenced by the growth of platforms like Evernote and Notion. However, specific statistics for the size of this market are not provided.