What is Reminds?
Are you having important dates to remind? Then we are here to help you, add your important dates and forget it. Because we will remind you without any due.
Users often forget important dates, leading to missed events or deadlines.
Remembering important dates manually can be unreliable and prone to errors.
A reminder tool
Add your important dates and forget it, the tool will remind users without any delay.
Busy professionals who have many commitments
Students managing academic deadlines
Parents juggling family events
Event planners coordinating schedules
Unique Features
Automatic reminders for important dates
Simple and straightforward date addition process
Ensures no important dates are missed
User-friendly interface
User Comments
It's easy to use and effective in reminding users.
The design is straightforward and intuitive.
Some users wish for more customization options.
The reminders are timely and reliable.
Great for personal and professional use.
Available on ProductHunt with user changes and updates focused on enhancing the reminder feature.
Gaining popularity as users find reliability in timely reminders.
Market Size
The global calendar and reminder apps market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 10.9% over the forecast period from 2022 to 2026.