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An AI generated newsletter of your recent notes & bookmarks
# Newsletter Other
Featured on : Aug 11. 2024
Featured on : Aug 11. 2024
What is Recap?
⏪ Recap – an AI generated email roundup of your recent notes and bookmarks. Get your "read it later" content regularly sent to your email when you'll actually read it. With a convenient AI summary for each file, note or link, helping you reflect and review
Users struggle to keep up with reading their 'read it later' content, leading to accumulation and potential loss of valuable information.
A newsletter generated by AI that compiles recent notes and bookmarks, delivering them to users' emails for easier consumption. AI provides summaries for each file, note, or link to help users reflect and review.
Students, professionals, researchers, and knowledge workers who collect a lot of digital content for later reading or reference.
Unique Features
AI-generated email roundup
Summaries for notes, bookmarks, and links to aid reflection
Regular delivery to email for convenient consumption
Market Size
The global market for AI-generated content was valued at $1.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $9.2 billion by 2026.