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# Recruiting
Featured on : Feb 18. 2024
Featured on : Feb 18. 2024
What is Jobyfine?
Jobyfine нацелен на устранение разрыва между людьми и компаниями по всему миру, предлагая безопасную и удобную платформу для сотрудничества без посредников и барьеров. Это мобильное приложение – где вы можете найти задание, работу или помощника.
People and companies worldwide face a challenge in finding each other for tasks, jobs, or assistance without intermediaries and barriers.
Jobyfine is a mobile application that bridges the gap between people and companies around the world, offering a secure and convenient platform for collaboration without middlemen.
Individuals seeking jobs, tasks, or personal assistance and companies looking for talents or outsourcing opportunities.
Unique Features
Secure and convenient platform, Global reach without intermediaries
User Comments
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Market Size
The global online freelance market is expected to grow to $455 billion by 2023.