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Instant Meet Slack App
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Instant Meet Slack App
Create instant Google Meet from Slack
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Apr 24. 2023
Featured on : Apr 24. 2023
What is Instant Meet Slack App?
Instant Meet is a Slack app that lets you create an instant Google Meet Link with a simple /meet command and add it to your calendar. Also, Share the meeting link with all members in the channel/groups/dm where you typed the command.
Teams using Slack often struggle to quickly set up and share Google Meet links for meetings, which leads to interruptions in workflow and delays in communication.
Slack app that allows users to create instant Google Meet links with a simple /meet command, easily integrate it into their calendar, and share with all channel/group/DM members.
Remote teams, project managers, and businesses that utilize Slack for communication and require efficient ways to schedule and conduct meetings.
Unique Features
The ability to instantly generate and share Google Meet links directly from Slack commands, enhancing seamless integration into a team's workflow.
User Comments
Users find it incredibly easy to use and a huge time-saver.
Enhances workflow by eliminating the need to switch between applications.
Highly praised for its efficiency in setting up meetings on the fly.
A must-have for teams relying on Slack for communication.
Some users express a desire for more customization options in meeting scheduling.
The exact number of users and revenue details are not provided, but the product received positive feedback on Product Hunt, indicating good market reception.
Market Size
The global video conferencing market was valued at approximately $6.03 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow significantly, indicating a large potential market for Instant Meet Slack App.