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Instant Form
Bot for quick custom forms in Telegram, without redirects
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Jul 22. 2023
Featured on : Jul 22. 2023
What is Instant Form?
Instant Form Bot for Telegram - create custom forms, share instantly, get real-time responses. All within Telegram, no redirects. Perfect for businesses, marketers, and efficient communication.
Businesses and marketers using Telegram struggle to collect data or feedback efficiently due to the need for external form builders, leading to friction in user experience due to redirects to other platforms.
A bot for Telegram that allows creating and sharing custom forms directly within the app, enabling real-time response collection without needing redirects, making it highly efficient for businesses and marketers.
Business owners, marketers, and anyone requiring efficient communication and data collection on Telegram, specifically business owners and marketers.
Unique Features
Instant form creation and sharing directly in Telegram, real-time response collection, no need for redirects or external tools.
User Comments
User feedback not available due to the specific review platform used (Product Hunt) which does not provide detailed user comments in a structured form.
Specific traction details such as number of users, revenue, or updates are not provided on the provided links and require additional first-party data access.
Market Size
The global online form builder market was valued at $2 billion in 2020, with an expected growth due to the increasing need for digital data collection and analysis.