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Customize UI for Google Forms
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Customize UI for Google Forms
Customize Google Forms and embed to your website
# Forms & Surveys
Featured on : Jul 2. 2023
Featured on : Jul 2. 2023
What is Customize UI for Google Forms?
Customize Google Forms UI and embed on your website Save time on building website forms with 3 easy steps: 1. Enter Google Form link 2. Customize form 3. Embed to website Supported platforms: WordPress, HTML website, React app.
Users need to integrate Google Forms into their websites but struggle with the limited customization options available within Google Forms itself, leading to forms that may not align well with the website's design or branding needs. The main drawbacks are the limited customization options available within Google Forms.
A tool that allows users to customize the UI of Google Forms and easily embed them into their website. Users can enter the Google Form link, customize the form, and embed it into supported platforms such as WordPress, HTML websites, and React apps.
Website developers, WordPress users, and webmasters of HTML websites or React apps, looking for a seamless way to integrate aesthetically pleasing forms that match their website's design.
Unique Features
The unique approach of allowing direct customization and embedding of Google Forms into websites seamlessly, catering especially to platforms like WordPress, HTML websites, and React apps.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of customization.
Embedding forms into websites has become much easier.
Supports a variety of platforms, making it versatile.
Saves time in form creation and integration.
Enhances the aesthetic appeal of forms on websites.
Due to constraints, I'm unable to provide the current traction of this product. Please check the product's page on ProductHunt and its official website for the most up-to-date information.
Market Size
The global web form builder software market size is expected to grow, reflecting the increasing need for online forms in various industries. While specific numbers for the 'Customize UI for Google Forms' tool aren't available, the broader market segment it belongs to is significantly large, with an estimated value of over $1 billion.