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informed news: summaries
Get the news you need, no matter how much time you have.
# Summarizer
Featured on : Jun 2. 2023
Featured on : Jun 2. 2023
What is informed news: summaries?
Pressed for time to read news articles? 📰 Get the crucial points faster with informed’s new free-to-read summaries. 
 Succinct overviews of the top premium articles of the day, from The FT, WSJ and more - distilled for you into one app.
Users struggle to keep up with news due to time constraints, leading to a lack of awareness and understanding of current events. The main drawbacks are the time constraints and the overwhelming amount of information.
A mobile app that provides free-to-read summaries of top premium articles from publications like The FT and WSJ. Users can quickly get crucial points with these succinct overviews distilled into one app, catering to their time availability.
Busy professionals, students, and anyone looking to stay informed without dedicating a lot of time to reading news are the primary users. The busy professionals are especially likely to use this product.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is the ability to provide summarized content from premium news sources, making high-quality information accessible without the time investment typically required.
User Comments
Simplifies the process of staying informed
Great for quick updates
Saves time and energy
Valuable for busy professionals
Elegant solution to information overload
Market Size
The market size for news aggregator apps is projected to grow significantly, with mobile news readership increasing. The specific market size is not readily available, but considering the general growth in digital news consumption, the potential market is substantial.