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Gist AI

Free website, YouTube, PDF summarizer, powered by ChatGPT
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Individuals and professionals often have to consume vast amounts of data from websites, PDFs, and YouTube videos, which is time-consuming and inefficient. The drawbacks are the amount of time and effort required to digest this information.
Gist AI is a free service that provides summaries of Websites, PDFs, and YouTube videos in 30+ languages without length restrictions. Users can gain insights quickly from the summarized content and directly access key moments in YouTube videos. The core feature is its ability to summarize vast quantities of information quickly and efficiently.
The user personas most likely to use this product include students, researchers, professionals, and anyone who needs to quickly digest large volumes of information from various digital formats.
Unique Features
Unlimited, free summaries across multiple formats (Websites, PDFs, YouTube) in over 30 languages, with direct access to the source for deeper insight and key moments in videos.
User Comments
Users find Gist AI remarkably efficient in saving time.
The quality of summaries and accuracy is highly praised.
The ability to summarize content in multiple languages is a standout feature for a diverse user base.
Directly jumping to key moments in YouTube videos is seen as incredibly convenient.
Some users express a desire for even deeper analysis and integration with more platforms.
Since the product's launch on ProductHunt, it has received significant attention, but specific metrics such as user numbers, MRR/ARR, or financing details are not available from the provided information.
Market Size
The market for educational technology and productivity tools is growing, with the global eLearning market projected to reach $398 billion by 2026.


Turn Youtube videos into summaries using GPT
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Users often encounter challenges in deciding whether the content of long YouTube videos is relevant or valuable without watching them entirely, which leads to a wastage of time and decreased productivity, especially in cases involving business education, podcasts, interviews, news, and lectures.
Eightify is a tool that turns YouTube videos into summaries using GPT, extracting 8 key ideas from any long video. This enables users to quickly grasp the essence of the video and decide if it's worth their time.
The primary users of Eightify are likely to be professionals, educators, students, and anyone looking to efficiently consume video content related to business education, podcasts, interviews, news, and lectures.
Unique Features
The unique selling point of Eightify is its ability to distill lengthy video content into concise summaries powered by GPT, focusing on the 8 most critical ideas, making the process of content consumption more efficient.
User Comments
The data is not available.
The data is not available.
Market Size
The global e-learning market was valued at $250 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $375 billion by 2026, indicating a significant potential user base for Eightify's summarized video content.

Recall Browser Extension

Summarize, connect and organize ALL your online content
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Users often struggle to keep track of and organize the vast amount of information like podcasts, blogposts, news articles, or recipes they come across online, leading to information overload and difficulty in retrieving useful content when needed.
Recall is a browser extension powered by GPT4 designed to summarize, organize, and connect all the interesting information users encounter online, making it easier to store and access it later.
The primary users are likely to be researchers, students, and professionals who consume a large amount of information daily and need an efficient way to manage it.
Unique Features
The integration of GPT4 for summarization and organization of online content is a standout feature, enabling Recall to not just store but intelligently process and link the information for easier retrieval.
User Comments
Easy to use and highly efficient for organizing online content
The summarization feature saves time and helps in focusing on key information
Great tool for students and researchers overwhelmed by too much information
The ability to connect related contents is innovative and useful
Needs improvement in the algorithm for better accuracy in summarization
Unable to find specific quantitative traction data for Recall. Please consult the product's website or Product Hunt page for up-to-date information.
Market Size
Unable to find specific market size data for Recall or its industry. Please refer to general market research sources for information on content organization and management solutions.


Read any webpage in 1 minute, with only 1 click
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Users face difficulty consuming long-form content due to time constraints, leading to incomplete understanding and missed opportunities in information.
ReadPilot is an AI summarizer tool that allows users to condense any webpage's content to a brief summary in 1 minute with just one click, providing the gist in the preferred language, length, and style.
Busy professionals, students, researchers, and anyone needing to quickly grasp the essence of lengthy online articles without spending hours reading.
Unique Features
Offers summary in the exact language, style, and length desired by the user with a single click functionality.
User Comments
Saves significant time by condensing long articles.
Customization options for language, length, and style are very useful.
Easy to use with just one click.
Effective in maintaining the essence of the original article.
Helpful for quick consumption of numerous articles.
The product has received positive feedback on Product Hunt, highlighting its efficiency and user-friendly design. However, specific quantitative traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing details are not provided.
Market Size
The global AI in education market is expected to grow to $3.68 billion by 2023, with AI-based summarizers playing a significant role, catering to the needs of professionals and educational users alike.


Read just one aggregated summary, skip 100 of the same
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Users often find themselves sifting through redundant, AI-generated SEO articles that lack originality and depth, leading to a waste of time and an overwhelming amount of similar content without finding concise, insightful information. The drawbacks include time wastage and information overload due to redundant content.
Arbor is an online platform that aggregates summaries by clustering, deduplicating, and summarizing content, sentence by sentence, from various sources on the same topic. It aims to reindex the internet and counteract the inundation of AI-generated SEO articles by providing users with a single, aggregated summary.
Research professionals, students, and anyone seeking to quickly gather comprehensive insights on a topic without having to wade through repetitive content.
Unique Features
The capability to cluster, deduplicate, and summarize content from various sources into one concise summary, thus saving users from the clutter of repetitive, AI-generated SEO articles.
User Comments
User reviews are not directly provided; therefore, an accurate summary of people’s thoughts on this product could not be determined.
Specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR, or newly launched features are not provided on the Product Hunt or Arbor's website.
Market Size
The exact market size for aggregated content summarization platforms like Arbor is not readily available. Comparable data: The global content marketing industry is expected to reach $107.5 billion by 2026.


Instant Summarizer App
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Users struggle to manage and quickly understand extensive information from articles and YouTube videos, which makes it difficult to efficiently learn and retrieve key insights when needed.
Instant Summarizer App is a mobile app that helps users to instantly summarize content and ask questions about saved articles and YouTube videos, storing summaries in a knowledge hub for easy access.
The primary users are students, researchers, and lifelong learners who regularly consume a lot of digital content and need to optimize their learning and information management.
Unique Features
The ability to directly ask questions about the summarized content and integrate with a personalized knowledge hub distinguishes it from basic summarizing tools.
User Comments
Positive feedback on the app's accuracy in summarizing complex contents
Appreciation for the time saved in content consumption
Users like the intuitive interface and ease of use
Some requests for support of more languages
Suggestions for further integration with other knowledge management tools
Recently featured on ProductHunt, gaining significant attention with numerous upvotes and positive comments but specific metrics like MRR, user count not provided.
Market Size
$5.6 billion - estimated market size for mobile learning and educational technology, which is relevant for summarization and educational apps.


Paraphraser, grammar checker, summariser powered by ChatGPT
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Users often struggle with writing tasks such as creating original content, improving grammar, summarizing texts, and language translation, leading to time consumption and decreased productivity. The creation of original content, improving grammar, summarizing texts, and language translation are highlighted as significant challenges.
RiteBot is a multi-functional AI tool including a paraphraser, grammar checker, summarizer, and translator, built on top of ChatGPT. Users can leverage this tool to rewrite texts for originality, check and correct grammatical errors, summarize lengthy texts for concise information, and translate content into different languages, streamlining their writing process and enhancing productivity.
The primary users of RiteBot are students, content creators, authors, academic researchers, and professionals who require assistance in improving their writing, making content original, summarizing extensive documents, or translating texts for global communication.
Unique Features
RiteBot's unique features include integration with ChatGPT for advanced AI capabilities, offering a comprehensive suite of writing tools in one platform: paraphrasing, grammar checking, summarizing, and translating, designed to enhance content quality and facilitate cross-cultural communication.
User Comments
Users appreciate the AI-driven efficiency in rewriting and grammar correction.
The tool's ability to summarize lengthy texts accurately is highly praised.
Translation feature is considered a valuable addition for multilingual users.
Some users mention the platform's user-friendly interface.
A few feedbacks suggest improvements in the accuracy of paraphrasing and translation.
Unfortunately, specific traction data such as the number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing details for RiteBot are not available based on the provided and searched information.
Market Size
The global AI in education market is projected to reach $6.1 billion by 2025, highlighting significant demand for tools enhancing learning through personalized and automated solutions such as RiteBot.

Get YouTube Video Summaries in a Revolutionary Way.
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Users waste endless hours consuming video content, struggling to find the key insights quickly due to the long duration of videos.
Solution is a web-based platform that offers users the ability to get swift, comprehensive summaries of YouTube videos. This revolutionary approach allows for efficient consumption of video content.
Students, researchers, professionals, and anyone looking to consume video content in a more time-efficient manner.
Unique Features
The unique feature of is its ability to provide concise summaries of long YouTube videos, enabling users to quickly grasp the main points without watching the entire content.
User Comments
Saves time by providing quick summaries.
Revolutionary way to consume video content.
Highly useful for students and professionals.
Enhances productivity by reducing video watching time.
Easy to use and understand.
Too little data from ProductHunt and the official website to accurately quantify the product's current traction in terms of users, revenue, or growth metrics.
Market Size
Unavailable specific data to precisely estimate the market size for video summarization tools, but the e-Learning market, as a closely related industry, was valued at approximately $250 billion in 2020.

Youtube Summarizer - Syllaby

Use ChatGPT to summarize YouTube videos with Syllaby
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Content creators, students, and professionals engaging with YouTube videos for research, learning, or scriptwriting face difficulties in quickly grasping the essence of the videos due to the lack of summarized content, leading to time-consuming video analysis and inability to efficiently highlight key points.
Syllaby offers a Chrome Extension that utilizes ChatGPT to automatically summarize YouTube videos, providing features like Automatic Transcript Summarization, Customizable Summary Length, & Keyword Highlighting. This enables users to quickly understand video contents and easily identify important segments.
The primary users of Syllaby are content creators, students, and professionals who need to digest large amounts of video content efficiently for research, learning, or scriptwriting purposes.
Unique Features
Syllaby's unique offering includes the integration of ChatGPT for on-the-fly video summarization on YouTube, features for adjusting the summary length based on user preference, and the ability to highlight keywords within the summarized content.
User Comments
No comments available.
No specific traction data available.
Market Size
The online video platform market is expected to reach $915 million by 2025, indicating a significant opportunity for YouTube video summarization tools like Syllaby.


Summarize PDFs, webpages, Youtube videos, blogs & more
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Users often struggle to quickly understand the key points of long documents, websites, Youtube videos, blogs, and audio files, leading to inefficient usage of time and difficulties in learning or gathering information, which hampers quick comprehension and productivity.
Summarify is a free tool available in the form of a web application that allows users to create concise summaries of PDFs, websites, Texts, Youtube Videos, Audio Files, and Blogs in 19+ languages using AI. Users can choose the note and voice for their summaries, making it adaptable to various learning preferences and needs. The core feature to efficiently generate summaries across different media in multiple languages using AI stands out.
Students, researchers, professionals, and anyone looking to efficiently distill information from various sources including long documents, educational materials, online content, and multimedia files.
Unique Features
Support for summarization in 19+ languages, ability to summarize across a variety of content types (PDFs, webpages, texts, Youtube videos, audio files, blogs), and the option to choose notes and voices for the summaries generated.
User Comments
Highly effective for study and research purposes.
Saves time and increases productivity.
The ability to summarize in different languages is very valuable.
Easy to use and navigate.
Quality of summaries varies, with room for improvement in accuracy.
The product was featured on ProductHunt, indicating early interest and validation from the tech community. Specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing were not provided in the given information.
Market Size
While specific data on the market size for content summarization tools like Summarify is unavailable, the global AI in education market is expected to reach $20.5 billion by 2027, indicating a substantial potential market for AI-driven educational tools.