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Growth Job
Find your dream data job: Unlock hidden roles & Apply early
# Job Board
Featured on : Oct 9. 2024
Featured on : Oct 9. 2024
What is Growth Job?
Growth Job delivers verified jobs and internships from 100,000+ sources daily, saving you time and energy. Access hidden opportunities from top companies not listed on job boards and apply before others. Land your next role faster and with confidence!
Users struggle to find verified jobs and internships from various sources, leading to time-consuming searches and potentially missing out on hidden opportunities.
A job platform that aggregates verified job and internship listings from 100,000+ sources, including hidden opportunities from top companies not available on job boards. Users can access these roles early and apply proactively, saving time and ensuring they do not miss out on potential opportunities.
Job seekers and individuals looking for internships seeking to explore a wide range of opportunities, especially hidden roles not typically found on traditional job boards.
Unique Features
1. Aggregates job listings from 100,000+ sources daily.
2. Provides access to hidden opportunities from top companies.
3. Allows users to apply to roles before they are listed on job boards.
User Comments
1. Great platform for discovering unique job roles not widely available elsewhere.
2. Saved me time in my job search by presenting relevant opportunities in one place.
3. Easy to use interface and proactive job application process.
The product has gained traction with thousands of users actively utilizing the platform daily to explore job opportunities. The exact user numbers or revenue figures are not disclosed.
Market Size
The global job board market was valued at approximately $22.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $29.1 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 4.12%. This indicates a growing demand for platforms that deliver job opportunities efficiently.