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Growth Job

Growth Job

Find your dream data job: Unlock hidden roles & Apply early
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Users struggle to find verified jobs and internships from various sources, leading to time-consuming searches and potentially missing out on hidden opportunities.
A job platform that aggregates verified job and internship listings from 100,000+ sources, including hidden opportunities from top companies not available on job boards. Users can access these roles early and apply proactively, saving time and ensuring they do not miss out on potential opportunities.
Job seekers and individuals looking for internships seeking to explore a wide range of opportunities, especially hidden roles not typically found on traditional job boards.
Unique Features
1. Aggregates job listings from 100,000+ sources daily.
2. Provides access to hidden opportunities from top companies.
3. Allows users to apply to roles before they are listed on job boards.
User Comments
1. Great platform for discovering unique job roles not widely available elsewhere.
2. Saved me time in my job search by presenting relevant opportunities in one place.
3. Easy to use interface and proactive job application process.
The product has gained traction with thousands of users actively utilizing the platform daily to explore job opportunities. The exact user numbers or revenue figures are not disclosed.
Market Size
The global job board market was valued at approximately $22.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $29.1 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 4.12%. This indicates a growing demand for platforms that deliver job opportunities efficiently.

Auto Apply

Find & auto apply to the world's best jobs
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Job seekers often struggle with the exhausting process of job hunting, finding it difficult to locate job openings from the world's best companies, optimize their applications, and manage numerous applications simultaneously.
A web-based platform that automates the job application process. Users can find jobs from the world's best companies, let the platform optimize their applications, and automatically apply with one click. They then receive interview invitations directly in their inbox.
The product is most suited for professionals in various fields seeking employment in top companies, recent graduates entering the job market, and busy individuals looking for a more efficient way to apply to multiple job listings.
Unique Features
The automatic optimization of job applications and the one-click application process are unique features that differentiate it from traditional job boards and application services.
User Comments
Simplifies the job application process greatly.
Receiving interview invites without manually applying is a game changer.
Wonderful for busy professionals.
Major time-saver for job seekers.
Makes applying to multiple top-tier companies effortless.
The product was found on Product Hunt, but specific details like number of users, revenue, and growth metrics weren't provided in the provided information.
Market Size
The global online job board market size is significantly large, with the recruitment market expected to reach $28.68 billion by 2025.

Productized Jobs

Find jobs at the best productized agencies
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Job seekers often struggle to find roles suited to their unique skills and experience, especially in specific sectors like productized services. This can lead to extended job search durations, mismatches in job fit, and missed opportunities at fast-growing productized agencies.
Productized Jobs is a job board platform dedicated to streamlining the job search process for individuals seeking employment at productized agencies. This specialized focus allows users to find opportunities that are closely aligned with their skills and the unique nature of productized services.
The primary users are job seekers with skills or an interest in productized services, looking to work in fast-growing productized agencies. This likely includes professionals in marketing, software development, design, and other areas where productized services are common.
Unique Features
Its unique feature lies in its specialization; focusing solely on jobs at productized agencies, which is not commonly found on other job board platforms. This specialization can lead to a higher relevance of job postings for both seekers and employers.
User Comments
There aren't user comments available for analysis.
There is no specific traction data available for Productized Jobs. Information such as number of listings, user feedback, or growth metrics was not found.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size was valued at $28.68 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow, indicating a potentially large market for specialized job boards like Productized Jobs.

Fluffle Job Board AI

Pin a job URL to unlock AI-powered alumni insights
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Users struggle to gain insights into job applications and the interview process for specific roles
Lack of information on who has gotten interviews for a particular job role and discovering similar roles
AI-powered job board tool
Users can pin a job URL to receive AI-generated insights on interviewees and discover related roles.
AI-generated insights on interviewees and related roles
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Unique Features
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
User Comments
Provides valuable insights for job seekers and recruiters
Great tool for discovering related roles
AI-generated information is accurate and helpful
Easy to use and navigate
Updates from multiple users enhance the job board experience
Active engagement and positive feedback from users on Product Hunt
Growing user base indicated by user comments and product upvotes
Market Size
Global job board market is valued at approximately $27.5 billion in 2021

Job Simulation - Find, Vet, Hire the 1%

Find & Hire A+ support reps with bias-free Job Simulation.
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Hiring teams struggle with finding and vetting top support talent, leading to bias, mis-hires, wastage of time, resources, and costly mistakes.
An online platform with job simulations designed to help companies find, vet, and hire the top 1% of support talent by assessing real-world skills, removing bias, and avoiding mis-hires.
Core features: Job simulations, bias-free assessments, focus on real-world skills.
Hiring managers, HR professionals, recruitment teams, and companies looking to build high-performing support teams with A+ talent.
Unique Features
Job simulations that accurately assess real-world skills
Focus on removing bias and ensuring top talent acquisition.
User Comments
Saves time and resources in recruitment process
Effective in selecting high-quality support representatives
Helps in avoiding costly recruitment mistakes
Ensures a fair and unbiased hiring process
Great tool for companies looking to build strong support teams
No specific quantitative data available for traction
Market Size
Global HR Tech market size for talent assessment and recruitment solutions was valued at approximately $5.7 billion in 2021.

Track My Jobs

Job search chaos? Organize & conquer with Track My Jobs.
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Job seekers often face difficulties in managing multiple job applications, leading to missed deadlines and disorganization. The main issues include tracking progress, organizing applications, and staying on top of upcoming deadlines.
Track My Jobs is a dashboard tool that allows users to centralize all job applications, track their progress, remember deadlines, and organize the entire job search process in one place.
The primary users are job seekers of any demographic, particularly those applying to multiple positions at once and needing to stay organized.
Unique Features
The solution uniquely offers a centralized platform for tracking job applications, deadlines, and progress, promoting a focused and efficient job search.
User Comments
No user comments were available for analysis.
No specific traction metrics were available for analysis.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size is expected to reach $43.39 billion by 2027.

Programming Jobs

Free Job Posting | Programming Job Board
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Users looking for programming jobs face challenges in finding suitable positions based on their skills, location, and preferences.
Drawbacks: Limited access to a variety of programming job opportunities, difficulty in filtering jobs based on specific criteria, time-consuming job search process.
A job board platform specifically for programming roles that allows users to explore thousands of programming jobs in fast-growing tech companies.
Core Features: Free job posting, search by location, skill, and other criteria to easily find relevant coding job opportunities.
Software developers
Occupation: Programmers, software engineers, coding enthusiasts
Unique Features
Focuses exclusively on programming jobs, providing a niche platform for tech professionals.
Offers a wide range of job opportunities in fast-growing tech companies.
User Comments
Easy-to-use platform for finding programming jobs.
Great resource for tech professionals looking for new opportunities.
Helped me land my dream coding job.
Saved me time in job searching.
Highly recommended for software developers.
Growing user base with an increasing number of job postings.
Positive user feedback and recommendations.
High engagement from tech professionals.
Market Size
$1.3 billion - Global job board market size for tech and programming roles in 2021.

Business Jobs

Free Job Posting | Business Job Board
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Users looking for business jobs and career opportunities face challenges in discovering top listings and easily applying for them.
Drawbacks: Limited access to quality job postings may hinder their career advancement prospects.
A job board platform specifically catering to business jobs.
Core Features: Users can discover top business job listings, easily apply for positions, and advance their careers through the platform.
Professionals seeking business-related job opportunities.
Occupation: Business executives, managers, analysts, and entry-level professionals.
Unique Features
Focused exclusively on business job opportunities, ensuring relevant listings for users.
Seamless application process for users to apply for positions effortlessly.
User Comments
Easy-to-navigate platform for finding business job openings.
Efficient application process helps in saving time and hassle.
Quality job listings that match the skill sets of applicants.
Effective tool for both job seekers and employers.
Enhances career advancement opportunities for professionals.
Growth in the number of job postings on the platform.
Increased user registrations and job applications.
Positive feedback from users on the platform's usability and effectiveness.
Market Size
$434 billion: Global recruitment industry market size in 2021.
High demand for specialized job boards like business job platforms in the competitive job market.

Christian Tech Jobs

A job board for exploring tech roles at Christians companies
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Tech professionals looking for job opportunities in Christian organizations face challenges in finding suitable roles aligned with their faith.
Lack of platforms tailored specifically for connecting tech professionals with career opportunities at Christian organizations.
A job board platform tailored for tech professionals seeking career opportunities at Christian organizations.
Users can explore a variety of tech roles at Christian companies such as software development and customer support, with daily updates on available positions.
Tech professionals in the Christian community seeking job opportunities at organizations that align with their faith.
Specifically: Tech professionals who prioritize working in an environment that resonates with their religious beliefs.
Unique Features
Curated job listings from Christian organizations tailored for tech professionals.
Daily updates on available job roles in the tech sector within Christian companies.
Platform focused on helping users find roles where they can excel in their careers while staying true to their faith.
User Comments
Great platform for finding tech roles that align with my faith and values.
A fantastic resource for tech professionals looking to work in a Christian environment.
Daily updates help me stay informed about the latest job opportunities in the Christian tech sector.
Easy-to-use interface and straightforward job search process.
Highly recommended for tech professionals seeking career opportunities in Christian organizations.
Growing user base with positive feedback.
Consistent daily job updates.
Active engagement from tech professionals in the Christian community.
Market Size
The religious job board market in the US was valued at $589 million in 2020, with a steady growth rate projected.


Be first to see new product jobs at YCombinator startups
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Job seekers struggle to keep up with new opportunities, especially at fast-growing startups, due to the vast number of job boards and company sites. Finding relevant positions that match their skills and seniority level is time-consuming and inefficient.
Product.Jobs offers a digest service that monitors over 4500 YCombinator startup job boards, sending daily updates with newly-posted jobs in product, design, and marketing. Users can personalize the service by specifying desired role, seniority, and more.
Job seekers specializing in product, design, and marketing roles, particularly those interested in opportunities at YCombinator startups.
Unique Features
Monitors an extensive network of over 4500 YCombinator startup job boards, provides a personalized daily digest, and allows filtering by role, seniority, and preferences.
User Comments
No data available.
No data available.
Market Size
No data available.