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Hire a ghostwriter for your investor updates
# Business Ideas Generator
Featured on : Nov 14. 2023
Featured on : Nov 14. 2023
What is
Don't ghost your investors. Instead, hire a ghostwriter (me). I write your investor updates and keep you accountable. We meet monthly and you get bespoke ready-to-send updates tailored to your startup
Entrepreneurs often struggle to communicate regularly and effectively with their investors, leading to missed opportunities for engagement, feedback, and support.
A service that pairs you with a ghostwriter specialized in crafting investor updates. Entrepreneurs meet monthly with the ghostwriter to receive tailored, ready-to-send updates for their startup.
Startup founders and entrepreneurs who need assistance in maintaining consistent communication with their investors.
Unique Features
Personalized monthly meetings for bespoke updates, accountability for regular communication with investors, specialization in investor update content.
User Comments
Saves time and ensures consistency
Professional quality updates
Adds accountability to the process
Customized to each startup’s needs
Helpful for maintaining investor relationships
Newly launched on ProductHunt, specific traction data such as user numbers or revenue are not available yet.
Market Size
The global content marketing industry, which includes ghostwriting services, is projected to reach $412.88 billion by 2021.