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Share secrets, passwords or files in a safe and easy way
# Privacy & Security
Featured on : Jul 12. 2023
Featured on : Jul 12. 2023
What is Duckist?
Send secrets instantly and securely. The secret disappears after it is viewed or after a particular time. encrypts the secrets in the browser, making it impossible for hackers and even our team to access them.
Users need to share sensitive information like secrets, passwords, or files securely. Traditionally, such information could be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties, leading to data breaches and leaks. Existing methods may not fully protect against hackers and unauthorized access.
A secure platform that enables users to share secrets, passwords, or files in a safe and easy manner. Messages encrypt in the browser and self-destruct after being viewed or after a set time, ensuring that even the platform's team cannot access them. Encryption of secrets in the browser and self-destructive messages are core features.
Security-conscious individuals, IT professionals, and anyone requiring confidential communication.
Unique Features
Browser-based encryption, self-destructive messages, ensuring no unauthorized access including the platform's own team.
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