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Cleft Notes
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Cleft Notes
Turn Voice Memos Into Organized Notes
# Speech-to-Text
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
What is Cleft Notes?
Just say whatever’s on your mind. Cleft will take your voice, and turn it into beautiful organized notes. Share and export at the click of a button to all your favorite apps.
Users struggle to organize voice memos into notes effectively, making it challenging to access and use the information in a structured format.
An application that converts voice memos into well-organized notes, enabling users to easily capture, store, and share their thoughts. Users can efficiently export notes to various apps with a single click.
Professionals such as journalists, students, or business executives who frequently take voice memos and need a streamlined way to organize and utilize the information.
Unique Features
Automated conversion of voice memos to notes
Seamless organization and sharing of notes across multiple platforms
User Comments
Simple and effective solution for converting voice memos to notes
Great for enhancing productivity and ensuring information is easily accessible
Intuitive interface makes it user-friendly for various use cases
Useful for on-the-go note-taking and capturing ideas quickly
Efficient integration with popular apps simplifies sharing and collaboration
The product has gained positive user feedback with a high rating on ProductHunt
Growing user base showing increased adoption rates
Continuous updates and improvements based on user suggestions
Market Size
The global market for voice-to-text applications was valued at approximately $2.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $7.5 billion by 2026.