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Value-based social network
# Social Media Assistant
Featured on : Jul 18. 2023
Featured on : Jul 18. 2023
What is Circle?
Circle is a value-based social network. Circle allows you to rate other users based on the value they contribute to the platform. Circle allows you to connect with your Social Circle and Inner Circle more meaningfully than any other social network.
Users are seeking more meaningful connections and interactions within social networks, feeling dissatisfied with superficial engagements and lacking a sense of value from the content with existing platforms. The lack of meaningful connections and the superficial nature of engagements on current social networks are significant drawbacks.
Circle is a value-based social network where users can rate others based on the value they contribute, aiming to foster more meaningful connections within one's Social Circle and Inner Circle. The platform emphasizes depth over breadth in interactions.
Individuals seeking deeper, more meaningful social interactions online, dissatisfied with the superficiality of existing networks. This may include professionals, creatives, and anyone looking to build a value-driven community.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Circle is its mechanism that allows users to rate each other based on the value of contributions, emphasizing meaningful interactions and contributions over mere socializing or the number of connections.
User Comments
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Specific metrics such as user numbers, MRR, or recent feature launches of Circle were not publicly available at the time of this analysis.
Market Size
The global social networking platforms market was valued at over $192 billion in 2021, with expectations for continued growth as users seek more authentic and meaningful interactions online.