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Share digital files after death
# Digital Marketing Generator
Featured on : Jun 29. 2024
Featured on : Jun 29. 2024
What is
Bequeath is a revolutionary website designed to ensure your voice is heard, even when you're no longer around. With Bequeath, you can securely deposit digital elements such as messages, videos, and more, to be shared with your loved ones after you pass away.
Users needed a way to share digital messages, files, and legacy content after their death, but had no structured, secure method to do so. Past solutions were informal and unreliable, causing difficulties in ensuring content was passed on correctly and privately. The lack of a structured, secure method limited users' ability to leave digital legacies effectively.
Bequeath is a revolutionary website where users can securely deposit digital files—like messages and videos—to be shared with loved ones posthumously. This ensures that individual’s final communications are preserved and delivered according to their wishes.
The user persona for Bequeath consists of individuals planning end-of-life affairs, including seniors, people with critical health issues, and legal professionals managing estates and wills. Individuals planning end-of-life affairs, legal professionals.
Unique Features
Secure storage of sensitive digital assets, timed release of content following verification of one's passing, and the ability to reach loved ones with personalized messages or instructions after death.
User Comments
Empowering tool for posthumous communication.
Provides peace of mind and closure.
User-friendly and respectful interface.
Ensures privacy and security of digital legacies.
Eases the process of estate planning.
Recently launched on ProductHunt with positive feedback, accumulating significant interest from users focused on estate planning and digital legacy.
Market Size
The global market for digital legacy and estate planning solutions is growing, as awareness and digital asset management increase. Estimated value by industry experts $1 billion by 2025.