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Article Summarizer by TinyQuiz
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Article Summarizer by TinyQuiz
Summarize any article for free
# Summarizer
Featured on : Aug 21. 2023
Featured on : Aug 21. 2023
What is Article Summarizer by TinyQuiz?
Too busy to read long articles? 📚 We got you. With our tool, you can get the gist of any article in seconds. Boom! Short, sweet, and to the point. Plus, we've thrown in a quick quiz at the end to test what you got. 🧠
Users struggle to read long articles due to time constraints, leading to missed opportunities for learning and staying informed.
A web-based tool that summarizes articles, providing the gist in seconds and includes a quick quiz to test comprehension.
Busy professionals, students, and anyone looking to consume information quickly without reading through entire articles.
Unique Features
The inclusion of a quick quiz at the end of each summary to test user comprehension is a unique feature that sets it apart.
User Comments
Saves time and hassle.
Useful for quick study sessions.
Innovative way to test comprehension.
Great for staying informed on the go.
Efficient and easy to use.
Could not provide specific traction metrics as of the knowledge cutoff in April 2023.
Market Size
The global market for educational technology, which includes article summarizing tools, was valued at $106 billion in 2021, with expectations of continued growth.