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AI Slack Assistant, by My AskAI
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AI Slack Assistant, by My AskAI
An AI Slack assistant connected to your G Drive & Notion
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Sep 27. 2023
Featured on : Sep 27. 2023
What is AI Slack Assistant, by My AskAI?
Say goodbye to bad search - the simplest way to get answers from all your Google Drive and Notion docs, directly in Slack. Get set up in minutes, without code, for free.
Users struggle to efficiently search and retrieve information across their Google Drive and Notion documents directly from Slack, which leads to time wastage and decreased productivity.
An AI Slack assistant that integrates with Google Drive and Notion, allowing users to efficiently search and get answers from their documents directly in Slack. Users can set it up quickly and easily, without needing to write any code and can use it for free.
Remote teams, project managers, and companies that use Slack for communication and store their project documents on Google Drive and Notion.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its ability to integrate seamlessly with both Google Drive and Notion, providing instant search results directly within Slack, thus ensuring a smooth workflow without the need to switch between apps.
User Comments
Saves a lot of time by eliminating the need to switch between apps
Easy to set up and use
Greatly enhances productivity and collaboration within teams
Free to use, which is a big plus for small teams
The ability to search across both Google Drive and Notion is a game-changer
Unable to find specific quantitative data regarding traction such as user numbers or MRR, as the product was recently posted on ProductHunt.
Market Size
Unable to find specific market size for AI Slack assistants. However, the global productivity software market, which includes similar tools, is projected to reach $96.36 billion by 2025.