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AI Assistant in Slack
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AI Assistant in Slack
Delegate Slack to your AI assistant and save an hour per day
# AI Chatbot
Featured on : Sep 8. 2023
Featured on : Sep 8. 2023
What is AI Assistant in Slack?
Your AI Executive Assistant works alongside you in Slack: 📚 Summarizing long conversations and extracting to-dos ✍️ Auto-drafting replies to help you save an hour per day
Users dealing with time-consuming management of Slack conversations and tasks, resulting in reduced productivity and extended work hours.
A Slack-integrated AI Executive Assistant that helps users by summarizing long conversations, extracting to-dos, and auto-drafting replies, effectively saving an hour per day.
Business professionals, team leaders, and project managers who extensively use Slack for internal communication and collaboration.
Unique Features
Integration directly into Slack, capability to summarize lengthy conversations, automatic drafting of replies, and task extraction from conversations.
User Comments
Significantly reduces the time spent managing Slack messages.
Improves overall productivity by automating repetitive tasks.
Easy to set up and integrates seamlessly with Slack.
Helpful in keeping track of conversations and to-dos.
Some users wish for more customization options in auto-drafted replies.
Newly launched on Product Hunt, exact user numbers and revenue details are not available.
The product has received positive feedback from early adopters.
Market Size
Specific market size data for Slack-integrated AI assistants is not readily available. However, the market for productivity apps and tools, which includes similar solutions, is rapidly growing due to the increase in remote work and collaboration platforms usage.