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Market Research Tool
Entrepreneurs and creators often struggle to validate their ideas before investing significant resources into development. The lack of initial feedback and difficulty in reaching a broad audience for validation significantly hinders the pre-launch phase.
Prelaunch Idea Validator is a tool that turns an idea into a product page in less than 3 minutes, enabling users to get feedback from friends, their network, and a 200-million-people panel.
This product is most suitable for entrepreneurs, startup founders, and product developers who are in the ideation or pre-launch phase and looking for a quick validation of their product idea.
Unique Features
The ability to rapidly create a product page and gather feedback from a vast, 200-million-people panel distinguishes Prelaunch Idea Validator from other validation tools.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global market for product lifecycle management, including validation tools, is expected to reach $73.7 billion by 2026.
Today's social networks are echo chambers, leading to biased views and insincere feedback due to the presence of profiles. Users struggle to obtain honest opinions to make the right choices.
Pollster is an app where users can ask questions anonymously and receive honest public opinions, without the influence of profiles or social network biases. Ask anything & get public opinions.
Individuals seeking unbiased feedback, market researchers looking for public opinion, and users wanting to discover what people honestly think about various topics. Market researchers and individuals seeking unbiased feedback are the primary users.
Unique Features
The key feature that sets Pollster apart is its emphasis on anonymity and honesty. It allows users to ask questions and receive feedback without the influence of social identities or echo chambers.
User Comments
Valuable tool for getting unfiltered opinions.
Simplifies decision-making with real public feedback.
Helps understand the general consensus on numerous topics.
Lack of social media bias enhances the value of insights.
User-friendly interface encourages engagement.
Since specific traction details (users, revenue, etc.) of Pollster are not available publicly, it's challenging to provide quantitative data without access to internal metrics or recent updates.
Market Size
The market size for online survey and public polling platforms is substantial, with the global online survey software market expected to reach $7.5 billion by 2027.