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File Synchronizer
Users need to manually ensure that the files on their backup hard disk drive are identical to those on their PC.
Drawbacks: Manual checking is time-consuming, prone to errors, and may result in data loss if not done regularly and accurately.
A file synchronization tool in the form of software application.
Users can automatically detect changes in PC files and synchronize them with the backup hard disk, ensuring identical files on both devices.
Core features: Automated file change detection, file synchronization, real-time mirroring to backup hard disk.
Individuals or businesses that store critical data on their PCs and want seamless backup synchronization.
Unique Features
Real-time mirroring for instant backup updates.
Automated file change detection reduces manual effort and minimizes the risk of data loss.
User Comments
Effortlessly kept my backup drive updated.
Great tool for ensuring data consistency between devices.
Simple and effective file synchronization software.
Saved me time and worry about losing important files.
Reliable and easy to use for maintaining backup integrity.
Over 10,000 downloads within the first month of launch.
Currently generating $20k monthly recurring revenue with a user base of 5,000 regular users.
Acquired $500k in seed funding.
Market Size
$3.4 billion global file synchronization market size estimated in 2021.
The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19% between 2021-2026.