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This Job Does Not Exist
Individuals often face challenges imagining future job roles and requirements, leading to a lack of preparedness and adaptability in an ever-evolving job market. The lack of preparedness and adaptability in an evolving job market are primary concerns.
This Job Does Not Exist serves as a web-based platform where users can explore a collection of fictitious job listings generated by AI, including its title, description, requirements, and responsibilities. Through this platform, users are able to envision future jobs and prepare accordingly. The exploration of AI-generated fictitious job listings helps users imagine and prepare for future job roles.
This platform is most likely used by career advisors, HR professionals, futurists, students, and job seekers who are interested in gaining insights into future job markets and trends.
User Comments
Users find the concept innovative and thought-provoking.
Some appreciate the creativity and preparation aspect for future job markets.
Critics mention a potential lack of practical application in the current job market.
There is curiosity and engagement with the idea of jobs that could exist.
Questions are raised about the accuracy and feasibility of these AI-generated roles.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size is expected to reach $43.39 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2020 to 2027.

myCareerMax - AI Job Search

All-in-1 AI job search, career toolkit & application copilot
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Job seekers often struggle to find relevant job opportunities, tailor resumes and cover letters for each position, and prepare effectively for interviews, leading to inefficient job search processes and missed opportunities. Struggle to find relevant job opportunities and tailor resumes
myCareerMax is a comprehensive dashboard offering AI-powered job search, career toolkit, and application copilot services. Users can discover job opportunities, receive AI coaching, customize resumes and cover letters, use an interview simulator, get ATS resume scoring, and benefit from a top job board. It also integrates with MagicMax for seamless 1-click application autofill. AI-powered job search, career toolkit, and application copilot services
Job seekers at various career stages looking for efficient tools to enhance their job search, application, and interview preparation processes.
Unique Features
Integration with MagicMax for 1-click application autofill, AI coaching, tailored resume and cover letter creation, interview simulator, and ATS resume scoring.
User Comments
Users appreciate the all-in-one approach to the job search process.
The AI coaching feature receives positive feedback for its effectiveness.
The resume and cover letter customization tools are highly valued.
The interview simulator is mentioned as a unique and useful feature.
Overall, users report higher efficiency in their job search and application process.
Unfortunately, specific traction details such as number of users, MRR, or major milestones are not directly available from the provided information or publicly accessible sources.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size was valued at $28.68 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow significantly.

AI Job Application Reviewer

Review and score your job application with AI
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Job applicants often struggle with tailoring their resumes to specific job roles, leading to a mismatch between their applications and job descriptions, resulting in lower chances of being shortlisted for the role. Struggle with tailoring their resumes to specific job roles.
An online platform that leverages AI to review and score job applications instantly. Users can upload their resume, the job title, and the job description, and the AI provides a score based on how well the application matches the job requirements.
Job seekers, particularly those actively applying to various positions, who wish to optimize their resumes and cover letters to better match job descriptions.
Unique Features
Instant scoring of job applications, AI-based matching of resume to job descriptions, and personalized feedback to improve the job application.
User Comments
User comments are unavailable without access to specific feedback or reviews from product users.
Traction details are not provided without access to specific user or performance metrics from the product's website or tracking platforms.
Market Size
The global career development service market, which includes resume optimization tools, is expected to grow significantly due to increased job market competition and the growing need for professional advancement. Data specific to the market size is unavailable without comprehensive market research reports.

Fluffle Job Board AI

Pin a job URL to unlock AI-powered alumni insights
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Users struggle to gain insights into job applications and the interview process for specific roles
Lack of information on who has gotten interviews for a particular job role and discovering similar roles
AI-powered job board tool
Users can pin a job URL to receive AI-generated insights on interviewees and discover related roles.
AI-generated insights on interviewees and related roles
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Unique Features
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
User Comments
Provides valuable insights for job seekers and recruiters
Great tool for discovering related roles
AI-generated information is accurate and helpful
Easy to use and navigate
Updates from multiple users enhance the job board experience
Active engagement and positive feedback from users on Product Hunt
Growing user base indicated by user comments and product upvotes
Market Size
Global job board market is valued at approximately $27.5 billion in 2021


Find exclusive ChatGPT AI job opportunities
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Professionals in the AI job market struggle to find opportunities tailored specifically to their skills in ChatGPT and AI technologies, which leads to challenges in career development and job satisfaction. Struggle to find ChatGPT-specific job opportunities.
JobList.AI is a platform designed for ChatGPT-driven professionals seeking to leverage AI in their careers. It offers a curated list of job opportunities that are specifically in the field of ChatGPT and AI, allowing users to find exclusive job listings not available on other platforms. Offers a curated list of ChatGPT-specific job opportunities.
The primary users are professionals looking to advance their careers in the AI field, particularly those skilled in or seeking to work with ChatGPT technology. This includes data scientists, AI researchers, AI project managers, and software developers interested in AI and ChatGPT. Data scientists, AI researchers, AI project managers, and software developers.
User Comments
Users appreciate the platform's specialized focus on ChatGPT-related jobs.
Positive feedback on the ease of discovering unique opportunities.
Some users highlighted the high relevance of job listings to their skills.
Appreciation for a platform dedicated to AI and ChatGPT careers.
Suggestions for more features like career advice and AI job market trends.
Market Size
The global AI job market is rapidly expanding with ChatGPT expertise becoming increasingly sought after. Data on the specific size of the ChatGPT job market is not readily available, but AI and machine learning job roles have been among the fastest-growing job categories, indicating a significant market.

Job Description AI

Generate job description for free
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Users struggle to create compelling and effective job descriptions, leading to challenges in attracting qualified candidates.
A web tool that utilizes AI to generate job descriptions for free, automating and streamlining the process for users.
Core features: AI-powered job description generation.
Hiring managers, HR professionals, small business owners, recruiters.
Unique Features
Free AI-powered job description generation, saving time and effort for users.
User Comments
Streamlines the recruitment process.
Generates accurate and detailed job descriptions.
Saves time and effort for HR teams.
Helps in attracting qualified candidates.
Useful tool for small businesses and startups.
The product has gained traction with over 10,000 users generating job descriptions.
Positive feedback from users citing time-saving benefits.
Market Size
$3.3 billion - The global recruitment software market size in 2021, indicating a significant demand for tools enhancing the recruitment process.

Instant Job Cover Letters with AI

Speed up your job applications by 10x, just drop a resume
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Applying for jobs is a time-consuming process, particularly the crafting of personalized cover letters for each application. It can be difficult to repeatedly articulate skills and experiences in a way that matches specific job descriptions.
An online tool that generates tailored cover letters by simply dropping in a resume and pasting the job description. The AI analyzes skills and experiences to create a cover letter that aligns with the job requirements.
Job seekers across various industries looking to streamline their application process and increase their chances of securing interviews.
Unique Features
The ability to instantaneously generate personalized cover letters by analyzing resume and job description data.
User Comments
Saves time on applications
Impressed by the personalization
Increased interview callbacks
Convenient and easy to use
Concerns about reliance on AI for such a critical task
Inability to find specific data such as number of users, MRR, or financing due to constraints.
Market Size
The global online job board market was valued at $18.7 billion in 2020, hinting at a large market for job application tools such as cover letter generators.

Humanize AI - Free AI Humanizer

Free AI Humanizer to Humanize AI Text & Get 100% Human Score
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Content creators frequently use AI to generate text, but this AI-generated content often struggles to pass as human-written due to its detectable patterns, leading to challenges in evading AI detectors. The drawbacks are the inability of AI-generated text to evade AI detection effectively.
Humanize AI is a free AI humanizer tool that transforms AI-generated text into a more human-like format. This enhancement allows the text to circumvent various AI detection tools more effectively.
The primary user personas are likely to be content creators, digital marketers, SEO specialists, and writers who rely on AI to generate textual content but need it to appear human-written.
Unique Features
The core unique feature of Humanize AI is its ability to humanize text to achieve a 100% human score, making it uniquely effective in helping AI-generated content evade AI detection.
User Comments
Users appreciate its effectiveness in humanizing AI-generated text.
Some users note that it's a valuable tool for SEO and digital marketing.
The ease of use and accessibility of the tool are frequently highlighted.
There's a positive sentiment towards its cost-efficiency being free.
Several users express a wish for more advanced features or customization options.
Since no specific traction metrics are provided and additional search yielded no quantifiable data, it’s assumed the product has garnered attention due to its utility in the content creation community.
Market Size
Given the increasing reliance on AI for content creation across industries, the market for tools like Humanize AI is significant. The global AI in content creation market was valued at $465.2 million in 2020 and is expected to grow substantially.

Will AI replace me?

Find out when AI will take your job based on your resume
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Individuals are uncertain about the future of their careers in the age of artificial intelligence, specifically regarding whether they are in danger of losing their jobs to AI and how soon that might happen.
A web-based platform where users can upload their resumes, and the AI evaluates the probability of replacement by AI, including estimating the number of years before potential replacement.
Employed professionals across various industries concerned about AI impacting their job stability, especially those in fields with a higher automation risk like administrative, manufacturing, and entry-level tech positions.
Unique Features
The platform uniquely combines resume analysis with AI automation trends to provide a personalized estimate of job replacement risk and timeframe.
User Comments
Innovative and thought-provoking concept.
User interface is straightforward and easy to use.
Raises awareness about the future impact of AI on jobs.
Some users expressed skepticism regarding the accuracy of predictions.
Encourages professionals to upskill or reskill according to future job market demands.
As of my last knowledge update in April 2023, no specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing information are available.
Market Size
The global AI in workforce market was valued at $5.8 billion in 2022, indicating a substantial market opportunity for products assessing AI's impact on jobs.

AI Job Interview Coach

Practice and manage your job interview preparation
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Candidates often struggle with job interview preparation due to a lack of structured guidance and personalized feedback. This leads to inadequate practice, poor performance, and missed opportunities. The primary drawbacks include inadequate practice and poor performance in interviews.
Job Interview Coach is an AI-based platform that offers interactive voice coaching, GPT-4 recommendations, 200+ mock interviews, and a scheduling assistant. Users can practice interviews in a simulated environment and receive personalized feedback to improve. The core features include interactive voice coaching, GPT-4 recommendations, 200+ mock interviews, and a scheduling assistant.
The most likely users are job seekers, including fresh graduates entering the job market, professionals seeking career advancement, and individuals looking to transition into new roles or industries.
Unique Features
The integration of GPT-4 for dynamic, personalized interview question recommendations and the comprehensive suite of 200+ mock interviews covering various industries and roles.
User Comments
No comments section available for analysis.
No specific quantitative traction data available for analysis.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size was valued at $28.68 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow significantly.