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Fluffle Job Board AI
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Fluffle Job Board AI
Pin a job URL to unlock AI-powered alumni insights
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Aug 26. 2024
Featured on : Aug 26. 2024
What is Fluffle Job Board AI?
Pin a job URL to receive AI-generated insights on who actually has gotten interviews for this role and discover similar roles to what you submit. When multiple users pin the same URL, we update our job board, which can be unlocked by pinning a URL yourself.
Users struggle to gain insights into job applications and the interview process for specific roles
Lack of information on who has gotten interviews for a particular job role and discovering similar roles
AI-powered job board tool
Users can pin a job URL to receive AI-generated insights on interviewees and discover related roles.
AI-generated insights on interviewees and related roles
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Job seekers, recruiters, HR professionals
Unique Features
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
AI-powered insights on interviewees and related job roles
User Comments
Provides valuable insights for job seekers and recruiters
Great tool for discovering related roles
AI-generated information is accurate and helpful
Easy to use and navigate
Updates from multiple users enhance the job board experience
Active engagement and positive feedback from users on Product Hunt
Growing user base indicated by user comments and product upvotes
Market Size
Global job board market is valued at approximately $27.5 billion in 2021