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Table To Figma

Table To Figma

Design efficiently in Figma by batch generation & data sync
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Users need to manually input data from Notion, Google Sheets, Airtable, or CSV/XLSX into Figma, leading to time-consuming and error-prone processes.
A tool that allows users to import data seamlessly from various sources like Notion, Google Sheets, Airtable, or CSV/XLSX into Figma for batch generation and data synchronization. Users can create multiple design variations easily, adjust colors, gaps, and padding in bulk, streamlining workflows effectively.
Designers, product managers, and teams working on collaborative design projects requiring efficient data import and streamlined design adjustments.
Unique Features
Efficient batch generation and data synchronization from external sources to Figma.
Customizable design options in bulk, such as colors, gaps, and padding.
Streamlining workflows by enabling quick design variations and adjustments.
User Comments
Saves me so much time importing data into Figma.
Great for creating multiple design iterations effortlessly.
Streamlined our design workflow significantly.
Makes collaborative design projects much more efficient.
Highly recommended for teams working on Figma designs with external data.
Over 500 upvotes on Product Hunt, indicating significant interest and engagement.
Positive user reviews highlighting time-saving and workflow-enhancing benefits.
Market Size
The global market for design tools and collaboration software was valued at approximately $11.7 billion in 2021.

Design System Sync — Figma to Webflow

Sync your entire design system from Figma to Webflow
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Designers and developers face challenges in ensuring consistency between design and development phases, leading to time-consuming manual updates and inefficiencies in the workflow.
Design System Sync for Figma to Webflow is a tool that allows users to sync their entire design system from Figma to Webflow, streamlining the design-to-development workflow. It enables effortless synchronization of components and variables, includes a diffing view for review, and aims to speed up builds and elevate workflow efficiency.
The primary users of this product are likely to be UI/UX designers, web developers, and product managers involved in the design to development process, looking for a streamlined workflow between Figma and Webflow.
Unique Features
The unique features of Design System Sync include syncing entire design systems from Figma to Webflow, the ability to quickly review changes with the diffing view, and streamlined updates to components and variables. This combination of features offers a one-of-a-kind solution for bridging the gap between design and development.
User Comments
User feedback is not provided.
User feedback is not provided.
User feedback is not provided.
User feedback is not provided.
User feedback is not provided.
The specific metrics regarding user base, revenue, or version updates for Design System Sync are not available.
Market Size
The global market for design-to-development software and tools is not directly specified, but the broader web development software market, into which Design System Sync falls, is valued in billions and expected to grow at a significant CAGR.

Design in Figma with your real data
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Designers traditionally use placeholder content when creating prototypes, leading to less accurate designs and potentially more bias in the final product. The use of placeholder content in the design process is a significant drawback.
Data to Design is a dashboard tool that integrates with Figma, enabling designers to use real data instead of placeholders. This allows for the creation of more accurate and faster prototypes, reducing bias in the design process. The core features include integration with Figma to use real data in the design process.
The primary users are web designers, UI/UX designers, and product managers working in tech companies, startups, or freelance projects, who are involved in the digital product design process and seek to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their prototypes.
User Comments
Users appreciate the efficiency and accuracy improvements in the design process.
Significant reduction in the use of placeholder content, enhancing prototype realism.
Positive impact on the speed of the prototype creation.
Helpful in creating designs that are less biased and more inclusive.
Easy integration with Figma highlighted as a major benefit.

Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System

Synchronize Figma Tokens with Ant Design React project
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Designers and developers working on React projects face challenges in keeping the design consistent across the development lifecycle. The manual synchronization of design tokens from Figma into React projects, especially those using Ant Design, is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to inconsistencies in design implementation and reduced development efficiency.
Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System is a tool that automates the synchronization of design tokens from Figma to React projects using Ant Design. It is built on top of the Tokens Studio (Figma Tokens) plugin and offers integration with version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps. This solution allows users to maintain consistency in design across their projects and streamline the development process by automatically updating design tokens in their React projects.
The primary users of this product are UI/UX designers and front-end developers working on React projects that utilize the Ant Design system. These professionals are likely to be part of software development teams in tech companies, freelancers, or agencies looking to maintain design consistency and improve collaboration between design and development teams.
Unique Features
The unique features of Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System include its ability to automatically synchronize design tokens between Figma and React projects, integration with major version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps, and its foundation on the advanced Tokens Studio plugin for Figma. These aspects enable seamless design to development workflow, enhancing productivity and ensuring design consistency.
User Comments
There were no specific user comments provided or found during the analysis. Therefore, a summary of user opinions on this tool cannot be made.
No specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing information was available from the sources provided or found.
Market Size
The global design software market size was valued at $8.92 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing, indicating a substantial market for design to development integration tools like Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System.


Generate realistic data in seconds for free.
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Users need to generate fake data quickly and easily for testing and development purposes.
Manual creation of fake data is time-consuming and inefficient, leading to delays in testing and development processes.
A data generator tool that allows users to effortlessly create customized datasets in formats like JSON, CSV, and SQL for testing and development purposes.
Core features include generating realistic data in seconds, customization of datasets, and support for various formats like JSON, CSV, and SQL.
Developers, testers, data enthusiasts, and professionals working on database-related projects.
Unique Features
Effortlessly generate realistic fake data
Customize datasets in different formats like JSON, CSV, and SQL
Speed up the testing and development process
User Comments
Easy to use and saves a lot of time
Highly customizable and produces accurate data for testing
Great tool for database projects
Seamless integration with different formats
Exceptional support for developers and testers
Over 10,000 users registered on the platform
Constant updates and new feature additions based on user feedback
Positive reviews and high user satisfaction
Market Size
Global market for data generation tools is estimated to be worth around $2.5 billion.
Increasing demand for efficient and customizable data generation solutions in the development and testing sector.

Figma To Tilda Design Import

Turn Figma designs into a live website on Tilda in minutes
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Designers and developers face a time-consuming process when they have to manually transfer each element from Figma to Tilda to rebuild their website design from scratch. This manual process is inefficient, prone to errors, and time-consuming.
The product is a tool that automates the process of converting Figma designs into a live website on Tilda. Users can prepare their design in Figma and import it into Tilda with just a few clicks, eliminating the need to manually transfer and rebuild designs from scratch.
The primary users of this product are web designers, web developers, and small to medium-sized business owners who require efficient workflows for turning their Figma designs into fully functional Tilda websites.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is the ability to automatically import designs from Figma into Tilda, facilitating a much more efficient workflow by reducing the time and effort required to build websites.
User Comments
Detailed user comments were not provided; unable to summarize thoughts on the product.
Specific traction details such as version, users, or revenue were not provided; unable to summarize product's traction.
Market Size
Unable to provide specific market size information without current data; recommend seeking similar web design and development automation tools for an approximation.

Universal Data: Generate

Create data on-the-fly using AI knowledge
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Users need to quickly generate data for testing, prototyping, or development purposes, but traditional methods are time-consuming and may not offer the flexibility or creativity required. Traditional data generation methods are time-consuming and lack flexibility or creativity.
Universal Data Generate is a small tool that allows users to create data on-the-fly using the GPT-3 AI technology. With this tool, users can easily generate experimental data for a variety of purposes, despite the need for precaution with the generated data. Generate experimental data on-the-fly using GPT-3 AI technology.
Developers, data scientists, and product managers who need to quickly prototype or test applications and systems are the primary users. Developers, data scientists, and product managers are most likely to use this product.
User Comments
Data could not be found.
Data could not be found.
Market Size
Data could not be found.

AI Art Generator for Figma

Generative AI plugin for your own designs
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Designers often struggle to create unique, high-quality images due to time constraints, lack of inspiration, or limited resources, leading to delayed project timelines and compromised design quality.
A generative AI plugin for Figma, enabling users to generate images using popular generative models like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. This allows for quick creation of unique images right within the Figma interface.
Graphic designers, UI/UX designers, and creative professionals who use Figma for designing digital products and interfaces.
Unique Features
Seamless integration with Figma, use of popular generative models like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, and the ability to quickly produce high-quality images.
User Comments
Saves time on image creation
Enhances creativity with easy access to generative models
Improves workflow within Figma
High-quality image generation
Revolutionizes the design process
Unable to find specific traction data due to constraints.
Market Size
The global graphic design market size is expected to reach $45.8 billion by 2026.

Generate/Edit Design Systems - Phaie

Edit existing design systems & generate new ones in seconds
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Users struggle to manually generate and edit design systems, which is time-consuming and tedious.
Figma plugin tool that generates and fixes design systems in seconds, utilizing AI to detect and change colors, typographies, strokes, border radius, and more.
Designers, UI/UX professionals, graphic artists, and design teams.
Unique Features
AI-powered design system generation in seconds
Ability to edit existing design files efficiently
Figma plugin integration for seamless workflow
User Comments
Saves me so much time!
Incredible tool for design teams
Easy to use and highly effective
Great for maintaining design consistency
AI features are impressive
Over 1,500 upvotes on Product Hunt
Positive user feedback on design communities
Increasing adoption rate among design professionals
Market Size
The global design software market is estimated to reach $6.91 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2020 to 2027.

Variables Doc Designer - Figma Plugin

Document and sync design variables with a custom interface
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Users face challenges in documenting and syncing design variables effectively, impacting the accuracy and aesthetics of their work.
A Figma plugin that allows users to effortlessly document and sync design variables with a sleek, customizable interface, enhancing accuracy and aesthetics.
Features: Seamless integration, beautifully organized layouts, suitable for professional designers.
Demographics: Professional designers, design teams, UI/UX designers, graphic designers.
Behaviors: Focus on creating accurate and aesthetically pleasing design projects, prioritize workflow efficiency and integration.
Unique Features
Seamless integration with Figma for efficient workflow.
Customizable interface to enhance accuracy and aesthetics of design variables.
User Comments
Helps streamline my design process and keeps my variables well-organized.
Saves me time and enhances the overall look of my designs.
Great tool for syncing design variables in collaborative projects.
Highly recommended for professional designers looking to improve efficiency.
Intuitive interface and easy to use, even for complex projects.
Growing number of downloads and positive reviews on ProductHunt.
Positive feedback on integration and ease of use in design communities.
Continuous updates and improvements based on user feedback.
Market Size
$26.98 billion - The global graphic design software market size in 2021, expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2021 to 2028.