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Create deal-winning sales rooms in seconds
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Sellers often face delays and inefficiencies in closing deals because traditional methods of sharing sales materials are slow and cumbersome. Time kills deals.
Stageset is an online platform designed as a digital sales room that helps sellers create and share sales content quickly. Sellers can create branded digital rooms, securely share resources, and track prospect engagement.
The primary users are sales professionals and business development managers in need of efficient tools to manage sales resources and track client engagement.
Unique Features
Unique features of Stageset include rapid creation of branded digital sales rooms, secure sharing of sales materials, and real-time notifications when prospects engage with content.
User Comments
User comments on the product are not provided in the information available.
Specific data about product traction such as number of users, revenue, or new features launched are not provided.
Market Size
The market size for digital sales rooms and sales engagement platforms is projected to grow significantly, though specific numbers are not provided.


Digital sales rooms that win sales & close deals
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Traditional sales processes often lack seamless integration and real-time collaboration among teams, which can lead to slower deal closures and less satisfied customers. These processes lack seamless integration and real-time collaboration.
Launchdeck is a digital platform designed as a digital sales room to enhance business operations. It allows teams to collaborate effectively, ensuring alignment among sales, marketing, and customer success teams. The platform's core features include tools for real-time collaborations, tracking deal progress, and sharing relevant documents and data.
This product is ideal for sales teams, marketing professionals, and customer success teams within medium to large enterprises.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Launchdeck is its integrated digital sales room that supports real-time collaboration across different teams, helping to close deals faster and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. It aligns multiple departments with tools tailored for seamless sales execution.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplification and effectiveness of the sales process
Positive feedback on the seamless integration with existing tools
Reports of increased deal closure speed
High satisfaction rates for user support and service
Some requests for more customization options in the tools provided
Launchdeck has seen significant user growth with several hundred companies adopting the platform within the first few months post-launch. The platform has also rolled out new features that cater to user feedback and demands, reflecting an active and responsive development approach.
Market Size
The market for digital sales room solutions is expanding, with an assessed market size of $6 billion in 2023, experiencing a growth rate of approximately 10% annually.

DocsCube 2.0

Sign more deals faster with B2B Deal Rooms
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Businesses face challenges in efficiently organizing sales and customer onboarding processes, leading to slower deal closures and fragmented client interaction. Efficiently organizing sales and customer onboarding processes, leading to slower deal closures
Docscube 2.0 is a platform that offers a consolidated solution for organizing sales and customer onboarding through shareable B2B deal rooms. The platform allows users to map deal flows, create client portals, proposals, follow-ups, and integrate onboarding checklists. This comes along with forms, workflow automation, documents management, and unlimited eSignatures capability.
Sales teams and customer success managers in B2B companies aiming to streamline their deal and onboarding processes.
Unique Features
Integrated forms and workflow automation, unlimited eSignatures within a unified platform for deal management.
User Comments
Users appreciate the integration of all needed functions in one platform.
Few mention difficulty with initial setup.
Positive feedback on the ease of managing deals and onboarding in one space.
Likes for the unlimited eSignature feature, helping in faster deal closures.
Some suggestions for more customization options in client portals.
Over 500 companies using the platform, with a steady increase in user adoption.
Market Size
The global sales enablement platform market is expected to reach $2.6 billion by 2024.

Rooms 2.0

Create 3D interactive rooms
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Users experience difficulties creating interactive, 3D spaces online. Traditional methods are often complex, lack customization options, and have slow loading times for larger scenes.
Rooms is a platform that enables users to create interactive, 3D rooms with fully editable and scriptable elements. The 2.0 version introduces features like faster loading, room categories, an Explore page, badges, honeycomb view, and an activity feed.
3D artists, game developers, educators, and virtual event planners looking to build or offer immersive, interactive 3D environments.
Unique Features
Editable and scriptable elements, faster loading for larger rooms, room categories, Explore page, badges, honeycomb view, activity feed
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of use and customization options.
The faster loading times for larger rooms have been highlighted positively.
The introduction of badges and an activity feed enhances user engagement.
Some users express a desire for even more customization tools.
The Explore page is praised for helping users discover new rooms.
Not enough publicly available data to specify numbers on users, MRR, or financing.
Market Size
The global 3D modeling, CAD, and simulation software market is expected to reach $11.21 billion by 2023.

Oliv Sales Master

Your AI Sales companion to hit sales targets before time
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Sales professionals often struggle to analyze post-sales calls effectively, missing out on critical insights that could help close deals. Effectively analyzing post-sales calls and missing out on closing more deals are the drawbacks.
Oliv is an AI-powered sales assistant that provides sales professionals with critical insights post-sales calls using next-gen AI. By offering automatically updated scorecards via MEDDPICC and other sales frameworks, it helps in closing 3x more deals.
Sales professionals and individuals looking to hit their sales targets more efficiently and before time.
Unique Features
Automatically updated scorecards via MEDDPICC and other sales frameworks, and next-gen AI to analyze sales calls for critical insights.
User Comments
Saves time on post-call analysis.
Helps in hitting sales targets efficiently.
Enhances the ability to close deals.
The MEDDPICC framework is highly effective.
The free start option is very welcoming for new users.
The product traction is currently unavailable as specific details like number of users, revenue, or any financing information were not found on the provided sources or Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global AI in sales market was valued at $1.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Design My Room

Snap a photo and let AI redesign your room
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Users need to visualize different designs for their rooms to enhance aesthetics or functionality, but manually imagining or sketching out ideas is time-consuming and requires design skill. The difficulty in visualizing redesigns without professional help is a significant drawback.
A mobile application that utilizes AI to instantly offer five new room designs based on a user’s uploaded photo. Users can easily take a photo of their room, and the app will provide 5 new designs tailored to their specific room, simplifying the process of room redesign.
The primary users are homeowners, renters, interior design enthusiasts, and individuals looking to refresh their living spaces without the need for extensive knowledge in interior design.
Unique Features
The ability to generate multiple design options for a room instantly, based on a single photograph, using AI technology. This seamless integration of AI into interior design is unique.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of use and the quality of design suggestions.
There's excitement about using AI for interior design tasks.
Some users desire more customization options for their designs.
Feedback on the accuracy and relevancy of the AI-generated designs is generally positive.
A few users mention technical issues or glitches within the app.
As of the latest update, specific user numbers, revenue, or version updates are not readily available. The product has garnered attention on Product Hunt, indicating initial interest and engagement from the market.
Market Size
The global interior design market was valued at $150.7 billion in 2020, with expectations for growth. The segment of digital and AI-driven interior design solutions is expected to expand within this market. BETA

Create interactive rooms in your browser
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Creating games and interactive experiences often requires specialized software and programming skills, leading to barriers for beginners and those without technical backgrounds. Barriers for beginners and those without technical backgrounds.
Rooms is a web-based platform that allows users to create games and interactive experiences directly from their browser. Users can edit and script everything they see without any download necessary, making it accessible and user-friendly. Edit and script directly from the browser without any download.
Hobbyist game developers, educators, content creators, and those interested in creating interactive digital experiences without the need for extensive programming knowledge or software installation. Hobbyist game developers, educators, content creators.
Unique Features
The ability to create and edit games and interactive experiences directly in the browser without any downloads, and the platform's accessibility for users without technical backgrounds.
User Comments
Users appreciate the accessibility and ease of use.
They find it innovative for beginner game developers.
Positive responses to the platform being free.
Excitement about the edit and script features.
Market Size

Video Scripts for Sales

Create sales videos that convert with Sendspark's AI tool
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Sales professionals know the effectiveness of videos in sales outreach, but often struggle with what to say in these videos, leading to less engaging and underperforming sales content.
Sendspark's AI tool is a web-based platform that uses OpenAI to help users instantly create video scripts for sales, addressing the challenge of crafting engaging and effective sales video content.
Sales professionals, marketing teams, and business owners looking to leverage video content for sales outreach and engagement.
Unique Features
The integration with OpenAI for instant script generation specifically tailored for sales videos marks a unique offering, providing a niche solution for sales and marketing professionals.
User Comments
There are no direct user comments available from the provided links or ProductHunt.
The product's specific traction details, including user numbers and MRR/ARR, are not provided in the given information or on the ProductHunt page.
Market Size
The global video marketing market is expected to grow to $24.53 billion by 2027, suggesting a substantial potential market for video script creation tools like Sendspark.

Sales Funnel

Best Sales Funnel to Drive Sales to your product
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Users currently face the challenge of setting up and automating a sales funnel system, particularly beginners who seek high conversions.
Drawbacks: Manual sales processes, lack of automation, complexity in setting up effective sales funnels, potential for low conversion rates.
A fully automated sales funnel system
Features: Simple setup, tailored for beginners, proven to drive high conversions, automation of sales processes for steady and scalable income.
Entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to streamline and automate their sales processes.
Demographics: Entrepreneurs, startups, small business owners.
Behaviors: Interested in maximizing profits, improving sales efficiency, and scalability.
Unique Features
Offers a fully automated sales funnel system at zero cost.
Tailored for beginners with simple setup process for high conversions.
Proven to increase profits through automated sales processes.
User Comments
Easy setup process, great for beginners.
Highly effective in boosting sales and profits.
User-friendly interface for seamless automation.
Impressed with the scalability and steady income.
Free cost is a significant advantage for small businesses.
Continuously growing user base with positive feedback on the effectiveness of the system.
Increasing number of users leveraging the automated sales funnel for steady income.
Market Size
Global sales funnel software market size is estimated to be worth $1.32 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 10% from 2022 to 2028.
Increasing adoption of automated sales funnel systems by businesses contributes to the market's expansion.

Sales Dialer for iOS

Make more calls, close more deals with powerful sales dialer
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Sales teams often face issues with efficiency and productivity due to manual dialing effort, which leads to less time for actual sales calls and, subsequently, fewer closed deals.
JustCall's Sales Dialer is an outbound phone dialer app that allows sales teams to automate their call campaigns, significantly increasing productivity by enabling them to make double the calls without manual dialing.
Sales teams in various industries looking to enhance their call campaign efficiency and close more deals through improved call management and automation.
Unique Features
Automates the call campaign process, increases call productivity by enabling 2X more calls, and eliminates the manual effort of dialing.
User Comments
No specific user comments found.
No specific traction data found.
Market Size
No specific market size data found.