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DocsCube 2.0
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DocsCube 2.0
Sign more deals faster with B2B Deal Rooms
# Contract Management
Featured on : Jul 12. 2024
Featured on : Jul 12. 2024
What is DocsCube 2.0?
Organize sales and customer onboarding in one shareable deal room. Map your deal flow and create client portals, proposals, follow-ups & onboarding checklists. 👉 B2B Deal Rooms 👉 Forms & workflow-automation 👉 Documents & unlimited eSignatures
Businesses face challenges in efficiently organizing sales and customer onboarding processes, leading to slower deal closures and fragmented client interaction. Efficiently organizing sales and customer onboarding processes, leading to slower deal closures
Docscube 2.0 is a platform that offers a consolidated solution for organizing sales and customer onboarding through shareable B2B deal rooms. The platform allows users to map deal flows, create client portals, proposals, follow-ups, and integrate onboarding checklists. This comes along with forms, workflow automation, documents management, and unlimited eSignatures capability.
Sales teams and customer success managers in B2B companies aiming to streamline their deal and onboarding processes.
Unique Features
Integrated forms and workflow automation, unlimited eSignatures within a unified platform for deal management.
User Comments
Users appreciate the integration of all needed functions in one platform.
Few mention difficulty with initial setup.
Positive feedback on the ease of managing deals and onboarding in one space.
Likes for the unlimited eSignature feature, helping in faster deal closures.
Some suggestions for more customization options in client portals.
Over 500 companies using the platform, with a steady increase in user adoption.
Market Size
The global sales enablement platform market is expected to reach $2.6 billion by 2024.