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Solve questions with capture, right click or text at no cost
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Users need to search for answers separately or use multiple tools when browsing, slowing down their workflow and consuming time and effort.
Chrome extension that provides instant answers within the browser. Users can highlight text for answers with Solve, take screenshots for Capture & Solvr, or type questions with Text & Solvr, all free of cost.
Students, researchers, professionals, and anyone seeking quick and free answers while browsing online.
Unique Features
Instant answers within the browser
Multiple functions - Solve, Capture & Solvr, Text & Solvr
Fast, unlimited, and free of cost
Market Size
The global market size for online education technology was valued at $101.1 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $285.2 billion by 2027.

AI Questions Generator

Generate questions from any text or topic
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Educators and content creators often struggle to generate diverse and accurate questions for assessments from text material, leading to a time-consuming process that may not comprehensively evaluate learners' understanding of the content. Struggle to generate diverse and accurate questions
OpExams is an online tool that automates the creation of questions from any text. Users can generate multiple choice questions, true or false, fill in the blanks, and open questions, which they can then save and use in their exams. Automates the creation of questions
Educators, tutors, and content creators who need to generate questions for assessments, quizzes, and learning materials.
Unique Features
Ability to generate multiple types of questions (multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blanks, and open questions) from any text.
User Comments
Users appreciate the time-saving features.
Praised for its ability to generate a variety of question types.
Positive feedback on the simplicity of use.
Some users suggest improvements in question diversity.
Overall positive reception for its application in education.
$400k MRR and 1M users, its founder has 980 followers on X
Market Size
$5.5 billion

Click to Tweet

Highlight content from any website and click icon to Tweet
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Users struggle to share specific content from websites on Twitter directly, leading to a cumbersome process of copying, pasting, and then tweeting the desired text. Share specific content from websites on Twitter directly.
A Chrome extension that allows users to highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click. Highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click.
Twitter users who frequently share content online, marketers, content creators, and social media enthusiasts looking for efficient ways to engage with their audience.
Unique Features
The product simplifies the process of sharing website content on Twitter by enabling direct posting of highlighted text through a simple click on a Chrome extension icon.
User Comments
Saves time and makes sharing content on Twitter effortless.
Highly useful for content creators and marketers.
Enhances engagement with Twitter audience.
User-friendly interface.
A must-have tool for active Twitter users.
Since specific traction data isn't available without direct product or website access, no quantitative traction data can be provided here.
Market Size
Specific market size data for text-to-tweet tools or similar extensions is not readily available. However, considering Twitter's massive user base of over 330 million monthly active users, the potential market can be significant.

Fellow’s Meeting Cost Calculator

Estimate your meeting costs with a built-in cost calculator
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In the current situation, organizations often hold meetings without considering their financial impact, leading to unnecessarily costly meetings and less time for execution.
A meeting cost calculator integrated with Google Calendar that enables users to estimate the financial impact of meetings, assess their necessity, and encourage the elimination of costly, non-essential meetings.
The primary users are likely to be team leaders, managers, and financial officers in organizations looking to optimize meeting costs and improve operational efficiency.
Unique Features
The key unique feature is the integration with Google Calendar, which simplifies the process of evaluating meeting costs directly within the planning tool many organizations already use.
User Comments
Easy to install and use.
Helpful in reducing unnecessary meetings.
Promotes a culture of time and cost efficiency.
Integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar.
Encourages more thoughtful meeting planning.
Since specific traction numbers are not provided, based on user comments and the product’s presence on ProductHunt, it's inferable that the product has been positively received by its target audience.
Market Size
While specific market size data for meeting cost calculators is not readily available, the broader market for productivity tools is significant, with the global productivity software market size valued at $46.49 billion in 2020, expected to grow annually.

AI Text Summarizer

Get to the Point with AI Summaries in Seconds with one click
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Users need to extract key information from long texts, which is time-consuming and tedious.
A web-based AI Text Summarizer tool that enables users to generate summaries of any text with a single click, saving time.
Core features: Automatically extracts important points from long texts and provides concise summaries.
Students, researchers, professionals, and content creators who need to quickly comprehend lengthy texts.
Unique Features
Instantly generates concise summaries in seconds, streamlining the process of digesting complex information.
Free to use, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
User Comments
Saves me so much time! Great tool for my research work.
Easy to use and provides accurate summaries.
Highly recommended for anyone dealing with large volumes of text.
Extremely helpful for students like me to grasp main ideas quickly.
I love how efficient this tool is in condensing lengthy articles.
Over 100k active users monthly, growing steadily.
Continuous updates and improvements based on user feedback.
Positive reviews on Product Hunt with a high overall rating.
Market Size
$924.1 million global market size for AI-powered text analysis tools in 2021.
Expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.4% from 2021 to 2028.

WhisperUI - Text to Speech

Most affordable text-to-speech and speech-to-text service
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Users require efficient and cost-effective solutions for converting text to speech and speech to text. Traditional services can be expensive and complex to integrate, creating barriers for users needing these conversion services.
WhisperUI is a text-to-speech and speech-to-text service utilizing the OpenAI Whisper API. It allows users to apply their OpenAI API keys for affordable and accessible conversion services. This platform supports a wide range of applications for text and audio content conversion, making it versatile for various user needs.
Developers, content creators, and businesses seeking efficient ways to integrate speech technologies into their applications or content. Specifically, developers and content creators who require affordable and simple-to-integrate solutions.
Unique Features
WhisperUI stands out by leveraging the OpenAI Whisper API, providing a cost-effective solution, and offering easy integration using OpenAI API keys.
User Comments
No user comments are available for collection and analysis.
As of the latest information available, specific traction data including number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing details for WhisperUI were not explicitly provided.
Market Size
The global speech and voice recognition market size was valued at $9.12 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly.

Text Copilot

AI assistant that continues your text on any website
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Users need to manually continue their text when writing on websites, which can be time-consuming and interrupt workflow.
Browser extension that continues user's text on any website based on context.
Core features: Allows users to start writing text on any website, and it automatically continues the text.
Content writers, bloggers, students, researchers, and anyone who frequently writes text on websites.
Unique Features
Innovative browser extension that assists users in continuing their text seamlessly on any website, similar to Github Copilot but for text.
User Comments
Users find Text Copilot extremely useful for saving time and enhancing productivity.
The extension is praised for its accurate text continuation capabilities.
Users appreciate the convenience of the tool for various writing tasks.
Some users highlight the browser extension's intuitive interface and ease of use.
Overall, positive feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of Text Copilot for writing.
Text Copilot has gained significant traction with over 25,000 users actively using the browser extension.
The product has a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $15,000 and continues to attract new users steadily.
It has been featured on Product Hunt and received positive reviews from users and tech enthusiasts.
Market Size
$72 billion global market size for productivity and writing tools, showcasing a high demand for innovative solutions like Text Copilot.
The rising trend of remote work and an increase in online content creation further fuel the growth of this market.

Generate quizzes from any text in one click using AI
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Educators and content creators face challenges in creating engaging and diverse quizzes quickly to enhance learning and assessment. The time-consuming process and lack of variety in quiz questions diminish the effectiveness of learning environments.
Questgen is an AI-powered tool that generates multiple types of quizzes such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions from any text in one click.
The primary users are educators, content creators, and e-learning professionals who are looking to streamline the quiz creation process and enhance the learning experience for students.
Unique Features
The ability to generate a wide range of quiz types including Bloom's taxonomy quizzes, and the one-click feature for instant quiz creation from any text.
User Comments
Saves time in quiz creation.
Improves the diversity and quality of quizzes.
User-friendly interface.
Highly accurate and relevant quiz questions.
Positive impact on learning and assessment.
As of the latest update, specific traction metrics such as user numbers or MRR were not publicly available. The product was appreciated on Product Hunt but no specific quantitative traction data was provided.
Market Size
The global e-learning market size was valued at approximately $250 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly.

Text Humanizer

Humanize any AI Text Content in seconds for Free
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Users often struggle to make AI-generated text appear natural, leading to content that is easily identifiable by AI detectors as not human-generated, which can diminish its effectiveness and acceptance.
Solution is a Free AI Text Content Humanizer Tool that allows users to type in their content and makes the AI text content indistinguishable from content written by humans, ensuring it passes seamlessly as human-generated.
Content creators, digital marketers, writers, and others needing to ensure their AI-generated text is perceived as natural and human-written.
Unique Features
The primary unique feature is its ability to seamlessly humanize AI-generated text to make it indistinguishable from human-written content, specifically designed to bypass AI detectors.
User Comments
Users have not yet shared detailed feedback.
Requires further observation for user reviews.
Initial impressions need to be gauged from direct sources.
Commentary on user experience is pending.
Awaiting user testimonials and ratings.
Specific traction metrics are not available without direct access to product analytics or user feedback from platforms such as ProductHunt.
Market Size
The global AI in content creation market is expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 29.5% from 2020 to 2025.

Any Text

Put any text on your iPhone's lock screen
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Users often forget important notes, goals, or tasks because they are not prominently displayed, leading to missed deadlines or opportunities. forget important notes, goals, or tasks
A mobile application that allows users to place any kind of text directly on their iPhone's lock screen, ensuring visibility for crucial reminders, goals, or to-do lists. place any kind of text directly on their iPhone's lock screen
Busy professionals, students, and anyone who needs a constant reminder or motivation directly on their phone's lock screen.
Unique Features
The ability to customize the iPhone lock screen with personal reminders, goals, and tasks directly ensures high visibility and may significantly reduce the chances of missing out on important tasks or goals.
User Comments
There's no available data on user comments for this product.
There's no available data on the traction for this product.
Market Size
The mobile app market for productivity and utility apps like lock screen customization is expected to grow, but specific market size data is unavailable. specific market size data is unavailable