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Click to Tweet
Highlight content from any website and click icon to Tweet
# Twitter Assistant
Featured on : May 19. 2023
Featured on : May 19. 2023
What is Click to Tweet?
Share highlighted text from any website directly to Twitter with just a click! A free and user-friendly Chrome extension that lets you share highlighted text from any website directly to Twitter with just a click!
Users struggle to share specific content from websites on Twitter directly, leading to a cumbersome process of copying, pasting, and then tweeting the desired text. Share specific content from websites on Twitter directly.
A Chrome extension that allows users to highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click. Highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click.
Twitter users who frequently share content online, marketers, content creators, and social media enthusiasts looking for efficient ways to engage with their audience.
Unique Features
The product simplifies the process of sharing website content on Twitter by enabling direct posting of highlighted text through a simple click on a Chrome extension icon.
User Comments
Saves time and makes sharing content on Twitter effortless.
Highly useful for content creators and marketers.
Enhances engagement with Twitter audience.
User-friendly interface.
A must-have tool for active Twitter users.
Since specific traction data isn't available without direct product or website access, no quantitative traction data can be provided here.
Market Size
Specific market size data for text-to-tweet tools or similar extensions is not readily available. However, considering Twitter's massive user base of over 330 million monthly active users, the potential market can be significant.