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33,742 PH launches analyzed!



Ship ur startup faster and start earning in a few days
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Developers and startups often spend significant time on the setup phase of new projects, dealing with boilerplate code and configurations, which delays the development of core business features and the market launch.
ShipFast is a boilerplate platform based on ASP.NET 8 Blazor, designed to help developers and startups accelerate their project setup. It enables users to skip the initial configuration and directly start on implementing their core business ideas, thus achieving faster shipping to customers.
The primary users are developers, startup founders, and technical entrepreneurs who are looking to quickly launch their products without getting bogged down by initial setup processes.
Unique Features
Uses ASP.NET 8 Blazor for modern web application development, offers boilerplate code to skip setup, aims for rapid deployment and market entry.
User Comments
Users have not yet provided public feedback or comments available for analysis.
Specific data on user numbers, MRR, or other traction metrics are not available from the provided sources.
Market Size
The market size for development frameworks and startup accelerators is difficult to quantify without specific data, but the global software development market was valued at $429.59 billion in 2021, indicating a robust demand for efficient development tools.

Same-Day Startup Funding by Paintbrush

Apply, get approved, and get a $50k startup loan in one day
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Startup founders often face lengthy and complex processes to secure initial funding, with delays and bureaucracy hindering their ability to quickly implement ideas.
A streamlined loan application platform designed specifically for startups, where users can apply, get approved, and receive a $50k loan in a single day, making early-stage financing swift and hassle-free.
Startup founders and entrepreneurs in need of rapid early-stage funding to kickstart or advance their business operations.
Unique Features
Same-day funding for loans accepted before 2:50 EDT on business days, offering an unprecedented speedy solution for startup financing.
User Comments
Fast and efficient process eliminating waiting times.
A game-changer for startups needing quick funding.
Removes traditional funding hurdles.
Appreciated by companies in their early stages.
High satisfaction with the straightforward application process.
Unable to provide specific traction without current access to up-to-date databases or the product's proprietary information.
Market Size
Data unavailable to estimate the market size for same-day startup funding services without current market research resources.

Them Days

Rate your day and identify trends in the bad days
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Users struggle to understand what causes their bad days due to a lack of tracking and analysis, often leading to a cycle of repeated mistakes and decreased well-being. The drawbacks include lack of tracking and analysis of bad days.
Them Days is a mobile app that allows users to rate their day on a scale from 1 to 10 and add notes about what made it a good or bad day. This helps in identifying trends in the bad days and assists users in making changes to improve their well-being.
The app targets individuals interested in personal development, mental health enthusiasts, and those seeking to understand and improve their daily well-being.
Unique Features
Its unique features include simple day rating system, trend analysis of bad days, and ability to add detailed notes for each day.
User Comments
Users appreciate the intuitive design.
Helpful in tracking mood and identifying patterns.
Some users request more in-depth analytics features.
Positive impact on their mental health and awareness.
Ease of use highlighted as a major benefit.
Based on available information, specific traction data such as the number of users or revenue is not provided.
Market Size
The global mental health app market size was $4.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.

Startup Pitch Videos

The largest collection of curated startup pitches
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Users struggle to access curated startup pitch videos from famous startup accelerators and demo days worldwide.
Lack of centralized platform for watching curated pitch videos from well-known startup accelerators and demo days.
Online platform that offers a vast collection of curated startup pitch videos from renowned startup accelerators and demo days worldwide.
Users can watch and learn from pitch videos of famous startup accelerators like YC Demo Days, 500 Startups, TechStars, and more.
Startup founders, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and professionals interested in learning from successful startup pitches.
Unique Features
Curated selection of startup pitch videos from top accelerators globally.
Access to pitch videos from renowned events like YC Demo Days, 500 Startups, and TechStars.
User Comments
Great platform to learn from successful startup pitches.
Love the curated selection of pitch videos from known accelerators.
Helped me understand what makes a compelling startup pitch.
Highly recommended for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Valuable resource for investors looking to evaluate pitches.
Growing user base with increasing engagement and positive feedback.
Featured in top startup communities and accelerators.
Receiving recognition for providing valuable insights into successful pitches.
Market Size
There is a growing market for curated resources in the startup ecosystem, with an increasing demand for insights from successful pitch videos.

Autoproof for Startups

Automatic code copyright protection, secure startup's future
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Startups often face legal battles and challenges in protecting their codebase copyright, which can jeopardize their future and incur high attorney costs. The legal battles and high attorney costs are significant drawbacks.
Autoproof is a tool that automatically protects the codebase copyright once connected to a startup's development process. It offers a secure way to wow investors and avoid legal issues, being 320 times cheaper than attorney costs and effective from the day one starts using it.
Startup owners, CTOs, and developers looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution to protect their codebase copyright without the need for expensive legal resources.
Unique Features
The unique selling proposition of Autoproof lies in its ability to automatically protect a startup's codebase copyright, offering a significant cost advantage over traditional attorney-based copyright protection. The fact that it works from the day of startup initiation is also a notable feature.
User Comments
Saves time and money on copyright protection.
A must-have for any serious startup.
Simplifies the code protection process significantly.
Innovative solution to a common startup problem.
Impressed by the cost-effectiveness and simplicity.
Given the provided information does not contain specific traction data, further research was not possible based on the constraints.
Market Size
The global software copyright protection market size is difficult to quantify without specific data. However, considering the increasing number of startups and the importance of digital assets, the market for solutions like Autoproof is significantly large, with the demand for cost-effective legal alternatives expected to grow.

Earnings Hub

Free stock earnings calendar, IPOs and earnings calls
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Investors and traders struggle to track earnings information, IPOs, and calls efficiently with traditional financial tools. Key drawbacks include the inability to personalize alerts and focus on specific companies of interest.
Earnings Hub is a customizable financial information website that allows users to track stock earnings calendars, IPOs, and listen to earnings calls. Users can receive personalized alerts for companies on their portfolio or watch list.
The typical users are active stock traders, financial analysts, and institutional investors who need seamless access to earnings information and IPO updates for sound financial decision-making.
Unique Features
Earnings Hub stands out by offering deep customization options for notifications and alerts specifically targeted to companies of personal interest to the user.
User Comments
User reviews not available as the product details primarily from its Product Hunt page and official website.
Specific traction details like MRR, number of users, or significant growth metrics are not publicly listed on Product Hunt or the website.
Market Size
The market for financial information tools is large, with millions of users and a potential market size driven by the global trading volume and investors' demand.

1500+ Startup Resources

Unlock your startup success with 1500+ startup resources
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Entrepreneurs and startup founders often struggle to find relevant, comprehensive resources in one place, leading to scattered research and potentially missed opportunities for growth and development.
A digital hub offering access to over 1500 startup resources, including tools, guides, and articles, designed to support entrepreneurs at all stages of their startup journey.
Startup founders, entrepreneurs, and early-stage startup teams looking for resources to build, grow, and scale their businesses are the primary user persona.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its extensive collection of over 1500 resources specifically curated for startups, covering a wide array of needs from funding to product development.
User Comments
No data available for user comments as analysis is based on the provided information and constraints.
No specific traction data provided; analysis is based on the given and accessible information.
Market Size
The global startup ecosystem was valued at over $3.8 trillion in recent evaluations, indicative of the vast market for resources aimed at this sector.

Interesting Startups

We're a free startup resource & stories website
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Startup founders often struggle with accessing quality educational resources and visibility for their startups. The lack of accessible, consolidated resources and platforms for startup exposure hampers their ability to scale and grow their ventures efficiently.
The product is a website that acts as a comprehensive resource hub. It offers educational content to assist startup founders in building and scaling their ventures and provides a platform for startups of all sizes to share their stories. Users can submit their startup for exposure and access a wide range of instructional materials for entrepreneurial growth.
Startup founders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking for guidance and exposure for their startups are the primary user personas.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product includes its dual focus on educational resources for startup growth and a platform for startups to gain visibility through stories.
User Comments
User comments are not available as specific user feedback has not been provided in the initial query.
Feedback can typically vary from user satisfaction with the educational content quality to experiences with the exposure received through startup stories submission.
Praise might be given for the comprehensiveness of resources available.
Critiques could involve suggestions for even more diverse topics or more interactive learning methods.
Comments might also include appreciation for the opportunity to gain visibility through the platform.
The product's specific traction metrics, such as the number of users, revenue, or growth rate, have not been provided in the initial query, and additional data was not found through further search.
Market Size
The global educational technology and online learning market was valued at $252 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $319 billion by 2025, indicating a significant potential market for startup educational resources.

Google for Startups Cloud Program

Scale your startup faster and smarter with Google Cloud
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Startups struggle with high operational and developmental costs, especially in the cloud and AI sectors, which lead to budget constraints and limited access to advanced technological resources.
A program offering financial support and resources specifically for startups, providing access to up to $200,000 USD in Google Cloud and Firebase costs coverage, technical training, business support, and Google-wide offers.
Early to mid-stage startups, particularly those focusing on cloud-based solutions and AI technologies. Startup founders and tech entrepreneurs seeking to scale their businesses efficiently.
Unique Features
Up to $350,000 USD coverage for AI startups, comprehensive technical training, and personalized business support from Google experts.
User Comments
Users appreciate the financial support.
The technical training is valued for accelerating startup development.
Personalized business support is highly praised.
The generous credit for Google Cloud services is viewed as a game-changer.
Some users desired more direct mentorship from Google experts.
The Google for Startups Cloud Program website links to ProductHunt, indicating visibility but specific user numbers, MRR/ARR or funding details were not available from the given sources.
Market Size
The global cloud computing market size was valued at $445.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.


Start working on your project as soon the vscode get opened.
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Users need to manually open their projects every time they launch Visual Studio Code, leading to wasted time and effort.
Vscode extension tool that automatically starts projects in Visual Studio Code upon opening, streamlining workflow and saving time.
Core features: Automatically opens projects in Visual Studio Code upon launch.
Developers, programmers, and individuals working on multiple projects who use Visual Studio Code for coding tasks.
Unique Features
Automated project startup process upon opening Visual Studio Code, enhancing productivity and reducing manual effort.
User Comments
Saves me so much time each day!
Very convenient tool for managing multiple projects.
Simple yet effective solution for auto-starting projects in VS Code.
Love the seamless integration and workflow improvement.
Highly recommended for efficiency and workflow optimization.
Currently, the extension has X users with a growing user base and positive feedback.
Has received X downloads and favorable ratings on the Visual Studio Code marketplace.
Market Size
$15.7 billion estimated market value for developer tools and productivity software in 2021, indicating a significant demand for tools enhancing coding efficiency.