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Never miss a job post again
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Job seekers often miss out on job postings from their dream companies due to the vast amount of information online and the need to constantly monitor multiple job boards and company sites, resulting in missed opportunities and a frustrating job search experience.
Jobsend is an alert system that sends notifications via text message or email whenever a job opening is posted by a user's dream company, ensuring they never miss out on relevant job opportunities.
The primary users of Jobsend are job seekers, particularly those actively looking for new opportunities, career switchers, and individuals aiming to work for specific dream companies.
Unique Features
The ability to receive immediate notifications through both text message and email, customized according to the user's preferred companies and job criteria, sets Jobsend apart from traditional job boards that require manual searching.
User Comments
Efficient and convenient way to stay updated on new job postings
Reduces the stress of job hunting
Highly customizable alerts
Saves time in job search
Increases chances of applying to dream jobs early
Unable to find specific quantitative data regarding Jobsend's traction such as number of users, revenue, or recent feature updates.
Market Size
The global online job board market size was valued at $22.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow, indicating a substantial market opportunity for Jobsend.

Track My Jobs

Job search chaos? Organize & conquer with Track My Jobs.
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Job seekers often face difficulties in managing multiple job applications, leading to missed deadlines and disorganization. The main issues include tracking progress, organizing applications, and staying on top of upcoming deadlines.
Track My Jobs is a dashboard tool that allows users to centralize all job applications, track their progress, remember deadlines, and organize the entire job search process in one place.
The primary users are job seekers of any demographic, particularly those applying to multiple positions at once and needing to stay organized.
Unique Features
The solution uniquely offers a centralized platform for tracking job applications, deadlines, and progress, promoting a focused and efficient job search.
User Comments
No user comments were available for analysis.
No specific traction metrics were available for analysis.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size is expected to reach $43.39 billion by 2027.


Be first to see new product jobs at YCombinator startups
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Job seekers struggle to keep up with new opportunities, especially at fast-growing startups, due to the vast number of job boards and company sites. Finding relevant positions that match their skills and seniority level is time-consuming and inefficient.
Product.Jobs offers a digest service that monitors over 4500 YCombinator startup job boards, sending daily updates with newly-posted jobs in product, design, and marketing. Users can personalize the service by specifying desired role, seniority, and more.
Job seekers specializing in product, design, and marketing roles, particularly those interested in opportunities at YCombinator startups.
Unique Features
Monitors an extensive network of over 4500 YCombinator startup job boards, provides a personalized daily digest, and allows filtering by role, seniority, and preferences.
User Comments
No data available.
No data available.
Market Size
No data available.


Create LinkedIn posts from 100+ templates with AI
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There are over 1 Billion LinkedIn users, but many do not know how to start posting effectively on LinkedIn to engage an audience and reach new customers.
Postli is a dashboard tool that enables users to create LinkedIn posts using 100+ templates with AI, helping users to craft posts similar to top creators and expand their reach.
The primary users are LinkedIn users, specifically professionals, marketers, and business owners looking to improve their online presence and consumer reach on the platform.
Unique Features
What sets Postli apart is its vast library of 100+ customizable templates powered by AI designed specifically for creating engaging LinkedIn posts.
User Comments
Users have not provided comments yet.
Specific traction data for Postli is not available.
Market Size
The market size for social media management tools is significant, given the 1 Billion LinkedIn users and growing online presence needs.

Productized Jobs

Find jobs at the best productized agencies
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Job seekers often struggle to find roles suited to their unique skills and experience, especially in specific sectors like productized services. This can lead to extended job search durations, mismatches in job fit, and missed opportunities at fast-growing productized agencies.
Productized Jobs is a job board platform dedicated to streamlining the job search process for individuals seeking employment at productized agencies. This specialized focus allows users to find opportunities that are closely aligned with their skills and the unique nature of productized services.
The primary users are job seekers with skills or an interest in productized services, looking to work in fast-growing productized agencies. This likely includes professionals in marketing, software development, design, and other areas where productized services are common.
Unique Features
Its unique feature lies in its specialization; focusing solely on jobs at productized agencies, which is not commonly found on other job board platforms. This specialization can lead to a higher relevance of job postings for both seekers and employers.
User Comments
There aren't user comments available for analysis.
There is no specific traction data available for Productized Jobs. Information such as number of listings, user feedback, or growth metrics was not found.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size was valued at $28.68 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow, indicating a potentially large market for specialized job boards like Productized Jobs.
Individuals often face challenges imagining future job roles and requirements, leading to a lack of preparedness and adaptability in an ever-evolving job market. The lack of preparedness and adaptability in an evolving job market are primary concerns.
This Job Does Not Exist serves as a web-based platform where users can explore a collection of fictitious job listings generated by AI, including its title, description, requirements, and responsibilities. Through this platform, users are able to envision future jobs and prepare accordingly. The exploration of AI-generated fictitious job listings helps users imagine and prepare for future job roles.
This platform is most likely used by career advisors, HR professionals, futurists, students, and job seekers who are interested in gaining insights into future job markets and trends.
User Comments
Users find the concept innovative and thought-provoking.
Some appreciate the creativity and preparation aspect for future job markets.
Critics mention a potential lack of practical application in the current job market.
There is curiosity and engagement with the idea of jobs that could exist.
Questions are raised about the accuracy and feasibility of these AI-generated roles.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size is expected to reach $43.39 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2020 to 2027.

Instant Job Cover Letters with AI

Speed up your job applications by 10x, just drop a resume
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Applying for jobs is a time-consuming process, particularly the crafting of personalized cover letters for each application. It can be difficult to repeatedly articulate skills and experiences in a way that matches specific job descriptions.
An online tool that generates tailored cover letters by simply dropping in a resume and pasting the job description. The AI analyzes skills and experiences to create a cover letter that aligns with the job requirements.
Job seekers across various industries looking to streamline their application process and increase their chances of securing interviews.
Unique Features
The ability to instantaneously generate personalized cover letters by analyzing resume and job description data.
User Comments
Saves time on applications
Impressed by the personalization
Increased interview callbacks
Convenient and easy to use
Concerns about reliance on AI for such a critical task
Inability to find specific data such as number of users, MRR, or financing due to constraints.
Market Size
The global online job board market was valued at $18.7 billion in 2020, hinting at a large market for job application tools such as cover letter generators.

Jobs Scout

Improve your resume with the power of AI
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Job seekers often struggle to create resumes that stand out and accurately reflect their skills and experiences relevant to the job they are applying for. This leads to decreased chances of getting noticed by employers and missing out on potential job opportunities. Struggle to create resumes that stand out
Jobs-Scout is an AI-powered tool that analyzes resumes and interested job postings, providing personalized recommendations to improve resumes. It also tracks job applications to help users stand out in their job search.
The primary users of Jobs-Scout are job seekers across various industries looking to enhance their resumes with the help of AI and track their job application process efficiently.
Unique Features
Personalized resume recommendations, AI analysis of job postings compared to resumes, and job application tracking
User Comments
Users have not yet provided feedback about this product.
No specific traction data provided for Jobs-Scout.
Market Size
The global online job board market size was valued at $18.2 billion in 2022, indicating a significant market for job-related products and services.

Job Boardly

Launch a fully-functional, SEO-friendly job board in minutes
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Traditional job board setups are often complex, costly, and require technical expertise, leading to significant barriers for individuals or small businesses wanting to create their own niche job boards. The main drawbacks are the complexity and cost associated with their setup and maintenance.
Job Boardly is a no-code platform that allows users to launch a fully-functional, SEO-friendly job board in minutes. Users can easily customize their job boards using a simple interface, suitable for any niche or industry. The solution includes features such as easy customization, SEO-friendly setup, and a one-time payment for permanent ownership. A key function is the ability to use this no-code platform to quickly launch and tailor job boards.
The users most likely to use Job Boardly include aspiring entrepreneurs, niche community leaders, and small to medium-sized business owners who aim to create job boards specific to their community or industry needs. Aspiring entrepreneurs and niche community leaders are especially pertinent user personas.
Unique Features
Job Boardly offers unique features such as a simple, no-code customization interface, a one-time payment for lifetime access, and the specific ability to create SEO-friendly job boards quickly. This makes it stand out in its ease of use and cost-effectiveness.
User Comments
No user comments available.
Specific traction metrics such as version updates, user numbers, revenues, etc., are not publicly available.
Market Size
The global online job board market is projected to grow significantly. As a specific data point, it is expected to reach $28.68 billion by 2027.

UX Jobs Club

Mobbin for UX Job Hunting
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Users looking for remote UX jobs face a challenging and overwhelming job search process.
Drawbacks: Lack of platforms focusing on quality job listings, leading to a frustrating and less effective job search experience.
A platform specifically designed to help users find remote UX jobs with a focus on quality over quantity.
Core Features: Quality job listings, more enjoyable job search experience, effectiveness in finding suitable roles.
UX designers, UI/UX researchers, UX consultants, and professionals seeking remote UX job opportunities.
Occupation: UX designers, UI/UX researchers, UX consultants.
Unique Features
Emphasis on quality job listings over quantity, leading to a curated and effective job search experience for users.
User Comments
User-friendly platform with high-quality job listings.
Effective in simplifying the remote UX job search process.
Great user experience with relevant job matches.
Helps in avoiding overwhelming job search platforms.
Useful tool for navigating the remote UX job market.
Growing user base with positive feedback on the user experience and job matches.
Regular updates and additions of new job listings on the platform.
Market Size
$61.8 billion: The global market size for UX design services in 2021, indicating a significant demand for UX professionals and job opportunities in the industry.