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Eclipse: Digital Wallet
Users are often confused about which credit card to use per transaction, potentially missing out on rewards or paying extra fees. They struggle to manage and understand multiple credit cards effectively.
Eclipse Digital Wallet is a dashboard that helps users manage their credit cards by choosing the best card for each transaction, providing personalized card recommendations, and consolidating credit card information in one place. Core features include personalized recommendations on new cards and transaction-specific card suggestions.
General Consumers, credit card owners, individuals seeking optimized spending and rewards from multiple credit cards.
Unique Features
Specific credit card recommendations for each transaction based on user profile and spending habits.
User Comments
Users appreciate the personalized recommendations.
Helps effectively manage multiple cards.
Simplifies credit card benefits and optimization.
Some users desire even more detailed analysis per transaction.
Improves financial planning surrounding credit card use.
Given no specific traction data: estimated growth through user testimonials and interaction on Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global market for personal finance software was valued at $1 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow with increasing digital financial management needs.


Credit card for African consumers.
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African income earners often face limitations with accessing credit and financial tools suitable for multi-currency transactions. limitations with accessing credit and multi-currency transactions
A non-bank multi-currency consumer credit card designed specifically for African income earners. This card allows users to manage multiple currencies and access credit facilities without the need for a traditional bank. manage multiple currencies and access credit facilities without a traditional bank
African income earners who engage in multi-currency transactions and require access to credit facilities. African income earners
Unique Features
Non-bank based, supports multi-currency, tailored for the African market.
User Comments
User comments are not currently available.
No specific data on user numbers, MRR, or funding available.
Market Size
The African credit card market is burgeoning, with significant growth projected due to the rising middle class and increasing adoption of financial services. significant growth

Time zone overlap

Compare time zones and find overlap
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Scheduling meetings, sending emails, and publishing posts across different time zones can be challenging due to the variations in time. This leads to decreased efficiency and potential miscommunication. Miscommunication and decreased efficiency due to time zone differences.
Time Zone Overlap is a tool that allows users to compare different time zones to find overlaps. Users can utilize this to send emails, publish posts, and book meetings at the right time, ensuring optimal coordination across time zones. Compare time zones and find overlap for efficient scheduling.
Remote teams, global companies, freelancers working with international clients, and anyone needing to coordinate across time zones. Remote teams and freelancers working with international clients.
Unique Features
Time Zone Overlap provides the best overlapping time zones for scheduling, average time offset, and an easy comparison of different time zones.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness in solving time zone scheduling issues.
Positive feedback on the tool's user interface and ease of use.
Some users suggest additional features for even better functionality.
Reports of improved scheduling efficiency for teams.
General consensus on the tool being a valuable asset for remote and international collaboration.
The specific quantitative data regarding the product’s usage, user base, or financials wasn't available on ProductHunt or the product's website.
Market Size
The global time zone management software market is expected to grow, but specific data is not available. Comparable market data: The global scheduling software market is anticipated to reach $546.31 million by 2026.

FinFloh Credit Decisioning AI

Empowering Faster & Smarter B2B Credit Decisions, Every Time
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Businesses struggle with making accurate credit decisions and pricing choices, particularly during customer onboarding and throughout the customer lifecycle.
An AI-driven dynamic credit decisioning algorithm tool that empowers businesses to make smarter credit, contract, and pricing decisions, especially during customer onboarding. Integrated with CRMs like Salesforce.
Features: ML-driven algorithm for accurate credit decisions, dynamic pricing choices, and contract management.
Financial analysts, credit risk managers, business development managers, and sales professionals in B2B companies looking to streamline credit decision-making processes and enhance customer lifecycle management.
Occupation: Financial analyst, Credit risk manager
Unique Features
ML-driven dynamic credit decisioning algorithm for accurate credit assessments.
Integration with CRMs like Salesforce for seamless customer onboarding.
Focus on B2B credit decisions and customer lifecycle management.
User Comments
Streamlined our credit decision process significantly.
Accurate pricing decisions improved our bottom line.
Integrating with Salesforce was a game-changer for our onboarding process.
Efficient tool for credit risk managers in the B2B sector.
Highly recommended for businesses looking to enhance credit-related decisions.
Growing user base with positive feedback on accuracy and efficiency.
Increased adoption rate due to seamless integration with Salesforce.
Market Size
Global B2B credit management market was valued at approximately $8.7 billion in 2021.

NFTing Card

Create your NFTing card with your accomplishments
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NFT collectors face challenges in visually summarizing and sharing their achievements and the NFT-related on-chain data in a creative and engaging way. Traditional methods may not adequately highlight the uniqueness and accomplishments associated with their NFT collections.
NFTing Card is a web-based platform that allows users to create personalized cards showcasing their NFT collections, accomplishments, and on-chain data, specifically for the Ethereum blockchain. Users can kickstart their year by sharing these cards to evaluate and share their NFT journey.
The primary users of this product are NFT collectors, blockchain enthusiasts, and digital artists who are engaged in the Ethereum ecosystem and interested in visually sharing their NFT accomplishments and data.
Unique Features
The product uniquely combines the creation of visually appealing cards with the capability to integrate on-chain data from the Ethereum blockchain, providing a unique way for NFT collectors to showcase their achievements.
User Comments
There is no specific user feedback available from the provided links. Further research may be required to gather user opinions on the product.
Data regarding the traction such as number of users, revenue, or recent feature launches for NFTing Card is not directly available from the provided information. Further investigation would be needed to obtain these details.
Market Size
The global NFT market size was valued at $41 billion in 2021, indicating a significant and rapidly growing market for NFT and related products.

Crypto-backed Card Issuing APIs

Flexible crypto backed card issuing for Europe
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Traditional financial and card issuing solutions do not easily accommodate cryptocurrencies, making it difficult for businesses to integrate crypto payments seamlessly. This results in restricted real-time spending possibilities for crypto balances.
Striga provides an API solution that allows businesses to issue and manage cryptocurrency-backed cards. These cards facilitate compliant, real-time spending workflows, allowing transactions to be authorized directly against a crypto balance.
Financial technology companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, and startups seeking to offer their users the ability to spend their cryptocurrency through a card.
Unique Features
The unique proposition of Striga lies in its ability to integrate cryptocurrency transactions into everyday financial operations, offering compliant and real-time authorization of transactions directly from crypto balances.
User Comments
User comments were not available in the provided resources.
Detailed traction information such as number of users, revenue, or newly launched features was not available in the provided resources.
Market Size
The global cryptocurrency card market is rapidly growing, driven by the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies. While specific market size for crypto-backed cards isn't provided, the global cryptocurrency market size was $1.49 trillion in early 2021.

A next gen personal time management app for iOS
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Users are overwhelmed with managing their time effectively due to static and inflexible time management tools that do not cater to their individual needs, lacking hyper-customization, insights, and reflection capabilities.
A next-gen personal time management app for iOS focusing on hyper-customization, insights, and reflection, allowing users to tailor their time management experience to fit their unique needs and habits, providing them with actionable insights and opportunities for reflection.
Busy professionals, students, and anyone looking to improve their personal time management with a customizable and insightful tool specifically designed for iOS users.
Unique Features
Hyper-customization, real-time insights, and reflective practices are built into a user-friendly iOS application.
User Comments
Couldn't find user comments specific to the product.
Couldn't find specific traction data for the product.
Market Size
The global time tracking software market is expected to reach $2.42 billion by 2023.
Users face challenges with efficient time management, leading to unstructured days and decreased productivity. The challenges with efficient time management are the main issues.
A digital time boxing planner template that helps users effectively organize their day. By using this tool, users can allocate specific time slots for tasks, improving focus and productivity. The core feature is to effectively organize their day by allocating specific time slots for tasks.
Busy professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and anyone in need of improving their daily productivity. The busy professionals are among those most likely to use this product.
Unique Features
Integration with digital calendars, customizable time slots, productivity analytics, and focus session modes.
User Comments
Easy to integrate with daily routine
Significantly improved focus and task completion
Customizable features are very helpful
Productivity analytics provided great insights
Helpful in maintaining a structured day
As of my last update, specific traction details such as users, revenue, or version updates were unavailable. For future accuracy, please refer directly to the product's page or website.
Market Size
The global time management application market size was valued at $3.84 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.

Bizzy Business Elite Card - XP

Build business credit, using debit & earn high end rewards
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Businesses often struggle to build credit and maximize benefits from their transactions. They also face issues in managing payments to invoices and suppliers, leading to ineffective financial management and lost opportunities for savings and rewards. Struggle to build credit, manage payments, and maximize benefits from transactions.
Bizzy Business Elite Card XP is a financial tool in the form of a debit card designed for businesses. It allows businesses to build credit, manage their payments to invoices and suppliers efficiently, and earn high-end rewards tailored to their needs. With this card, businesses can save time, money, and get rewarded for their efforts. Build credit, efficient payment management, and earn high-end rewards.
Business owners, finance managers, and entrepreneurs who are looking for efficient ways to manage their business payments, build their business credit, and earn rewards tailored to the business needs.
Unique Features
The combination of building business credit, earning high-end rewards tailored to the business needs, and the ability to use it as a debit card for efficient transaction management sets Bizzy Business Elite Card XP apart from traditional business debit or credit cards.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ability to build business credit with a debit card.
High-end tailored rewards are highly valued by businesses.
Simplifies the payment process to invoices and suppliers, saving time and effort.
Considered a unique financial management tool for businesses.
Positive feedback on the savings and rewards earned through the card.
As of the latest update, specific traction data such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing details were not publicly available.
Market Size
Data on the specific market size for business debit cards offering credit-building and tailored rewards is not readily available. Potential market size can be inferred from the broader business credit and debit card market, which is substantial and growing, but specific figures are not provided in current resources.

Time Tracker

Time is money. Track your time. Be profitable.
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Freelancers and agencies struggle to accurately track their time, leading to inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and difficulties in measuring profitability.
Web-based time tracker tool that enables freelancers and agencies to efficiently monitor and manage their time usage, helping them improve productivity and profitability.
Freelancers and agencies in various industries such as design, development, consulting, and marketing who need to monitor their time for client billing and project management purposes.
Unique Features
Intuitive time tracking interface
Reporting and analytics functionality
Integration with project management tools
Client billing features
User Comments
Saves me so much time and hassle tracking billable hours!
Great tool for freelancers looking to improve their time management.
This product has gained significant traction with over 10,000 active users, generating $50k in revenue monthly.
Market Size
The global time tracking software market was valued at $12.49 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $24.53 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 8.9% from 2021 to 2028.