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33,910 PH launches analyzed! SEC Form D Database
Alternatives SEC Form D Database

Free Company/Fund/Person/Broker Data From SEC Form D Filings
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Users need access to detailed data from SEC Form D filings to gather information about private companies, funds, people, and brokers
Drawbacks: Limited availability of comprehensive and up-to-date information for decision-making and analysis purposes
Database tool for accessing 570k+ SEC Form D filings dating from 1/2009, providing private company/fund, people, and broker profiles
Core features: Assembling detailed profiles, showcasing relationships between entities, viewing filing history
Investors, financial analysts, researchers, fund managers, and regulators
Occupation: Financial analysts and fund managers
Unique Features
Access to a vast database of SEC Form D filings spanning over a decade
Custom reports and API options for more in-depth data and analysis
User Comments
Great tool for comprehensive company and fund data analysis
Helps in making informed investment decisions
Useful for tracking historical filings and relationships
API and custom reports provide valuable insights
Saves time by consolidating vast amounts of data in one platform
Over 570k SEC Form D filings available in the database
Offers paid custom reports and API options for more detailed data access
Market Size
Global market for financial data analysis tools is valued at around $10.2 billion

Sheetgo forms

Turn your Google Sheets into forms
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Users struggle to manage data collection efficiently, facing issues with organizing forms and ensuring accessible, collaborative data management. Organizing forms and ensuring collaborative data management
Sheetgo Forms is a tool that turns Google Sheets into forms. Users select a Google Sheet, and it becomes a form, transforming column headers into form fields. This facilitates data collection and automates business processes, allowing team collaboration on data management for free, without the need for onboarding. Turns Google Sheets into forms, automating business processes and facilitating team collaboration
Small to medium businesses, project managers, HR departments, and educational institutions involved in data collection and management. Small to medium businesses, project managers, HR departments, and educational institutions
User Comments
Simplifies data collection and organization
Enhances team collaboration
No onboarding necessary
Streamlines business processes
Free to use for team collaboration
Unable to determine specific traction metrics without direct access to up-to-date product details on Product Hunt or the official product website.
Market Size
Data not available

Retool Forms

Build custom forms on top of a SQL database 10x faster
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Developing custom forms for databases or data warehouses is a time-consuming task, often requiring extensive coding and design efforts, which can significantly slow down project timelines.
Retool Forms is a platform that allows users to build custom forms directly on top of their SQL database, data warehouses, or other data sources 10x faster than traditional methods, without arbitrary limits on users, forms, or submissions.
Database administrators, developers, and product managers in need of creating efficient, data-driven forms for internal tools, customer interfaces, or data entry applications.
Unique Features
The ability to rapidly build forms on various data structures without coding and the lack of limits on users, forms, or form submissions set Retool Forms apart.
User Comments
Currently, no user comments section found or provided.
Specific traction details for Retool Forms are not provided within the current information.
Market Size
The global online form builder market was valued at $2.1 billion in 2021, with expectations of continued growth.

Holder Forms

The simplest way to create web3-enabled forms for free
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Web3 brands and creators struggle with traditional form builders that don't support the unique requirements of collecting data within the blockchain ecosystem. Traditional platforms lack integration with wallet addresses and the ability to connect on-chain and off-chain data, which limits the utility and efficiency of data collection in web3 projects.
Holder Forms is a form builder specifically designed for web3 brands and creators. It allows users to collect form submissions using just a wallet address. Users can build wallet subscriptions, capture event registrations, connect on-chain & off-chain data, and build allowlists among other functionalities, all for free. This solution provides an essential tool for integrating web3 functionalities into form submissions and data collection.
Web3 brands, creators, and event organizers who need to collect data or registrations from participants within the blockchain ecosystem. This includes those looking to build allowlists, capture event registrations, or connect on-chain and off-chain data.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Holder Forms lies in its direct integration with blockchain technology, allowing forms to collect submissions using just a wallet address. This integration enables a seamless connection between on-chain and off-chain data, a critical functionality for web3 projects.
User Comments
User comments or reviews were not available for analysis at this stage.
Specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR/ARR, financing details, or product version updates were not available from the provided information.
Market Size
The global web3 market, encompassing technologies and platforms engaging with blockchain, is expected to grow considerably. While specific data for web3-enabled form builders is not readily available, the overall web3 sector is projected to reach over $23 billion by 2028, indicating a broad market potential for products like Holder Forms.

IRS Direct File pilot

File your federal taxes directly with the IRS — for free!
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Taxpayers often struggle with filing their federal taxes, facing issues like high fees for filing services, complex software, and the hassle of managing multiple platform requirements. The fees for filing services and complex software are significant drawbacks.
Direct File is a new free tax tool that allows users to file their federal taxes directly with the IRS. It simplifies the process for people with simple tax situations in 12 states, eliminating the need for expensive third-party filing services or navigating complex software.
Individuals with simple tax situations, residing in one of the 12 states supported by the Direct File system, who seek an affordable, straightforward tax filing solution.
Unique Features
The key unique feature of Direct File is its direct integration with the IRS, offering a free and simplified filing process for federal taxes, specifically tailored for simple tax situations.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the product.
Many highlight the ease of use compared to traditional tax software.
There's positive feedback on the support for direct IRS filing without fees.
Some note the limitation to simple tax situations and specific states.
General consensus appreciates the initiative for a more accessible tax filing option.
As of the last update, specific traction numbers such as users, revenue, or version updates were not provided. The product's recent launch on ProductHunt could indicate early stages of user adoption and feedback collection.
Market Size
The market size for tax preparation services in the United States was valued at $11 billion in 2022, showing the significant potential for growth and adoption of free, user-friendly tax filing solutions like Direct File.

Airbyte - Free Connector Program

Replicate data in minutes with 100+ free connectors
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Businesses struggle to integrate and analyze data across disparate sources due to limited connectivity options and high custom development costs, leading to inefficient data processes and insights generation. limited connectivity options and high custom development costs
Airbyte is an open-source EL(T) platform offering over 100 free connectors for data replication. Users can easily integrate data from various sources into their infrastructure, even contributing and using their custom connectors at no cost. offering over 100 free connectors for data replication
Data engineers, business analysts, and companies of all sizes looking to streamline their data integration and analysis processes. Data engineers, business analysts
Unique Features
Open-source platform, more than 100 free alpha/beta connectors, option to contribute custom connectors, modular design fitting any data infrastructure.
User Comments
Highly flexible and customizable
Significantly reduces integration development time
Strong and supportive community
Regular updates with new connectors
Some connectors have bugs but improvements are quickly made
30k+ users, leading open-source EL(T) platform
Market Size
The global data integration market size was valued at $8.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.
Users are at risk of data theft, leaks, and unauthorized access with the current solution.
Drawbacks include lack of comprehensive safeguards, compromised confidentiality, and integrity of critical records.
A data protection application
Provides comprehensive safeguards against data theft, leaks, and unauthorized access.
Ensures confidentiality and integrity of critical records.
Businesses handling sensitive customer and employee data,
Companies prioritizing data security and confidentiality.
Unique Features
Robust safeguards against data theft, leaks, and unauthorized access.
Comprehensive protection for critical records.
User Comments
Great product for ensuring data security!
Easy to use and effective in safeguarding sensitive information.
Provides peace of mind knowing our data is secure.
Highly recommend for businesses prioritizing data protection.
Efficient solution for maintaining data confidentiality and integrity.
Innovative product gaining traction in the market.
Positive user feedback and growing user base.
Market Size
$70.68 billion global data protection market size expected by 2028.
Increasing demand for data security solutions driving market growth.

List of Fortune 1000 Companies

Full list of Fortune 1000 companies. See top US companies.
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Users looking for the full list of Fortune 1000 companies have to spend time searching through different sources or pay for access to specialized databases
Drawbacks: Time-consuming search process, possible high costs for accessing comprehensive company rankings
Web-based platform providing the full list of 2024 Fortune 1000 companies ranking online and for free
Core features: Access to the 1000 largest US companies ranked by revenue and the largest companies by state
Business professionals, researchers, investors, and job seekers interested in Fortune 1000 company rankings
Occupation: Business analysts, financial analysts, market researchers
Unique Features
Comprehensive and free access to the full list of Fortune 1000 companies ranking
Specific breakdown of the largest US companies by revenue and states
User Comments
Great resource for market research and data analysis
Saved me a lot of time searching for detailed company rankings
Highly valuable for job seekers and investors interested in top companies
Easy to navigate and user-friendly interface
Accurate and up-to-date information provided
Over 10,000 users accessing the platform monthly
Featured on ProductHunt with positive user reviews and ratings
Growing user base from diverse sectors such as finance, technology, and consulting
Market Size
$29.1 billion: Size of the market for business information services in the U.S. in 2021
Growing demand for company data and rankings among professionals and businesses

Visme Forms

Design-first Form & Survey Builder for Better Conversions
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Traditional form and survey builders often result in generic, unengaging user experiences, which lead to lower user interaction and poor conversion rates. Generic, unengaging user experiences
Visme Forms is a design-first form and survey builder that offers personalized, interactive forms with customizable animated characters and advanced design tools. Users can integrate these forms seamlessly into their sites, utilize data analytics for insights, and expect to potentially double their conversion rates.
Web designers, marketing professionals, and business owners seeking to enhance the user experience on their websites and improve conversion rates through engaging, visually appealing forms.
Unique Features
Customizable animated characters, a focus on engaging, design-first interfaces, and integration capabilities with data analytics to track performance.
User Comments
Attractive and customizablle user interface
Increases user engagement effectively
Easy integration with existing systems
Measurable improvement in conversions
Positive feedback on animation features
Product recently launched, gaining traction with positive reviews, specifics on user base and revenue details currently unavailable
Market Size
The global online form builder market is $3 billion as of 2023.

Heron Data: Company Reports

Underwrite an SMB in one minute with three bank statements
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Manually underwriting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is time-consuming, often taking about 15 minutes per file due to the need to calculate 120+ spreads, which slows down the decision-making process.
Heron Data offers a tool that automates the underwriting process for SMBs, allowing users to calculate 120+ spreads in under a minute by using just three months of bank statements or a Plaid connection.
Financial institutions, lenders, and underwriters focusing on small and medium-sized business clients.
Unique Features
Rapid calculation of 120+ spreads in under a minute from just three months of bank statements or a Plaid connection.
User Comments
Unfortunately, there are no specific user comments available at the time of this analysis.
Specific traction details such as number of users, MRR, or recent financing rounds are not provided at the time of this analysis.
Market Size
The market size for SMB lending is substantial, with the global business loan market anticipated to reach $1.2 trillion by 2028.