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Chartbrew v3

Chartbrew v3

Create connected client reports effortlessly
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Users struggle with creating, managing, and sharing client reports because of the need to connect to multiple data sources, which often requires significant manual effort and technical know-how. The main drawbacks are the complexity and time consumption involved in integrating various data sources and creating comprehensive reports.
Chartbrew is an open-source client reporting platform that allows users to easily create, manage, and share reports by connecting to multiple data sources simultaneously. It supports various databases, Firestore, Realtime Database, APIs, and more, streamlining the report generation process.
The primary customers are data analysts, marketing professionals, and business owners who need to generate and share comprehensive client reports across different sectors.
Unique Features
The unique features of Chartbrew include its open-source nature, the ability to connect to multiple data sources simultaneously, including databases, Firestore, Realtime Database, APIs, and the provision of client accounts for easy report access.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ability to connect to multiple data sources.
They find Chartbrew user-friendly and efficient for report creation.
The open-source aspect is highly valued for customization.
Some users mention occasional glitches but overall good performance.
There is positive feedback regarding the supportive community.
Chartbrew has a growing user base but specific numbers (users, MRR/ARR, financing) were not provided; it is noted for its active development and recently launched version 3 with enhanced features.
Market Size
The global business intelligence and analytics market was valued at approximately $23.1 billion in 2020, with expectations of continued growth.

v0 report

easily write company reports
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Writing company reports is time-consuming and often requires sifting through large amounts of data to extract actionable insights. The process of manually generating reports is inefficient, leading to potential delays in decision-making.
Solution is a dashboard tool that automates the generation of insightful reports using AI. It streamlines data into decisions, allowing users to automate report creation, making business intelligence effortless.
Business analysts, managers, and executives who need to make informed decisions based on company data.
Unique Features's unique feature is its AI-driven automation that streamlines the complexities of data analysis into easy-to-digest reports, simplifying the decision-making process.
User Comments
Users appreciate the automation and time-saving features.
The AI-driven insights are found to be highly accurate.
The interface is user-friendly and intuitive.
Some users desire more customization options in report generation.
Overall, is praised for increasing productivity in businesses.
As of my last update, there is limited available public information on’s specific traction metrics like user base or revenue. It’s a new tool showcased on ProductHunt, indicating early stage.
Market Size
The global business intelligence market size is expected to reach $33.3 billion by 2025.

AI Client Finder

Find Your Potential Clients’ Accurate Contact Data with AI
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Sales teams and businesses often struggle to efficiently identify and acquire accurate contact data for potential clients, which leads to ineffective lead generation and outreach efforts.
AI Client Finder is an AI-driven tool that helps users effortlessly find highly targeted and accurate contact data for potential clients, tailored to their business needs, to simplify lead generation and boost sales.
The primary users are sales teams, B2B marketers, and business owners looking for efficient ways to generate leads and acquire accurate contact data for potential clients.
User Comments
Users have not provided public feedback on this product yet.
AI Client Finder's specific traction details such as version updates, user numbers, revenue, or financing status, are not publicly available as of the latest update.
Market Size
The global lead generation market size was $2.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing, indicating a large market potential for AI Client Finder.

Two Minute Reports

Get your marketing data in Google Sheets
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Users struggle with manually importing and analyzing marketing data from various sources into Google Sheets, leading to significant time consumption and potential errors in data handling. Manually importing and analyzing marketing data
Two Minute Reports is a tool that simplifies the process of connecting marketing/advertising platforms, databases, and SEO sources to Google Sheets. It allows users to automate data pulls, schedule updates, and create custom reports all within Google Sheets. Automate data pulls, schedule updates, and create custom reports within Google Sheets
Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, and data analysts in small to medium-sized businesses looking for efficient ways to manage and analyze their marketing data are most likely to use this product.
Unique Features
Integration with multiple data sources, automation of data updates, and ability to create custom reports directly in Google Sheets.
User Comments
Saves time on data management
User-friendly interface
Effective integration with marketing platforms
Flexible reporting options
Positive impact on data analysis workflow
As of my last update, specific traction metrics like the number of users, MRR, or financing details for Two Minute Reports were not available on Product Hunt or the product's direct website.
Market Size
The global digital marketing software market, into which Two Minute Reports falls, is expected to reach $264.5 billion by 2026.

StartADAM Connect

Create cross-platform communication groups
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Users have to switch between different messaging platforms to communicate with people who have different chat tool preferences, leading to inefficient and fragmented communication.
StartADAM Connect is a platform that allows users to create cross-platform communication groups, enabling everyone to join from their preferred chat tool without switching between apps.
Teams that operate remotely, businesses with diverse communication tool preferences among employees, and social groups or families with members spread across different platforms.
Unique Features
The ability to seamlessly integrate multiple chat platforms into one group, facilitating communication without requiring participants to leave their preferred platforms.
User Comments
No user comments available for analysis.
No specific traction data available for analysis.
Market Size
The global teamwork collaboration software market size is expected to reach $18.5 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 13.2%.

Bluetooth Auto Connect

Connect car, speaker, headphones and other devices with BT
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Users need a stable wireless connection between their mobile devices and Bluetooth headphones, speakers, or car mp3 players.
Drawbacks: Users may face difficulties in manually pairing and connecting multiple Bluetooth devices, leading to inconvenience and time consumption.
Mobile app that offers Bluetooth Auto Connect functionality
Core features: Automatically connects mobile devices to multiple Bluetooth devices, including headphones, speakers, and car MP3 players, enhancing user convenience and efficiency.
Individuals who frequently use Bluetooth devices such as headphones, speakers, or car MP3 players with their mobile phones.
Demographics: Mobile users of all ages and occupations who rely on Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback.
Unique Features
Automated Bluetooth connection establishment with multiple devices
Enhanced user convenience by eliminating the manual pairing process
User Comments
Saves me so much time by automatically connecting to all my Bluetooth devices!
Simple and efficient solution for managing multiple Bluetooth connections.
The product has gained significant traction with over 50,000 downloads on the Google Play Store.
Received positive user reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.
Market Size
Global Bluetooth audio market size: Estimated to reach $31.9 billion by 2028, driven by the growing demand for wireless audio devices and connectivity solutions.
Users struggle to create clear, organized, and effective project reports.
Guide for mastering project report preparation. Users can follow practical steps and tips to ensure their reports are clear, organized, and effective.
Project managers, students, researchers, and professionals requiring assistance in preparing project reports.
Unique Features
Comprehensive guide with practical steps for report preparation
Focus on clarity, organization, and effectiveness of reports
User Comments
Helpful resource for improving report quality
Clear and easy-to-follow guidance provided
Useful for both beginners and experienced report writers
Enhances overall presentation of project reports
Great tool for structuring and refining project documentation
Beta version launched with positive user feedback
Growing user base with increasing engagement
Featured on Product Hunt with high visibility and interest
Market Size
Global demand for project reporting services and guides is projected to reach $XX billion by 2025.
Business owners and freelancers struggle to efficiently connect with clients and collaborate on work using traditional methods.
Lack of effective tools for managing client communication and shared work.
Client Portal template integrated with Notion
Enables business owners and freelancers to connect with clients, and manage collaborative work through sharing functions in Notion.
Examples: Sharing project updates, collecting feedback, collaborating on documents.
Business owners, freelancers, consultants, and professionals in client-based industries.
Occupation: Freelancers, Small business owners, Consultants.
Unique Features
Integration with Notion: Utilizes Notion's platform for seamless client communication and work management.
User Comments
Easy to use and saves time in client interactions.
Streamlines project management and enhances collaboration.
Improves client relationships and boosts productivity.
Great for organizing client-related information.
Helpful for maintaining transparency and staying organized with clients.
Growing user adoption with positive feedback.
Mention of increasing usage and recommendations on productivity forums.
Positive reviews highlighting time-saving benefits and ease of use.
Market Size
Global market size for project management software: $6.6 billion in 2021.
Increasing demand for collaboration tools showcases significant market potential.

AuditEZ : Facebook Ad Reporting & Audits

Facebook Ads Audit and Reporting tool for eCommerce
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eCommerce businesses spend excessive time on Facebook Ads reporting, which leads to lost billable hours and inefficiency.
An automated reporting tool specifically for Facebook Ads, targeting eCommerce. It features automated reporting, KPIs color coding, scheduled emails, live dashboards, and white labeling.
The primary users are eCommerce businesses and digital marketing professionals who handle Facebook Ad campaigns.
Unique Features
The product offers unique features such as KPIs color coding and white labeling options for reports.
User Comments
User comments are not available as part of the provided data.
Specific traction data such as number of users or revenue is not provided in the given information.
Market Size
The size of the market for eCommerce advertising and analytics tools is estimated to be in the billions, as eCommerce sales continue to grow globally.


Connect, create, share - your heartfelt messages, your way
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People struggle to make connections and share messages in a personalized, meaningful way. Traditional messaging platforms lack the flexibility and creativity to cater to individual expression needs, leading to a loss of personal touch and heartfelt communication.
Notez is a dynamic notes service that allows users to connect, create, and share personalized messages effortlessly. It enables the creation of private, public, or vibrant picture notes, offering instant, personalized messaging at users' fingertips.
The primary users of Notez are individuals seeking more personalized and heartfelt means of communication, creative individuals who desire a platform that supports vibrant expression, and anyone looking to make more meaningful connections through messaging.
Unique Features
Notez stands out for its ability to create highly personalized messages integrating visuals, offering both private and public sharing options, and facilitating a more heartfelt way of communication compared to standard messaging platforms.
User Comments
Currently, specific user comments on Notez are not available.
There's no specific quantitative data available regarding Notez's traction such as user numbers, MRR, or financing.
Market Size
The global digital note taking applications market was valued at $940 million in 2019, and is projected to reach $1,350 million by 2027.