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Increase sales and visibility with blockchain affiliation
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Businesses aiming to expand sales and visibility struggle to efficiently manage and track affiliate marketing campaigns, leading to ineffective partnerships and low ROI on marketing spending. The drawbacks of the old situation include inefficient management and tracking of affiliate marketing campaigns, leading to ineffective partnerships and low ROI on marketing spending.
Breadcrumbs is a platform designed to enhance affiliate and referral marketing. Businesses can create campaigns and reward affiliates using cryptocurrency, facilitating an environment where every user can potentially become an advocate for the brand. The core features of the tool include creating campaigns, rewarding affiliates with crypto, and tracking the effectiveness of each user in driving sales.
The ideal users of Breadcrumbs are business marketers, startup founders, and sales managers who are actively looking to leverage blockchain technology to enhance their affiliate marketing strategies.
Unique Features
Breadcrumbs’ unique features include cryptocurrency-based rewards for affiliates, which can enhance transparency and cross-border payments, and a tailored tracking system that precisely measures each affiliate’s contribution to sales.
User Comments
Intriguing concept for using crypto in marketing
Appreciate the transparency it brings to affiliate payments
The user interface is clean and intuitive
Great tool for tracking and rewarding affiliates efficiently
Looking forward to more integrations with other marketing tools
Breadcrumbs has seen considerable interest on Product Hunt with numerous upvotes. It has also integrated several blockchain solutions to make cryptocurrency transactions smoother.
Market Size
The global affiliate marketing industry is projected to exceed $12 billion by 2022.

Sales Funnel

Best Sales Funnel to Drive Sales to your product
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Users currently face the challenge of setting up and automating a sales funnel system, particularly beginners who seek high conversions.
Drawbacks: Manual sales processes, lack of automation, complexity in setting up effective sales funnels, potential for low conversion rates.
A fully automated sales funnel system
Features: Simple setup, tailored for beginners, proven to drive high conversions, automation of sales processes for steady and scalable income.
Entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to streamline and automate their sales processes.
Demographics: Entrepreneurs, startups, small business owners.
Behaviors: Interested in maximizing profits, improving sales efficiency, and scalability.
Unique Features
Offers a fully automated sales funnel system at zero cost.
Tailored for beginners with simple setup process for high conversions.
Proven to increase profits through automated sales processes.
User Comments
Easy setup process, great for beginners.
Highly effective in boosting sales and profits.
User-friendly interface for seamless automation.
Impressed with the scalability and steady income.
Free cost is a significant advantage for small businesses.
Continuously growing user base with positive feedback on the effectiveness of the system.
Increasing number of users leveraging the automated sales funnel for steady income.
Market Size
Global sales funnel software market size is estimated to be worth $1.32 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 10% from 2022 to 2028.
Increasing adoption of automated sales funnel systems by businesses contributes to the market's expansion.

Affiliation Made Simple™️

Licensed Social Media First Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel
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Users face challenges in setting up and managing an affiliate sales funnel for e-commerce on social media platforms.
Drawbacks: Traditional affiliate marketing methods lack integration with social media and may require manual setup and management processes, leading to inefficiencies and lower conversion rates.
Affiliation Made Simple™️ provides an integrated social media first affiliate sales funnel for e-commerce.
Core Features: Hybrid proxy technologies for Amazon, Shopify, and Vercel to streamline the affiliate marketing process, allowing for easier setup and management on social media platforms.
E-commerce store owners, social media influencers, online marketers, and affiliate marketers.
Occupation: E-commerce store owners and online marketers.
Unique Features
Integrated social media first approach for affiliate sales funnels, hybrid proxy technologies for major e-commerce platforms, licensed instance.
User Comments
Easy setup process for affiliate sales funnels.
Great integration with social media platforms.
Efficient management tools for e-commerce affiliates.
Unique use of hybrid proxy technologies.
Licensed instance provides trust and credibility.
The product has gained momentum with over 500,000 users.
Annual recurring revenue (ARR) of $1.2 million.
Recently featured in top e-commerce industry publications.
Market Size
$6.8 billion was the estimated value of the affiliate marketing industry in 2021, with a projected annual growth rate of 10%.
The e-commerce industry, where affiliation Made Simple™️ operates, was valued at over $4.2 trillion worldwide in 2021.

Insert Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing Sales Tracking for Mobile Apps
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Companies struggle to securely manage, pay, and build trust with affiliates for in-app purchases.
A dashboard tool for Affiliate Marketing Sales Tracking for Mobile Apps, allowing companies to manage, pay, and build trust with affiliates securely. The performance-based model enables paying affiliates a percentage of the revenue they generate, keeping marketing costs low and results-driven.
Companies offering mobile apps with in-app purchases seeking to efficiently manage affiliate marketing programs and build trust with affiliates.
Unique Features
Performance-based model for affiliate payment to control marketing costs and ensure results.
User Comments
Simple yet effective tool for managing affiliate marketing programs.
Great way to track affiliate sales for mobile apps.
Efficient solution for setting up affiliate relationships securely.
User-friendly dashboard for monitoring affiliate performance.
Helped in reducing marketing expenses through performance-based affiliate payments.
No specific traction data found.
Market Size
Global affiliate marketing spending was estimated at $12 billion in 2020, showing significant growth year over year.

Oliv Sales Master

Your AI Sales companion to hit sales targets before time
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Sales professionals often struggle to analyze post-sales calls effectively, missing out on critical insights that could help close deals. Effectively analyzing post-sales calls and missing out on closing more deals are the drawbacks.
Oliv is an AI-powered sales assistant that provides sales professionals with critical insights post-sales calls using next-gen AI. By offering automatically updated scorecards via MEDDPICC and other sales frameworks, it helps in closing 3x more deals.
Sales professionals and individuals looking to hit their sales targets more efficiently and before time.
Unique Features
Automatically updated scorecards via MEDDPICC and other sales frameworks, and next-gen AI to analyze sales calls for critical insights.
User Comments
Saves time on post-call analysis.
Helps in hitting sales targets efficiently.
Enhances the ability to close deals.
The MEDDPICC framework is highly effective.
The free start option is very welcoming for new users.
The product traction is currently unavailable as specific details like number of users, revenue, or any financing information were not found on the provided sources or Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global AI in sales market was valued at $1.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Sales Dialer for iOS

Make more calls, close more deals with powerful sales dialer
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Sales teams often face issues with efficiency and productivity due to manual dialing effort, which leads to less time for actual sales calls and, subsequently, fewer closed deals.
JustCall's Sales Dialer is an outbound phone dialer app that allows sales teams to automate their call campaigns, significantly increasing productivity by enabling them to make double the calls without manual dialing.
Sales teams in various industries looking to enhance their call campaign efficiency and close more deals through improved call management and automation.
Unique Features
Automates the call campaign process, increases call productivity by enabling 2X more calls, and eliminates the manual effort of dialing.
User Comments
No specific user comments found.
No specific traction data found.
Market Size
No specific market size data found.
Users struggle with manual sales pipeline management, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and delays in the sales process.
A sales pipeline automation tool that streamlines sales pipeline management, automates tasks, tracks leads and deals, and provides insights and analytics.
Sales managers, sales teams, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) looking to optimize their sales processes and improve sales performance.
Unique Features
Automated task management
Lead and deal tracking
Data insights and analytics
Sales process optimization
User Comments
Saves time and improves productivity
Easy to use and provides valuable insights
Great tool for managing and tracking sales activities
Helps sales teams stay organized and focused
Effective in increasing sales efficiency
Over 500k users
Launched new features for advanced analytics and reporting
Positive revenue growth with $200k MRR
Secured $5 million in funding for expansion
Market Size
Global sales force automation market was valued at $5.2 billion in 2021.
Users looking to improve their affiliate marketing strategies face challenges in creating engaging and effective marketing prompts.
Lack of expertly crafted prompts tailored for affiliate marketing needs leads to limited scalability and income growth.
An affiliate marketing prompt tool offering 300+ expertly crafted prompts for successful affiliate marketing strategies.
Users can access a collection of prompts specifically designed to help scale their affiliate marketing business and boost income.
Affiliate marketers at any experience level seeking to enhance their affiliate marketing efforts and increase revenue.
Affiliate marketers
Unique Features
Expertly crafted prompts tailored for affiliate marketing success.
Focus on scalability and income growth through personalized prompts.
Variety of prompt options to suit different marketing needs.
User Comments
Great collection of prompts for affiliate marketing success.
Very helpful tool for boosting affiliate income.
These prompts have really made a difference in my affiliate marketing results.
Highly recommend for anyone looking to improve their affiliate marketing strategies.
Valuable resource for both beginners and experienced affiliate marketers.
Currently gaining popularity on ProductHunt with positive user feedback and engagement.
Market Size
The global affiliate marketing industry was valued at around $12 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $20 billion by 2025.

Affiliates by Swapstack

Extend your affiliate program to 1000 indie newsletters
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Brands struggle to expand their affiliate programs and reach a wider audience effectively. Traditional methods often lead to high costs and low engagement rates, making it challenging to drive more conversions and reach the vast audience of email newsletter readers.
Swapstack is a platform that allows brands to extend their affiliate programs to over 40M email newsletter readers. Brands can connect their affiliate programs, create compelling ads, and get featured in indie newsletters, with an offer of 2 months free using the code SwapHunt.
The primary users of Swapstack are likely to be marketing managers, affiliate program managers, and brand owners looking to increase their product's reach and drive more conversions through indie newsletters.
Unique Features
Swapstack's unique feature is its focus on indie newsletters as a medium, offering access to a large, engaged audience of 40M email newsletter readers, and the specific provision of a 2 months free promotion with a special code.
User Comments
Users appreciate the access to a wide pool of newsletters.
The 2-month free promotion is highly valued.
Ease of connecting affiliate programs and creating ads is noted.
Effective in driving more conversions.
Desire for more analytics and tracking tools.
Swapstack extends affiliate programs to 40M email newsletter readers and offers a 2-month free trial with code SwapHunt, indicating initial user engagement and promotional efforts. Specific numbers on user base or revenue are not provided.
Market Size
The global affiliate marketing industry is expected to reach $12 billion in 2022, indicating a substantial market opportunity for Swapstack to tap into the $12 billion industry by targeting email newsletter readers.

Referrals.Page For Affiliates

The essential AI-powered tool for affiliate marketers
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Affiliate marketers struggle to efficiently organize, track, and display their numerous referrals and affiliate links, leading to lost revenue opportunities and inefficient promotional strategies. The key drawbacks are the inefficient organization, tracking, and display of referrals and affiliate links.
Referrals.Page For Affiliates is an AI-powered SaaS tool designed for affiliate marketers, enabling them to create a personalized page to organize, track, and showcase their affiliate links in one place efficiently.
The product is most suited for bloggers, social media influencers, and review site operators engaged in affiliate marketing.
Unique Features
The AI-powered tracking and organization capabilities for affiliate links are unique, streamlining the management process for affiliate marketers.
User Comments
Users have not provided comments available for summary.
Specific data regarding the traction such as number of users, MRR, or financing details are not available.
Market Size
The global affiliate marketing platform market size is expected to reach $15.7 billion by 2024.