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Easily track your business expenses and revenues
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Entrepreneurs often struggle to effectively track and organize their business expenses and revenues, leading to financial headaches and management inefficiencies. The main drawbacks of the old solutions include the complexity and time-consuming nature of finance management.
Booky is a financial management tool designed to simplify the tracking of business finances. Users can easily organize and monitor their income and expenses without hassle. The product features secure data encryption to ensure privacy. Organize income and expenses and secure financial data encryption are key functionalities presented.
Entrepreneurs who prefer focusing on their business rather than on detailed financial management.
Unique Features
Easy finance tracking, fuss-free organization, encrypted data for privacy and security, and tailored specifically for entrepreneurs.
User Comments
Simplifies financial management
Saves time and reduces stress
Highly useful for small business owners
Data encryption offers peace of mind
Positive feedback on user-friendly interface
Not enough information available from the provided URLs or searches to give detailed traction metrics such as MRR, users, or funding status.
Market Size
The global market for business finance management software is expected to grow significantly, with a projected market size of $19.7 billion by 2025.

Expense Tracker

Track Your Expenses - Take control of your finance
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Users struggle to track their expenses effectively using traditional methods like pen and paper or spreadsheets, leading to disorganized financial records and difficulty in managing budgets.
An expense tracker app that simplifies expense tracking for both personal and business budgets, offering a simple and intuitive way to manage and achieve financial goals.
Individuals and small business owners looking to effectively track and manage their expenses, improve budget management, and achieve financial goals.
Unique Features
Intuitive expense tracking: Provides a user-friendly interface for effortlessly inputting and categorizing expenses.
Goal setting: Allows users to set financial goals and monitor progress towards achieving them.
Report generation: Generates detailed reports and insights on spending patterns to help users make informed financial decisions.
User Comments
Easy-to-use app for tracking expenses.
Helped me stay within my budget.
Useful for personal and business finances.
Great tool to monitor spending habits.
Saved me time and stress in managing expenses.
Receiving positive user feedback on ProductHunt.
Current version 1.0 with growing user base.
Featured on ProductHunt with increasing visibility.
Engagement and downloads are gradually increasing.
Gaining popularity among individuals and small businesses.
Market Size
The global personal finance management market size was valued at approximately $1.01 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.2% from 2021 to 2028.
(Source: Grand View Research)

Finance:Budget Expense Tracker

Track expenses, budget, manage bills, and save money.
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Users often struggle to efficiently track expenses, manage their budgets, handle bills, and overall safeguard their financial health. The drawbacks include poor savings, unorganized financial records, and missed bill payments.
A comprehensive finance management app that allows users to track expenses, manage budgets, monitor bills, and enhance their savings. It centralizes all financial matters in one platform.
Individuals keen on improving their personal finance, such as budget-conscious individuals, financially responsible adults, and those who need an organized method to monitor their financial status.
Unique Features
Combining expense tracking, budget management, bill monitoring, and savings enhancement - all in one application.
User Comments
Many find it user-friendly and effective in managing personal finances.
Users appreciate the ability to see all finances in one place.
Helps users stay on top of bills and avoid late payments.
Effective in budget planning and expense tracking.
Some users suggested improvements on the user interface for better navigation.
Launched on ProductHunt, currently gaining visibility and user feedback. User numbers and financial metrics haven't been disclosed yet.
Market Size
The global personal finance software market was valued at $1 billion in 2021

Boost Revenue Food Delivery Business

Break the Barrier to Revenue Growth with Food Delivery
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Food delivery businesses struggle to increase revenue due to inefficient operations and lack of data-driven decision-making.
An automation and data analytics tool for food delivery businesses to streamline operations, make smarter decisions using data analytics, enhance customer experiences, and improve profit margins.
Food delivery business owners and managers looking to boost revenue, streamline operations, make data-driven decisions, enhance customer experiences, and improve profit margins.
Unique Features
Automated operations
Data analytics for decision-making
Customer experience enhancement tools
Cost-cutting and efficiency improvement features
User Comments
Easy-to-use platform with significant time-saving benefits
Helped in identifying operational bottlenecks
Improved decision-making process
Boosted customer satisfaction levels
Increased profit margins
Currently, no specific quantitative data on traction was found for the product Boost Revenue Food Delivery Business.
Market Size
$154 billion was the estimated value of the global online food delivery market in 2020, showing the significant potential for solutions that enhance revenue and efficiency in this sector.

Expense Manager

Easily keep track of what exactly you spend money on
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Individuals often have difficulty tracking their expenses, leading to a lack of financial clarity and budget management issues. The drawbacks of the old situation include difficulty tracking expenses and a lack of financial clarity.
Expense Manager is a mobile application that simplifies expense tracking. Users can categorize transactions using predefined or custom labels, making it easy to monitor spending on specific items or broader categories.
The user personas most likely to use this product are individuals seeking better financial management, budget-conscious users, and personal finance enthusiasts.
Unique Features
The unique features of Expense Manager include the ability to use predefined and/or custom labels for transactions and the intuitive interface that simplifies the process of monitoring expenses on specific items or broader categories.
User Comments
Intuitive and easy to use
Helps in better financial management
Custom labels feature is highly beneficial
Significant in budget planning
Great tool for personal finance tracking
Due to access constraints, specific quantitative traction data for Expense Manager is not available. For precise information, checking Product Hunt or the official website is recommended.
Market Size
The global personal finance software market size was valued at $1.0 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Account & Expense Manager

App lets you easily manage your day-to-day transactions
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Keeping track of our expenses is a problem we all face, leading to potential overspending and lack of financial clarity. potential overspending and lack of financial clarity.
Account & Expense Manager is a dashboard tool that helps users easily manage day-to-day transactions. With its user-friendly interface, users can add credit or debit transactions to monitor their spending and maintain financial health. easily manage day-to-day transactions.
Individuals looking for a simple way to track their daily expenditures and manage their personal finances effectively. Individuals looking for a simple way to track their daily expenditures.
Unique Features
The product's user-friendly interface and the specific focus on daily transaction management differentiate it from other finance tracking apps.
User Comments
Users have not been summarized as no direct user comments are available in the provided information.
Traction details are not provided in the given information and cannot be accurately summarized without further data.
Market Size
The global personal finance software market was valued at $1 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6% from 2020 to 2026.

The Ultimate Expense Tracker

Track your daily, monthly, and yearly expenses at one place
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Users struggle to manage their finances efficiently due to lack of a centralized system which leads to poor tracking of daily, monthly, and yearly expenses, resulting in a lack of financial awareness and budget planning. The drawbacks of this old situation include inefficient expense management and poor financial planning.
This product is a template designed for users to manage all of their expenses in one place. They can add, remove, or update expenses, categorize them, view Monthly and Yearly Expenses Overview, and visualize their expenses through the Expense Tracker Chart.
Individuals looking to improve their personal finance management, ranging from students who want to monitor their spending to budget-conscious families and individuals in need of streamlining their expense tracking to achieve better financial planning.
Unique Features
The unique features of this solution include the ability to categorize expenses for better organization, a comprehensive overview of expenses on a monthly and yearly basis for long-term financial planning, and a visual expense tracker chart for an intuitive understanding of spending patterns.
User Comments
Users appreciate the all-in-one platform for expense tracking.
They find the categorization feature helpful in organizing finances.
The visual representation of expenses offers a clear overview of financial health.
The ability to track expenses over time aids in better financial planning.
Users enjoy the simplicity and effectiveness of the tool in improving their budget management.
The product has received positive feedback on ProductHunt, indicating a growing interest and adoption among users. However, specific quantitative traction data such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing details were not mentioned.
Market Size
The global market for personal finance software was valued at $1 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% from 2021 to 2028.


The easiest way to track & organize expenses for freelancers
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Freelancers often lose valuable client-time and money by manually tracking their business expenses, which can lead to inaccuracies and missed tax deductions.
Freely is a tool designed to help U.S. freelancers track business expenses in seconds, maximize tax deductions automatically, and prepare tax documents effortlessly.
The primary users are U.S. freelancers who require a streamlined method for managing their business finances, tracking expenses, and preparing for taxes.
Unique Features
Freely sets itself apart by offering quick expense tracking, automatic tax deduction maximization, and easy tax document preparation specifically tailored for freelancers.
User Comments
Since this product's specific user comments are not provided, a general synthesis cannot be generated.
As no specific quantitative data on traction (e.g., user numbers, MRR/ARR, or financing information) is provided, a precise summary cannot be given.
Market Size
The market for business expense management solutions, especially tailored to freelancers in the U.S., is substantial, with millions of freelancers nationwide, but a specific market size value cannot be provided without recent data.
Users struggle to maintain financial clarity due to inefficient tracking of their expenses, leading to loss of track of their spending and poor insight into their financial habits.
A Notion-based Expense Tracker template that allows users to track every penny through a well-organized dashboard. Users can log their daily expenses, manage monthly budgets, and gain insights into their financial habits for improved financial clarity.
Individuals looking for a simpler way to manage personal finances, students who need to monitor their spending closely, and freelancers who must track expenses for tax purposes are the most likely users.
Unique Features
Designed specifically for Notion, offers an all-in-one place for monitoring daily expenses and managing monthly budgets with efficiency and simplicity.
User Comments
Saves a lot of time in tracking finances.
Very simple and efficient design.
Helps in gaining clear insight into where money is going.
Ideal for personal budgeting and financial planning.
Lacks integration with banks or financial institutions.
No specific traction data available from or the product's website.
Market Size
No specific market size available for Notion-based Expense Trackers, but the personal finance software market size was valued at $1.0 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% from 2021 to 2028.

Expense App

Save all your expenses to your Google Drive
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Managing expenses can be cumbersome, with users having to keep track of numerous receipts and manually input data into spreadsheets or finance apps. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to difficulty in organizing and searching for specific expenses.
The Expense App is a tool that allows users to upload receipts in PDF and image formats directly to Google Drive. Users can take photos of their receipts on the go, making it easier to track purchases in real-time. The app also features a search function to find expenses by Date, Merchant, Category, Description, and Total, along with tracking annual expense totals.
The primary users of the Expense App are busy professionals, freelancers, and small business owners who need a streamlined way to manage and track their expenses without manually recording them.
Unique Features
Unique features of the Expense App include direct uploading of receipts to Google Drive in various formats, real-time photo capture of receipts, and a comprehensive search functionality for efficient expense tracking and organization.
User Comments
Cannot provide without access to user comments.
Cannot provide without specific access to current figures or verified reports.
Market Size
The global expense management software market size was valued at $6.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, indicating a significant market opportunity for Expense App.