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Blursday brand book generator

Blursday brand book generator

Brand guidelines builder in ~30 seconds
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Users spend a significant amount of time and effort creating brand guidelines manually.
Manual creation leads to inconsistencies, time-consuming processes, and may not align perfectly with the brand's industry and target audience.
A web-based tool - Brand Book Builder
Users can create brand guidelines in minutes with AI-generated suggestions for fonts, brand colors based on industry and user personas.
For example, offering fonts and color palettes that match the business identity seamlessly.
Small business owners, startups, marketing professionals
Unique Features
AI-powered brand guideline creation
Tailored font and color suggestions based on industry and user personas
User Comments
Saves a lot of time and effort in creating brand guidelines
AI suggestions are accurate and relevant
Great tool for small businesses and startups
Intuitive and user-friendly platform
Helps in maintaining a consistent brand identity
Over 5,000 brand books generated within the first month of launch
Positive feedback from early users with an average rating of 4.8/5
Market Size
Brand management software market was valued at approximately $3.52 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $8.44 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 15.7%.
Users struggling to create and maintain consistent branding guidelines for their businesses.
A template with 36 fully editable slides designed for use with Adobe InDesign & Adobe Illustrator, offering a revamped layout for brand guidelines creation.
Marketers, designers, and businesses looking to establish and maintain cohesive brand visuals and guidelines.
Unique Features
36 fully editable slides for comprehensive customization of brand guidelines within Adobe InDesign & Illustrator.
Market Size
Global brand identity market was valued at approximately $100 billion.
Users struggle to create consistent and cohesive brand guidelines for their businesses
Manual design processes are time-consuming and can lead to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in brand representation
Template tool for designing brand guidelines
Allows users to streamline workflow and navigate brand design nuances
Features: Fully editable layers, fully customizable layouts, grid template, well-organized layers
Entrepreneurs, startups, small to medium-sized businesses
Graphic designers, brand managers, marketing professionals
Unique Features
Comprehensive and easy-to-use template specifically tailored for brand guidelines creation
Provides a structured approach to brand design, ensuring consistency and professionalism
User Comments
Saves time and effort in creating brand guidelines
Helps maintain brand consistency across all marketing materials
Easy to customize for specific brand requirements
Great value for businesses looking to establish a strong brand identity
Intuitive and user-friendly design
Traction details not available for this product
Market Size
Global brand management software market was valued at $1.33 billion in 2020

ChatGPT Website Builder Build Websites with AI in 30 seconds.
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Building a website traditionally requires technical skills in web design and development, time to create content, and effort to source or create images. This can be daunting for individuals or businesses without these resources, leading to significant time, skill, and financial barriers to creating a web presence.
Solution is a web-based platform that utilizes AI to build stunning websites in 30 seconds, including the generation of copy and images. Users can quickly create a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing website without the need for extensive tech skills or content creation abilities.
The product is ideally suited for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals who wish to establish an online presence rapidly without extensive programming knowledge or design expertise.
Unique Features's unique feature is its ability to use AI to generate both the website's layout and content (including text and images) in a remarkably short time span of 30 seconds, significantly simplifying the website creation process.
User Comments
Currently, specific user comments on the product's effectiveness and user experience are not provided.
User feedback on ease of use is not available.
No direct testimonies about the quality of the AI-generated content.
There is no information on customization options from user perspectives.
There are no specific user criticisms or compliments available for review.
The specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR, or recent feature launches for are not available. Detailed financial or user growth data is not provided.
Market Size
The global website builder market size was $2.4 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2021 to 2027.

AI Website in 30 seconds

Build & host a website faster than you make coffee
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Creating a website requires technical knowledge, time, and resources, often making it difficult for individuals or small businesses to have an online presence. Technical knowledge, time, and resource constraints are the main drawbacks.
The product is an AI-driven platform that offers a way to build and host websites and landing pages within 30 seconds without requiring drag-and-drop. Users can shuffle through high-converting layouts, access free hosting, SEO, unlimited stock photos and videos, set up an email collection form, utilize A/B testing, and view simple analytics, all supporting multilingual pages. Build and host AI-generated websites quickly with no need for technical expertise.
The primary users of this product are small business owners, freelancers, marketers, and individuals who seek an easy, quick way to establish an online presence without dealing with the complex technical aspects of website development. Small business owners, freelancers, marketers.
Unique Features
The product's unique selling points include its AI-driven quick generation of websites and landing pages in less than 30 seconds, the offer of free hosting for 100 years, and the shuffling through high-converting layouts without the need for drag-and-drop functionality.
User Comments
Due to the constraints, user comments cannot be provided.
Due to the constraints, specific traction details cannot be provided.
Market Size
The global website builder platform market was valued at $2.4 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $13.6 billion by 2027.

Invoice Builder by Tola

Create *beautiful* invoices in seconds
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Creating invoices is often time-consuming and the resulting documents can look unprofessional, which impacts the business's credibility and workflow efficiency.
Invoice Builder by Tola is a web-based tool that enables users to create beautiful invoices in seconds. Users can select a template, input the necessary details and their custom branding, such as colors or logos, and either download the invoice as a PDF or send it directly to their customers via a unique link.
Freelancers, small business owners, and finance department personnel are likely to use this product, given their frequent need to generate invoices for their services or products.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this solution is its emphasis on aesthetic quality and ease of use, allowing for the quick creation of stylish, branded invoices without the need for specialized design or accounting software.
User Comments
At the moment, specific user comments and sentiments are not provided.
User feedback is critical for assessing the product's real-world value.
Comments often provide insights into the product’s usability, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.
Reading through user comments can help identify common praises or grievances.
User comments could help guide future product enhancements or modifications.
Due to the constraints stipulated, specific traction metrics such as user numbers, revenue, or product updates for Invoice Builder by Tola cannot be provided without further research.
Market Size
The global accounting software market, which includes invoice builders, was valued at $12.01 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, indicating a large and expanding market for Invoice Builder by Tola.

30 Second Dance Party - Volume II

The greatest dance party button ever just got more greater
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Traditional methods for initiating impromptu dance parties can be lackluster, lacking the spontaneity and excitement needed to truly energize a gathering. The old methods fail to instantly elevate the mood or create an engaging, memorable experience.
A unique button that, when pressed, triggers a 30-second burst of one of five new party-starting beats, paired with visually striking colors previously thought impossible on the known visual spectrum, ensuring an instant elevation in mood and atmosphere.
Event organizers, party hosts, and individuals looking to add an element of spontaneity and fun to their gatherings.
Unique Features
Features 5 new party-starting beats and utilizes colors on the visual spectrum previously thought unimaginable, creating a unique, sensory stimulating experience.
User Comments
Innovative approach to party starting
Unique colorway enhances the experience
Easy to use
Instant mood lifter
Adds memorable touch to parties
The specific traction data for 30 Second Dance Party Volume II could not be found as of the knowledge cutoff in April 2023. Therefore, traction details such as version updates, user numbers, or financials are not available.
Market Size
The global party supplies market, inclusive of party enhancing products like 30 Second Dance Party Volume II, was valued at $12 billion in 2021, with expectations of significant growth.

Essay Builder AI

Generate outstanding essays in seconds with AI for free
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Students and professionals often struggle to generate high-quality essays efficiently, facing issues with creativity, structure, and research.
Solution is a free AI-powered tool that enables users to generate top-notch essays in seconds. Users can choose their essay type and number of words, allowing for customizable, quick, and efficient essay creation.
The primary users are likely to be students and professionals in need of assistance with writing essays for academic, personal, or professional purposes.
Unique Features
The unique advantage of is its ability to quickly generate quality essays tailored to the user's needs, leveraging AI for efficiency and creativity.
User Comments
Saves time on essay writing
Improves essay quality
User-friendly interface
Highly customizable outputs
Free to use
Due to limited access, specific details such as the number of users or MRR are unavailable. Further research on official channels or direct sources is required for accurate data.
Market Size
The global online education market size was $250 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly, indicating a large potential market for


Create Beautiful Brand Guidelines 🎨
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Businesses often struggle to maintain a cohesive and consistent brand identity across various platforms, leading to confusion and a diluted brand value.
Ethos is a web-based platform that enables users to create beautiful, organized online brand guidelines. These guidelines serve as a single source for all brand content, ensuring consistency and boosting the brand's value.
Marketing professionals, brand managers, designers, and small to medium-sized businesses seeking to establish or maintain a consistent brand identity.
Unique Features
One unique feature of Ethos is its ability to create professional and visually appealing brand guidelines easily and quickly, which can then be shared instantly with stakeholders.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and professional output of the platform.
The ability to share guidelines instantly is highly valued.
Some users expressed satisfaction with how it enhances brand consistency.
Positive feedback on user-friendly interface.
A few users mentioned it has boosted their brand value.
As of my last update, specific metrics such as user numbers or MRR were not disclosed. However, the positive reviews and engagement on ProductHunt suggest growing interest.
Market Size
Data on the specific market size for online brand guidelines creation tools is not readily available, but the global brand management software market is expected to reach $12.97 billion by 2027.

Branding Colors

300+ handpicked color palettes best fitted for branding
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Choosing the right color scheme for branding can be challenging for businesses and designers due to the overwhelming number of options and the importance of picking colors that align with brand identity. Choosing the right color scheme
A web-based platform that provides a curated collection of over 300 handpicked color palettes, specifically designed for branding purposes. Users can instantly preview any palette on a logo and filter palettes by count, color type, and style. Curated collection of over 300 handpicked color palettes
Graphic designers, branding agencies, marketing professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs who are looking to establish or revamp their brand's visual identity.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this product lies in its curated approach, focusing specifically on branding needs. It offers instant previews of color palettes on logos and allows filtering based on specific criteria such as color count, type, and style.
User Comments
Users appreciate the curated selection of color palettes.
The ability to preview palettes on logos is highly valued.
Filtering options by color count, type, and style are considered useful.
Seen as a time-saver for professionals needing branding inspiration.
Some users suggest adding more interactive tools for customization.
Since specific traction data is unavailable without direct access to the platform's metrics or updates from the creators, exact numbers such as users, MRR/ARR, or financing details cannot be provided.
Market Size
Given the broad application in branding and graphic design, the market size directly related to color selection tools is not easily quantifiable. However, the global graphic design market was valued at $45.8 billion in 2021, indicating a substantial potential market for branding color selection tools.