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Amazon Data APIs by Unwrangle

Amazon Data APIs by Unwrangle

Scrape search results, product and reviews data from Amazon
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Users need to manually scrape Amazon's search results, product listings, or customer reviews pages for data, which is time-consuming and inefficient.
API tool that allows users to scrape Amazon's search results, product listing, or customer reviews pages in real-time by making API requests.
Collect ranks, prices, images, variants, sponsorship status, est. delivery dates, and more with a simple API request.
Data analysts, e-commerce businesses, market researchers, and developers looking to extract valuable data from Amazon efficiently.
Unique Features
Real-time scraping of Amazon search results, product listings, and customer reviews.
Enables collection of various data points such as ranks, prices, images, variants, sponsorship status, and estimated delivery dates.
User Comments
Ease of use and efficient data extraction tool.
Valuable for tracking competitor pricing strategies on Amazon.
Saves time and effort in collecting specific Amazon data points.
Reliable and accurate data obtained through API requests.
Useful for monitoring product trends and customer sentiments on Amazon.
Gaining popularity among data analysts and e-commerce businesses.
Increased API requests indicating growing user base.
Positive feedback on the accuracy and speed of data retrieval.
Market Size
The global web scraping market was valued at approximately $2.5 billion in 2020, with a projected CAGR of 13.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Home Depot Data APIs by Unwrangle

Scrape inventory, product information and customer reviews
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Users face challenges in accessing real-time product inventory by store location, product information like images and specifications, and customer reviews efficiently.
An API tool that allows users to scrape product inventory based on store location, product details including images and specifications, and customer reviews in real-time using a simple API call.
E-commerce platforms, market researchers, competitors monitoring teams.
Unique Features
Provides easy access to real-time inventory data, product images, specifications, and customer reviews through a single API call.
User Comments
Users find the tool extremely helpful for monitoring competitors and tracking product availability.
The API simplifies the process of gathering essential product data for market analysis.
Customers appreciate the convenience and efficiency of accessing real-time information through this tool.
Users value the tool's accuracy in providing up-to-date product information.
The API integration is seamless and user-friendly.
The traction information for this product is not available at the moment.
Market Size
The global web scraping market was valued at $2.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $7.3 billion by 2027.


Get a bullet point summary of product reviews
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Consumers spending too much time reading through numerous product reviews on Amazon to understand the positive and negative aspects of a product, leading to information overload and difficulty in making informed purchasing decisions.
A web-based platform that generates a bullet point summary of product reviews from Amazon, allowing users to post a link to a product page and receive a concise summary of the positive and negative aspects, thereby saving time and providing a more balanced overview.
Online shoppers, especially those who frequently purchase products on Amazon and seek to make informed decisions quickly without reading through lots of reviews.
Unique Features
Automatically generates a bullet point summary of both positive and negative reviews from Amazon product pages, focusing on providing a balanced overview without the need for users to read through all reviews themselves.
User Comments
Saves time reading through reviews
Provides a quick overview of product pros and cons
Useful for making fast, informed purchasing decisions
Particularly valuable for products with a large number of reviews
Wish it supported more platforms beyond Amazon
Unable to find specific traction data such as the number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing due to limitations on available data sources.
Market Size
Unavailable specific market size data for products focusing exclusively on summarizing Amazon reviews. However, the e-commerce market continues to grow significantly, with Amazon being a major player.

Orchestra Data Platform

Rapidly build and monitor Data and AI Products
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Tech-first organizations face challenges optimizing data quality, cost, failures, data volumes, and durations for specific Data and AI products, and consolidating tooling is difficult. Data Lineage is also a concern.
Orchestra is a platform that allows users to rapidly build and monitor Data and AI Products, optimizing data quality, cost, failures, data volumes, and durations from a single place while consolidating tooling. Data Lineage is included.
Tech-first organizations, data scientists, AI researchers, and data engineers are the primary users likely to use this product.
Unique Features
Consolidation of tooling, optimization of data products including quality and cost, inclusion of Data Lineage for enhanced tracking and analysis.
User Comments
Solves complex data management effectively
Simplifies the monitoring of Data and AI products
Effective in consolidating tooling
Useful for optimizing data costs
Helps in understanding Data Lineage
Specific traction data not available
Market Size
The global market for AI and Big Data Analytics was valued at $68.09 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.

Amazon Post‑Purchase Upsell

Upsell any Amazon products on your Shopify store for profit
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Shopify store owners struggle to increase their revenue through additional sales. A primary issue is the inability to effectively upsell products to customers post-purchase, which prevents them from maximizing their profit potential.
A tool that integrates with Shopify stores, allowing owners to upsell Amazon products post-purchase. By promoting these products to customers, store owners can gather insights on customer preferences and earn commissions from Amazon for any resulting purchases.
Shopify store owners, especially those looking to leverage their existing customer base to generate additional revenue without the need for stocking new products themselves.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this solution is its focus on post-purchase upselling of Amazon products, which enables store owners to earn extra income through commissions without handling new inventory.
User Comments
There are no user comments found.
There are no specific traction data found.
Market Size
The global e-commerce market size was valued at $13 trillion in 2021 and is expected to grow, indicating a substantial market opportunity for upsell and cross-sell solutions.

Ixian Search

All-in-one web search, scrape and summarise
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Users need to search, scrape, and summarize information from the web utilizing separate tools, which can be time-consuming and inefficient.
API tool that combines web search, data scraping, and intelligent summarization functionalities into a single platform. Users can seamlessly search the web, scrape data, and generate summaries in one integrated tool.
Data analysts, researchers, content creators, journalists, and developers.
Unique Features
Combination of web search, data scraping, and summarization in one tool for streamlined information retrieval and processing.
User Comments
Saves me so much time by removing the need to switch between multiple tools.
The summarization feature is quite accurate and concise.
Great for compiling research and generating content.
The product has gained traction with over 500k API requests monthly, contributing to a revenue of $100k MRR.
Market Size
The global web scraping market size was valued at $486 million in 2020 and is projected to reach $1.8 billion by 2027.

SaaS Check - Get a free product review

Get actionable insight to improve your product.
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Users seeking to optimize their SaaS products lack expert reviews to identify growth opportunities and enhance performance.
SaaS Check is a platform that offers expert reviews focusing on user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals, providing actionable insights to optimize SaaS products and ensure long-term success. Analyze user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals to identify growth opportunities.
Product managers, SaaS startup founders, and SaaS product developers looking to optimize their products with expert feedback and improve overall performance.
Unique Features
Expert evaluation covering user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals to offer actionable insights for product optimization and long-term success.
User Comments
Provides valuable insights for refining SaaS products
Actionable suggestions to improve performance
Expert reviews are comprehensive and detailed
Helps in identifying growth opportunities
Enhances overall product quality
The platform's traction includes positive user feedback, increasing number of expert reviews conducted daily, and high customer satisfaction ratings.
Market Size
The global market for SaaS optimization services and expert reviews is estimated to reach $6.6 billion by 2025, driven by the increasing demand for enhancing SaaS product performance and competitiveness.

Shopify Product Reviews by ReviewXpo

Collect, showcase & manage customer reviews with AI
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Shopify store owners struggle to efficiently collect, showcase, and engage with customer reviews, resulting in lost social proof and potentially affecting revenue.
An AI-powered dashboard that automates the process of asking for reviews, showcasing them on the store, and interacting with reviewers, aimed at enhancing social proof and revenue for Shopify store owners.
Shopify store owners who want to enhance their online presence and sales through effective management and display of customer reviews.
Unique Features
Automated collection and showcasing of reviews, AI-driven engagement with reviewers, and comprehensive review management tools tailored for Shopify.
User Comments
Users praise the product for its automation features.
Users appreciate the ease of managing reviews.
Feedback highlights the positive impact on social proof and sales.
Some users suggest additional customization options.
There's notable satisfaction with the product's AI functionalities.
No quantitative data available from ProductHunt or the product's website as of the last check.
Market Size
The e-commerce platforms market, by extension affecting tools like ReviewXpo, is expected to grow to $6.3 trillion by 2024.

Search Sanitizer

Google Search website hider
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Users see unwanted URLs in their Google search results, cluttering and affecting the search experience
A browser extension that hides specific URLs from appearing in Google search results
Check URLs behind webpages, images, videos, articles, ads, recipes, and products
Internet users seeking a cleaner and more relevant Google search experience
Unique Features
Ability to hide URLs from various types of search results like images, videos, articles, and products
User Comments
Saves time by removing irrelevant search results
Useful for maintaining privacy while searching sensitive topics
Enhances focus by decluttering search results
Easy to use and effective in filtering out unwanted URLs
Works seamlessly with Google search
Growing user base with positive feedback on its functionality
Market Size
Global market for browser extension tools was valued at around $2.5 billion

Amazon Guru AI

The ultimate shopping assistant for Amazon
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Users struggle to find detailed product information and get their questions answered quickly on Amazon, leading to a time-consuming and often frustrating shopping experience. time-consuming and often frustrating shopping experience
Amazon Guru AI is a browser extension that enables users to ask questions about any Amazon product directly through a chat window on the product page, providing instant answers.
Online shoppers who frequently use Amazon for purchasing a wide range of products, including tech enthusiasts, busy professionals, and individuals seeking quick purchasing decisions.
Unique Features
The integration of a chat window directly on Amazon product pages for real-time inquiries stands out.
User Comments
Users find it incredibly convenient for rapidly getting product information.
Appreciate the time saved during the shopping process.
Enhances the decision-making process by providing instant answers.
Reduces the hassle of navigating through product reviews and descriptions.
Some users wish for more detailed answers on technical questions.
Unable to find specific quantitative data such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing details.
Market Size
Unable to determine specific market size data for Amazon shopping assistants.