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Home Depot Data APIs by Unwrangle

Home Depot Data APIs by Unwrangle

Scrape inventory, product information and customer reviews
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Users face challenges in accessing real-time product inventory by store location, product information like images and specifications, and customer reviews efficiently.
An API tool that allows users to scrape product inventory based on store location, product details including images and specifications, and customer reviews in real-time using a simple API call.
E-commerce platforms, market researchers, competitors monitoring teams.
Unique Features
Provides easy access to real-time inventory data, product images, specifications, and customer reviews through a single API call.
User Comments
Users find the tool extremely helpful for monitoring competitors and tracking product availability.
The API simplifies the process of gathering essential product data for market analysis.
Customers appreciate the convenience and efficiency of accessing real-time information through this tool.
Users value the tool's accuracy in providing up-to-date product information.
The API integration is seamless and user-friendly.
The traction information for this product is not available at the moment.
Market Size
The global web scraping market was valued at $2.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $7.3 billion by 2027.

Shopify Product Reviews by ReviewXpo

Collect, showcase & manage customer reviews with AI
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Shopify store owners struggle to efficiently collect, showcase, and engage with customer reviews, resulting in lost social proof and potentially affecting revenue.
An AI-powered dashboard that automates the process of asking for reviews, showcasing them on the store, and interacting with reviewers, aimed at enhancing social proof and revenue for Shopify store owners.
Shopify store owners who want to enhance their online presence and sales through effective management and display of customer reviews.
Unique Features
Automated collection and showcasing of reviews, AI-driven engagement with reviewers, and comprehensive review management tools tailored for Shopify.
User Comments
Users praise the product for its automation features.
Users appreciate the ease of managing reviews.
Feedback highlights the positive impact on social proof and sales.
Some users suggest additional customization options.
There's notable satisfaction with the product's AI functionalities.
No quantitative data available from ProductHunt or the product's website as of the last check.
Market Size
The e-commerce platforms market, by extension affecting tools like ReviewXpo, is expected to grow to $6.3 trillion by 2024.

AI Product Discovery by

Extract product insights from public reviews with AI
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Businesses struggle to effectively gather and decode customer sentiments and product opportunities from public reviews across various platforms.
AI Product Discovery by is a solution that automates the extraction of product insights from public reviews, utilizing AI to analyze sentiments and uncover opportunities.
The primary users are likely product managers, marketers, and business owners looking to understand customer perspectives and identify enhancements or new product avenues.
Unique Features
Automated extraction and sentiment analysis from various public review sites and the ability to uncover product opportunities quickly.
User Comments
I couldn't find specific user comments due to the constraints.
Data regarding the specific number of users, MRR, or funding was not accessible due to constraints.
Market Size
The global online customer review software market was valued at $7.9 billion in 2021.

SaaS Check - Get a free product review

Get actionable insight to improve your product.
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Users seeking to optimize their SaaS products lack expert reviews to identify growth opportunities and enhance performance.
SaaS Check is a platform that offers expert reviews focusing on user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals, providing actionable insights to optimize SaaS products and ensure long-term success. Analyze user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals to identify growth opportunities.
Product managers, SaaS startup founders, and SaaS product developers looking to optimize their products with expert feedback and improve overall performance.
Unique Features
Expert evaluation covering user experience, functionality, and business fundamentals to offer actionable insights for product optimization and long-term success.
User Comments
Provides valuable insights for refining SaaS products
Actionable suggestions to improve performance
Expert reviews are comprehensive and detailed
Helps in identifying growth opportunities
Enhances overall product quality
The platform's traction includes positive user feedback, increasing number of expert reviews conducted daily, and high customer satisfaction ratings.
Market Size
The global market for SaaS optimization services and expert reviews is estimated to reach $6.6 billion by 2025, driven by the increasing demand for enhancing SaaS product performance and competitiveness.

Supersparks: Webflow Community Reviews

Create custom-designed reviews communities on Webflow sites
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Webflow site owners struggle to engage their community and collect feedback due to a lack of tools for building custom-designed reviews communities.
A tool that allows users to create custom-designed reviews communities on Webflow sites by integrating Webflow Memberships or Memberstack, enabling reviews on Webflow E-commerce & CMS pages within minutes.
The primary users are Webflow site owners, e-commerce businesses, and content creators looking to enhance engagement through reviews.
Unique Features
Allows for the customization of reviews sections in the Webflow Designer and integrates seamlessly with Webflow Memberships or Memberstack.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of integration.
Positive feedback on the customizability within Webflow.
Noted improvement in community engagement.
Some desire more detailed documentation.
General satisfaction with the product's functionality.
Due to a lack of specific public data, traction metrics like number of users, MRR, or other financials are unavailable. The product's presence on ProductHunt and its positive reception suggest growing interest and adoption.
Market Size
The global online community management software market, relevant to products like Supersparks, is expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2025.

Customer Feedbacks & Product Roadmap

The easiest way to collect & manage feedback
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Companies struggle to consolidate customer feedback, leading to scattered information and inefficient management. This disorganization makes it difficult for businesses to act on customer inputs effectively, leading to missed opportunities for improvement and weaker customer relationships.
Solution is a centralized platform for collecting and managing customer feedback. Customers can submit and vote on feedback directly through a company's website, making it easier for businesses to track and prioritize customer input.
The primary users are business owners, product managers, and customer support teams in companies of all sizes who are looking to streamline the process of collecting and acting on customer feedback.
Unique Features's unique features include centralized feedback collection, direct submission and voting by customers on a company's website, and a streamlined process for managing and prioritizing feedback.
User Comments
Unable to provide user comments without direct access to specific user feedback or reviews.
Unable to provide specific traction details such as number of users, MRR/ARR revenue, or financing without direct access to internal data or announcements from the company.
Market Size
The global customer feedback software market was valued at $8.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow with the increasing emphasis on customer satisfaction and experience.


Get a bullet point summary of product reviews
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Consumers spending too much time reading through numerous product reviews on Amazon to understand the positive and negative aspects of a product, leading to information overload and difficulty in making informed purchasing decisions.
A web-based platform that generates a bullet point summary of product reviews from Amazon, allowing users to post a link to a product page and receive a concise summary of the positive and negative aspects, thereby saving time and providing a more balanced overview.
Online shoppers, especially those who frequently purchase products on Amazon and seek to make informed decisions quickly without reading through lots of reviews.
Unique Features
Automatically generates a bullet point summary of both positive and negative reviews from Amazon product pages, focusing on providing a balanced overview without the need for users to read through all reviews themselves.
User Comments
Saves time reading through reviews
Provides a quick overview of product pros and cons
Useful for making fast, informed purchasing decisions
Particularly valuable for products with a large number of reviews
Wish it supported more platforms beyond Amazon
Unable to find specific traction data such as the number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing due to limitations on available data sources.
Market Size
Unavailable specific market size data for products focusing exclusively on summarizing Amazon reviews. However, the e-commerce market continues to grow significantly, with Amazon being a major player.

Quoli Product Reviews & UGC

Social proof marketing platform for Shopify merchants
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Shopify merchants struggle to build trust and credibility with potential customers relying solely on traditional marketing methods. The lack of authentic user-generated content (UGC) such as reviews, photos, and videos can result in lower conversion rates and sales.
Quoli is a social proof marketing platform designed for Shopify merchants. It enables them to collect authentic reviews and leverage UGC including product reviews, questions, photos, and videos. This is done on autopilot and displayed through powerful converting storefront widgets.
Shopify merchants, particularly those looking to increase their store's conversion rates and sales by leveraging social proof and authentic user-generated content.
Unique Features
The ability to collect and display a variety of UGC such as product reviews, questions, photos, and videos on autopilot. Unique converting storefront widgets designed to maximize social proof and increase sales.
User Comments
Currently, there's no specific user feedback available in public domains for Quoli. Thus, cannot provide summarized user thoughts.
Specific traction data such as the number of users, revenue, or recent feature launches for Quoli is not publicly available at this moment.
Market Size
The global market for social proof marketing platforms is not directly stated, but related to the e-commerce software market which is expected to grow from $6.53 billion in 2019 to $10.07 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 5.7%.

Review Insights Pro

Reviews made simple - success amplified
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Small businesses struggle to manage customer reviews effectively. They find it challenging to analyze customer feedback comprehensively and respond appropriately to reviews.
Review Insights Pro is an AI-powered review management app designed for small businesses. It analyzes customer reviews for valuable insights and offers professional response templates, allowing businesses to respond easily and effectively.
The app is most suitable for small business owners across various sectors who are looking to improve their customer feedback management.
Unique Features
The combination of AI-powered insights analysis and professional response templates is what makes Review Insights Pro unique.
User Comments
Appreciation for the ease of use.
Positive feedback on the effectiveness of AI insights.
Satisfaction with the quality of response templates.
Users report an improved reputation management.
Recognition of the app as valuable for small businesses.
Due to the nature of the data provided and constraints, specific traction details like version, number of users, or revenue are not available.
Market Size
The global market for customer feedback management was valued at $8.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly.

Amazon Data APIs by Unwrangle

Scrape search results, product and reviews data from Amazon
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Users need to manually scrape Amazon's search results, product listings, or customer reviews pages for data, which is time-consuming and inefficient.
API tool that allows users to scrape Amazon's search results, product listing, or customer reviews pages in real-time by making API requests.
Collect ranks, prices, images, variants, sponsorship status, est. delivery dates, and more with a simple API request.
Data analysts, e-commerce businesses, market researchers, and developers looking to extract valuable data from Amazon efficiently.
Unique Features
Real-time scraping of Amazon search results, product listings, and customer reviews.
Enables collection of various data points such as ranks, prices, images, variants, sponsorship status, and estimated delivery dates.
User Comments
Ease of use and efficient data extraction tool.
Valuable for tracking competitor pricing strategies on Amazon.
Saves time and effort in collecting specific Amazon data points.
Reliable and accurate data obtained through API requests.
Useful for monitoring product trends and customer sentiments on Amazon.
Gaining popularity among data analysts and e-commerce businesses.
Increased API requests indicating growing user base.
Positive feedback on the accuracy and speed of data retrieval.
Market Size
The global web scraping market was valued at approximately $2.5 billion in 2020, with a projected CAGR of 13.4% from 2021 to 2028.