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Give and receive feedback on digital products
# Reviews Assistant
Featured on : May 27. 2023
Featured on : May 27. 2023
What is yesRamen?
yesRamen is a website where digital product makers get feedback to help validate and improve their products. Feedback givers get a chance to help a fellow creator make the right decisions and can be rewarded with free or discounted future use of the product.
Digital product makers often struggle to receive actionable, quality feedback during their development process, which hinders product validation and improvement. The lack of quality feedback makes it challenging for creators to make informed decisions, ultimately affecting the product's success.
yesRamen is a website where digital product makers can receive feedback to help validate and improve their products. This platform allows feedback givers the opportunity to help fellow creators by providing valuable insights, and in return, they can receive rewards such as free or discounted future use of the product.
The primary users of yesRamen are digital product makers, including developers, designers, startup founders, and anyone involved in the creation of digital products seeking feedback. Additionally, individuals interested in testing new products and providing feedback are also targeted users.
Unique Features
The unique feature of yesRamen is its focus on the digital product community, offering a reciprocal benefit system where feedback providers can earn rewards such as free or discounted access to the products they review.
User Comments
Currently, there are no specific user comments available.
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Not applicable
Not applicable
Due to limited available information, the specific traction details of yesRamen, such as number of users or revenue, are not provided.
Market Size
The digital product feedback market is substantial, as it ties into the wider software development and digital creation industries. However, without specific data, it's challenging to quantify the exact market size for a product like yesRamen.