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Word Detection
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Word Detection
Search & highlight words in camera view or uploaded images
# Text & Writing
Featured on : Sep 8. 2024
Featured on : Sep 8. 2024
What is Word Detection?
Quickly search and highlight words in live camera views or uploaded images and documents. Simply point your camera at text or upload an image to find and highlight specific words instantly. Perfect for scanning printed text or searching through digital files.
Users face difficulty in quickly searching and highlighting specific words in live camera views or uploaded images and documents
Drawbacks: Manual search process is time-consuming, especially when dealing with printed text or searching through digital files
Mobile app with functionality to search and highlight words in live camera views or uploaded images and documents
Core Features: Instantly find and highlight specific words by pointing the camera at text or uploading an image
Students, researchers, professionals, or anyone needing to quickly search and highlight text in various formats
Unique Features
Real-time word detection in camera view
Seamless word highlighting in uploaded images and documents
User Comments
Saves so much time when I need to find specific information quickly
Extremely helpful for my research work
Very easy to use, especially for scanning printed text
Over 100k downloads on app stores
Featured in top productivity app lists
Consistent positive user ratings and reviews
Market Size
Global market for AI-powered image and text recognition tools is estimated to reach $78.87 billion by 2026.