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What's Playing
Shazam on your lock screen and dynamic island
# Music Video
Featured on : Sep 24. 2023
Featured on : Sep 24. 2023
What is What's Playing?
Are you tired of missing out on great music playing around you? 'What's Playing' is here to revolutionize your music discovery experience. Our app combines Shazam with iOS 17 features to help you identify, organize, and enjoy music like never before.
Users often miss out on great music playing around them due to the inability to quickly identify and organize the music
A mobile app that combines Shazam with iOS 17 features allowing users to identify, organize, and enjoy music directly from their lock screen and dynamic island
Music enthusiasts, iOS users, individuals seeking music discovery and organization
Unique Features
Integration with iOS 17 features for music identification and organization from the lock screen and dynamic island
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Market Size
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