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What Beats Rock
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What Beats Rock
Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with an AI...forever?
# Game
Featured on : Jul 10. 2024
Featured on : Jul 10. 2024
What is What Beats Rock?
Play Rock Paper Scissors but it...keeps going? The game is simple. Answer "What beats rock?" and then try to top it. Go as long as you can. Made with LLMs. Hiscores reset weekly. Check us out on HackerNews:
Users struggle to enjoy a simple, repetitive game like Rock Paper Scissors in a fun and challenging manner. The lack of novelty and complexity in traditional RPS games can result in users losing interest quickly.
An interactive web-based game allowing players to face off against an AI in an endless Rock Paper Scissors challenge. With the use of large language models, players are prompted to answer 'What beats rock?' which keeps going indefinitely. High scores reset weekly, adding a competitive edge. Interactive AI-powered game that provides a novel twist by challenging players to keep going indefinitely.
Individuals seeking a quick, engaging, and challenging online game. Players who enjoy simple games but appreciate a unique twist to retain interest. Often includes gamers, students, and casual users looking for short-term entertainment during breaks. Players who enjoy simple games.
Unique Features
Endless gameplay loop with a simple question that changes dynamically, integration with large language models to enhance engagement, and weekly reset of high scores to keep competition fresh.
User Comments
Addictive play style
Enjoy challenging the AI
Fun to see how long you can last
Weekly high scores make it competitive
Simple but innovative approach
Featured on ProductHunt, active discussions on HackerNews, and a growing base of repeated players. While exact user numbers and revenue details aren’t provided, the engagement metrics such as replies and upvotes on platforms like ProductHunt and HackerNews are positive.
Market Size
The online gaming market, especially for simple and casual games, is burgeoning. Specifically, the browser-based game sector was valued at $7 billion in 2022, showing a significant user interest and revenue potential for engaging, easy-to-play games.