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View Image Properties
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View Image Properties
Chrome Extension
# Image
Featured on : Sep 21. 2024
Featured on : Sep 21. 2024
What is View Image Properties?
Right-click on any image to view its properties in a small window, including address, dimensions, displayed size, alt text, title text, file type, and file size. Supports base64 images too.
Users have difficulty accessing detailed information about images on the web
Users cannot easily view image properties like address, dimensions, displayed size, alt text, title text, file type, and file size by right-clicking on images, leading to inefficiency and frustration
Chrome Extension
Enables users to right-click on any image to view its properties in a small window, including address, dimensions, displayed size, alt text, title text, file type, and file size. It also supports base64 images
View detailed image properties by right-clicking on images and access information such as address, dimensions, alt text, file type in a convenient manner
Web designers, developers, content creators, SEO specialists, and digital marketers
Web designers, developers, content creators, SEO specialists, and digital marketers
Unique Features
Provides a quick and convenient way to access detailed image information
Enhances productivity and efficiency for users working with images on the web
Supports various image types including base64 images
User Comments
Saves me a lot of time while working on web design projects
Very helpful for quickly checking image dimensions before downloading
A must-have tool for anyone dealing with digital content creation
Number of users: 50,000+
Positive user feedback and ratings on Product Hunt
Integration with popular web browsers
Market Size
Global demand for image-related tools and extensions is growing rapidly, with the market expected to reach a value of over $10 billion by 2023