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VideoGen (YC S24)
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VideoGen (YC S24)
Generate professional videos in seconds
# Video Editor
Featured on : Sep 6. 2024
Featured on : Sep 6. 2024
What is VideoGen (YC S24)?
VideoGen makes it easy for anyone to create professional, copyright-free videos in seconds. Making videos is hard, time-consuming, and expensive if you hire someone to do it for you. With VideoGen, it only takes a few clicks!
Users struggle with creating professional quality videos quickly and cost-effectively.
Time-consuming and costly to hire someone to create videos.
Creating videos often requires specialized skills and resources.
Web-based tool
Users can create professional, copyright-free videos in seconds.
Core features include easy video creation with a few clicks.
Small businesses
Content creators
Unique Features
Instant professional video creation
Copyright-free videos
Saves time and costs for video production
User Comments
Easy to use and saves a lot of time.
Great for creating quick marketing videos.
Impressed with the professional quality of the videos.
Cost-effective solution for video creation.
Highly recommend for small businesses and freelancers.
Over 1 million users
$500k in monthly recurring revenue
High user engagement and positive reviews
Market Size
$135 billion industry for video production in 2021
Expected to reach $187 billion by 2027