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A marketplace for services. for all service business types.
# Business Ideas Generator
Featured on : Nov 29. 2023
Featured on : Nov 29. 2023
What is is a booking platform that caters to service businesses. In addition, we also provide back-office operation tools for the businesses on the platform.
Service businesses often struggle to efficiently manage bookings and back-office operations, leading to lost revenues and decreased customer satisfaction.
Solution is a booking platform with additional back-office operation tools designed for service businesses, streamlining booking processes and administrative tasks.
Service business owners and managers across various industries, such as beauty salons, consulting firms, and fitness centers.
Unique Features
Combination of booking platform and comprehensive back-office operation tools in one place.
User Comments
Improves booking efficiency.
Helpful for managing back-office tasks.
User-friendly interface.
Supports a wide range of service industries.
Positive impact on business operation.
Due to the lack of specific data from the provided links and restrictions on conducting an extensive search, no exact traction metrics can be provided. Future research might yield more detailed information on user numbers, revenue, or growth.
Market Size
The global online booking software market was valued at $360 million in 2019 and is expected to grow substantially due to increasing demand for efficient booking systems across various service industries.